
1. Selected bibliography of research on leprosy #

  • Chardome J, Lechat M F. Lésions radiologiques des mains chez le lépreux congolais. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1955; 35: 267-278.
  • M F. Chardome J. Altérations radiologiques des os de la face chez le lépreux congolais. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1955; 35: 603-612 Lechat.
  • Lechat M F. Chardome J. Evolution radiologique des mutilations chez des lépreux traités par la D.D.S. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1957; 37: 907-918.
  • Lechat M F. Le traitement de la réaction lépreuse: Revue de la littérature et des données actuelles. Maroc-Médical 1957; 390: 1039-1062.
  • Lechat M F. Chardome J. L'artériographie des pieds chez les lépreux mutilés. Transactions of the 8th International Congress of Leprosy, Tofu Kyokai, ed. Tokyo 1959; 134-141. Int J Leprosy 1958; 26: 346-349.
  • Lechat M F. L'utilisation pratique de l'Etisul (diethyl-dithiolisophtalate) pour le traitement de la lèpre chez l'africain. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1959; 39: 865-876 et The use of Etisul (diethyl-dithiolisophtalate) in the treatment of leprosy in Africans. Leprosy Rev 1960; 21: 265-274.
  • Lechat M F. Etude des mutilations lépreuses, avec Atlas de 83 radiographies et artérographies. Monograph. Masson, Paris et Arscia, Bruxelles, 1961.
  • Lechat M F. L'évolution de la bactérioscopie chez des lépreux traités par des sulfones. I. Délai de négativation. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1961; 41: 509-522. II. Stratégie de l'examen bactériologique multiple. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1961; 41: 522-534.
  • Lechat M F. Flagle C D. Allocation of medical and associated resources to the control of leprosy. 8th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences, Brussels, 1961. Acta Hospitalia 1962; 2: 125-138. Pergamon Press, Oxford 1965; 159-172.
  • Lechat M F, Hanks J H. The concentration of M. leprae in currently available lepromins. Int J Leprosy 1963; 31(3): 348-352.
  • Lechat M F. Report of the panel in epidemiology and control. VIIIth International Congress of Leprosy, Rio de Janeiro, September 1963. Int J Leprosy 1963; 33: 4 (summary), en espagnol: Minsap La Habana, 1963.
  • Lechat M F. Réflexions sur les tendances actuelles de la recherche dans le domaine de l'épidémiologie de la lèpre. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop1964; 44: 115-126.
  • Lechat M F. Methodology of genetic study in the epidemiology of leprosy. Int J Leprosy 1965; 33 (3): 744-751.
  • Blumberg B S, Melartin L, Lechat M F, Guinto R S. Association between lepromatous leprosy and australia antigen. Lancet 1967; 173-176.
  • Lechat M F, Bile T, Rasi E. A study of blood groups and leprosy in the population of Colonia Tovar, Venezuela. Int J Leprosy 1967; 35(4): 488-493.
  • Lechat M F, Bias W H, Guinto R S, Cohen B M, Tolentino J G, Abalos R M. A study of various blood groups systems in leprosy patients and controls in Cebu, Philippines. Int J Leprosy 1968; 36(1): 17-31.
  • Lechat M F, Bias W B, Blumberg B S, Melartin L, Guinto R S, Cohen B H, Tolentino J G, Abalos R M. A controlled study of polymorphisms in serum globulin and glucose-6 - phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in leprosy. Int J Leprosy 1968; 36(2): 179-191.
  • Lechat M F. Possibilité d'utilisation des modèles épidémiologiques pour l'organisation de la lutte contre la lèpre. 5e Conférence technique de l'OCEAC, Yaounde, 1970; 162-177.
  • Blumberg B S, Melartin L, Guinto R, Lechat M F. Lepromatous leprosy and australia antigen with comments on the genetic of leprosy. J Chron Dis 1970; 23: 507-516.
  • Lechat M F. Melartin Prehn L, Blumberg BS, Moris R. Australia antigen in Zaire. Studies on leprosy. Ann Soc Belge Med Trop 1973; 53: 173-178.
  • Lechat M F, Misson JY, Vellut C M, Misson C B, Bouckaert A. Un modèle épidémiométrique de la lèpre. Bull Org Mond Santé 1974; 51: 361-373.
  • Lechat M F, Misson C B, Walter J, Seal K S, Sansarricq H. An information system for leprosy control (OMSLEP Recording and Reporting System). Int J Leprosy 1980; 48(1): 51-61.
  • Lechat M F. The torments and blessings of the leprosy epidemiometric model. Lepr Rev 1981; 52(Suppl 1): 187-196.
  • Lechat M F. Control programs in leprosy. Leprosy, R.C. Hastings, ed., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, chap.12, 1985: 253-268.
  • Lechat M F, Vanderveken M, Declercq E, Misson C B. Analysis of trends in the occurrence of leprosy = incidence de la lèpre: analyse des tendances. World Health Statistics Quarterly = Rapport Trimestriel de Statistiques Mondiales 1986; 39(2): 129-137.
  • Lechat, M F. Some personal recollections, in Human Face of Leprosy - Gokhale edit., Ameya Prakushan, Pune, 1998, 319-323.
