Rosa M Lamuela-Raventos - Biography#

Rosa M Lamuela-Raventós, Full Professor of the Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy since 2019 and chair of the INSA-UB since December 2015, is the leader of the Polyphenol Research Group ( Her research group has been recognized as a consolidated group by the Generalitat de Catalunya (last reference 2017 SGR 196) and she has received continuous financial support from the Spanish Science Ministries. She also leads a CIBEROBN ( research group since 2012. The group has been collaborating with researchers all around the world (Europe, South America, USA).

Regarding her scientific productivity, she has published 327 documents including 269 articles and 23 reviews. Her h-index is 82 and has 31.495 total citations.

She has achieved during 5 consecutive years, from 2017 to 2021, the Highly Cited Researcher recognition by Clarivate Analytics and she has also been awarded with the XXV Danone Institute Award for Scientific Trajectory “Dr. Carles Martí Henneberg” in 2018.

Scopus Author Identifier: 7003644939

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