Kim Guldstrand Larsen - Biography#
Kim G. Larsen (23. December 1957) became Cand.Scient. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Aalborg University (1982) and PhD in Computer Science from Edinburgh University, Scotland (1986). He is Professor in Computer Science at Aalborg University (1993- ), and has been Industrial Professor at Twente University, The Netherlands (2000-2007). He is currently director of CISS, the Centre for Embedded Software Systems, a national centre of excellence within ICT bridging between industry and research (2002- ).
His research interests include modeling, verification, performance analysis of real-time and embedded systems with application and contributions to concurrency theory and model checking. In particular since 1995 he has been prime investigator of the tool UPPAAL and co-founder of the company UP4ALL International. He has published more than 200 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences as well as co-authored 12 software-tools. He has received Danish Citation Laureates Award (Thomson Scientific) as the most cited Danish Computer Scientist in the period 1990-2004; his H-index (according to Harzing’s publish or perish, February 2012) is 53 (the highest in Denmark in Computer Science) and appears on the international list of Computer Scientists with H-number above 40 (

Kim G. Larsen is currently supervising 7 PhD students, 7 post-doc students and has previously supervised more than 20 PhD students (to completion), and 12 Postdoc students. Since 2006 he has been heading the elite-program for top-class students in the area of Embedded Software with 10 graduated last year.
Kim G. Larsen is the leader of the Modeling and Validation Cluster within the EU/IST Network of Excellence ARTIST Design, and is director of the DaNES project (Danish Network for Intelligent Embedded Systems) funded by the Danish Advanced Technology Foundation as well as co-director of the newly started VKR Center of Excellence MT-LAB, and is the director of a the national ICT Innovation Network InfinIT (funded by RTI). Also he is director of the newly funded Danish-Chinese Basic Research Center, IDEA4CPS, Center for Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems.
He is or has been editorial board member of the journals Formal Methods in System Design, Theoretical Computer Science and Nordic Journal of Computing. He is serving as a member of the steering committee for the ETAPS conference series. Also he is serving as member of the steering committees and was one of the original initiators for the CONCUR conference series, the TACAS conference series and the FORMATS workshop series.
He is life-long member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, and is member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences. For a period of seven years he served as member of the Danish Natural Science Research Council. Since January 2008 he has been member of the board of the Danish Independent Research Councils (bestyrelsen for Det Frie Forskningsråd), as well as Danish national expert for the European ICT-program. From March 2011 he is serving as vice-chairman for the ATV group on Electro- and Information Systems.
He became Honorary Doctor (Honoris causa) at Uppsala University, Sweden, in 1999 for his contributions to the popular verification tool UPPAAL. In 2007 he became Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog. In 2007 he became Honorary Doctor (Honoris causa) at ENS Cachan, France.
Kim G. Larsen has been invited as key-note speaker to more than 40 international conferences during last 5 years.