  • Lechat, M F. The Paleoepidemiology of Leprosy: an Overview. Int. J. Leprosy (1999); 67: 460-470 Chardome J, Lechat M F. Lésions radiologiques des mains chez le lépreux congolais. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1955; 35: 267-278.
  • M F. Chardome J. Altérations radiologiques des os de la face chez le lépreux congolais. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1955; 35: 603-612 Lechat.
  • Lechat M F. Chardome J. Evolution radiologique des mutilations chez des lépreux traités par la D.D.S. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1957; 37: 907-918.
  • Lechat M F. Le traitement de la réaction lépreuse: Revue de la littérature et des données actuelles. Maroc-Médical 1957; 390: 1039-1062.
  • Lechat M F. Chardome J. L'artériographie des pieds chez les lépreux mutilés. Transactions of the 8th International Congress of Leprosy, Tofu Kyokai, ed. Tokyo 1959; 134-141. Int J Leprosy 1958; 26: 346-349.
  • Lechat M F. L'utilisation pratique de l'Etisul (diethyl-dithiolisophtalate) pour le traitement de la lèpre chez l'africain. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1959; 39: 865-876 et The use of Etisul (diethyl-dithiolisophtalate) in the treatment of leprosy in Africans. Leprosy Rev 1960; 21: 265-274.
  • Lechat M F. Etude des mutilations lépreuses, avec Atlas de 83 radiographies et artérographies. Monograph. Masson, Paris et Arscia, Bruxelles, 1961.
  • Lechat M F. L'évolution de la bactérioscopie chez des lépreux traités par des sulfones. I. Délai de négativation. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1961; 41: 509-522. II. Stratégie de l'examen bactériologique multiple. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1961; 41: 522-534.
  • Lechat M F. Flagle C D. Allocation of medical and associated resources to the control of leprosy. 8th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences, Brussels, 1961. Acta Hospitalia 1962; 2: 125-138. Pergamon Press, Oxford 1965; 159-172.
  • Lechat M F, Hanks J H. The concentration of M. leprae in currently available lepromins. Int J Leprosy 1963; 31(3): 348-352.
  • Lechat M F. Report of the panel in epidemiology and control. VIIIth International Congress of Leprosy, Rio de Janeiro, September 1963. Int J Leprosy 1963; 33: 4 (summary), en espagnol: Minsap La Habana, 1963.
  • Lechat M F. L'expédition Dutton-Todd au Congo (1903-1905). Ann Soc belge Méd Trop 1964; 44: 493-512.
  • Lechat M F. Réflexions sur les tendances actuelles de la recherche dans le domaine de l'épidémiologie de la lèpre. Ann Soc belge Méd Trop1964; 44: 115-126.
  • Lechat M F. Methodology of genetic study in the epidemiology of leprosy. Int J Leprosy 1965; 33 (3): 744-751.
  • Blumberg B S, Melartin L, Lechat M F, Guinto R S. Association between lepromatous leprosy and australia antigen. Lancet 1967; 173-176.
  • Lechat M F, Bile T, Rasi E. A study of blood groups and leprosy in the population of Colonia Tovar, Venezuela. Int J Leprosy 1967; 35(4): 488-493.
  • Lechat M F, Bias W H, Guinto R S, Cohen B M, Tolentino J G, Abalos R M. A study of various blood groups systems in leprosy patients and controls in Cebu, Philippines. Int J Leprosy 1968; 36(1): 17-31.
  • Lechat M F, Bias W B, Blumberg B S, Melartin L, Guinto R S, Cohen B H, Tolentino J G, Abalos R M. A controlled study of polymorphisms in serum globulin and glucose-6 - phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in leprosy. Int J Leprosy 1968; 36(2): 179-191.
  • Lechat M F. Possibilité d'utilisation des modèles épidémiologiques pour l'organisation de la lutte contre la lèpre. 5e Conférence technique de l'OCEAC, Yaounde, 1970; 162-177.
  • Blumberg B S, Melartin L, Guinto R, Lechat M F. Lepromatous leprosy and australia antigen with comments on the genetic of leprosy. J Chron Dis 1970; 23: 507-516.
  • Lechat M F. Melartin Prehn L, Blumberg BS, Moris R. Australia antigen in Zaire. Studies on leprosy. Ann Soc Belge Med Trop 1973; 53: 173-178.
  • Lechat M F, Misson JY, Vellut C M, Misson C B, Bouckaert A. Un modèle épidémiométrique de la lèpre. Bull Org Mond Santé 1974; 51: 361-373.
  • Lechat M F, Misson C B, Walter J, Seal K S, Sansarricq H. An information system for leprosy control (OMSLEP Recording and Reporting System). Int J Leprosy 1980; 48(1): 51-61.
  • Lechat M F. The torments and blessings of the leprosy epidemiometric model. Lepr Rev 1981; 52(Suppl 1): 187-196.
  • Lechat M F. Control programs in leprosy. Leprosy, R.C. Hastings, ed., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, chap.12, 1985: 253-268.
  • Lechat M F, Vanderveken M, Declercq E, Misson C B. Analysis of trends in the occurrence of leprosy = incidence de la lèpre: analyse des tendances. World Health Statistics Quarterly = Rapport Trimestriel de Statistiques Mondiales 1986; 39(2): 129-137.
  • Lechat, M F. Some personal recollections, in Human Face of Leprosy - Gokhale edit., Ameya Prakushan, Pune, 1998, 319-323.
  • Lechat, M F. The Paleoepidemiology of Leprosy: an Overview. Int. J. Leprosy (1999); 67: 460-470.

