Ole Lando#

Curriculum vitae#
- Dr.jur. (Lld), 1963, International Private Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Ekon dr. (h.c.) 1988, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
- Dr.jur. (h.c.) 1997, Universitety of Osnabrück, Germany
- Dr.jur. (h.c.) 1998, Universitety of Fribourg, Switzerland
Academic positions - previous:
- Heather Grierson, visiting professor, Oxford University, England
- Professor, College of Europe, Belgium
- Professor, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Professor, Universiety of Kiel, Germany
- Professor, European University Institute at Fiesole, Italy
Membership of boards, etc.:
- Chairman of Commission on European Contract Law
- Member of UNIDROIT Working Group on International Commercial Contracts
- Member of Finnish Academy of Sciences
- Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Uppsala
- Member of Groupe européen de droit international privé
- Member of Academia Europaea
- Titular member of the International Academy of Comparative Law
At Copenhagen Business School, Tulane University Summer School in Greece and Universitety of Gent:
- Comparative Law
- Comparative Contract Law
- Private International Law
Language qualifications:
- English
- German
- French