Steven Laureys#

Membership Number:6990
Membership type:ORDINARY
Affiliated section(s):PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROSCIENCE
Main Country of Residence:BELGIUM

Present and Previous Positions
  • 2024 - present Chairholder, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Neuroplasticity, CERVO Brain Centre, U Laval
  • 2024 - present Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University
  • 2024 - present Editor-in-Chief, Brain Connectivity
  • 2023 Invited Professor, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston MA
  • 2023 - present Chief Medical Officer and co-founder BRAIN-NM Neuromodulation Clinics Antwerp and Amsterdam
  • 2019 - 2024 Founding Director & Clinical Professor, Centre du Cerveau2, Liège University Hospital, Belgium
  • 2015 - present Founding Co-Director, Hangzhou International Consciousness Institute, China
  • 2014 - 2024 Founding Director, GIGA Consciousness, University of Liège, Belgium
  • 2012 Research Director at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
  • 2012 - present Professor, Dept of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Liège, Belgium

Fields of Scholarship
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Neurostimulation
  • Coma
  • Neuromodulation
  • Locked-in syndrome
  • Consciousness
  • Neuroimaging

Honours and Awards
  • 2004 ASSC William James Prize for Contributions to the Study of Consciousness, USA
  • 2006 Belgian Nuclear Research Centre - Pr Roger Van Geen Award
  • 2007 InBev-Baillet Latour Fund Clinical Research Prize
  • 2007 Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Young Investigator Award, New York, USA
  • 2009 26th World Cultural Council Award - Special Recognition for Science – Mexico/ULg
  • 2012 Tom Slick Research Award in Consciousness, Mind Science Foundation, TX, USA
  • 2012 Blaise Pascal Medal of Medicine, European Academy of Sciences
  • 2014 Mérite Wallon Rang d'Officier
  • 2017 Honorary citizenship, Liège, Wallonia
  • 2017 Zülch Prize neurological research (with Giulio Tononi) - Max Planck Society
  • 2017 Francqui Prize biological & medical sciences - Royal Belgian Academy
  • 2018 Commander in the Order of Leopold
  • 2018 Trophy for the Popularization of Science « Matière grise » (RTBf) & Paris-Match
  • 2019 Generet Award, King Baudouin Foundation
  • 2020 European Academy of Neurology Brown-Séquard Award for Functional Neurology
  • 2022 European Award in Medicine, Neurology
  • 2024 Canada Excellence Research Chair in Neuroplasticity
  • 2024 Health 2.0 Outstanding Leadership Award for Health Care

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