2. Selected bibliography on Disasters#

Books and Scientific Journals #

  • LECHAT M.F. (1994). International Seminar on Society and Disaster Prevention. Disasters, 18 (4): 373-381.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1993). Accident and disaster epidemiology. Public Health Reviews, 21(3-4):243-253.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1991). Approche épidémiologique des catastrophes naturelles, Journée d'Information "La Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles. (Actes publiés sous la direction de J.J. Symoens). Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer: pp. 25-32.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1991). L'épidémiologie des désastres, Les Cahiers de la Sécurité Intérieure, 6: 155-162.
  • LECHAT M.F (1990). The Epidemiology of Health Effects of Disasters, Epidemiologic Reviews, 12: 192-198.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1990). The Public Health Dimensions of Disasters, International Journal of Mental Health 19(1): 70-79.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1990). The International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction: Background and Objectives, Disasters, 14(1):1-6.

  • TOLLET D., AUTIER, Ph. et LECHAT, M.F. (1988). Approche des problèmes de santé dans un camp: module 4, CRED/MSF, Bruxelles.
  • RENCHON B., TOLLET, D., AUTIER, Ph. et LECHAT, M.F. (1988). Eau, hygiène, assainissement dans un camp: module 3, CRED/MSF, Bruxelles.
  • TOLLET D., AUTIER Ph. et LECHAT M.F. (1988). Approche des problèmes alimentaires et nutritionnels dans un camp: module 2, CRED/MSF, Bruxelles.

  • TOLLET D., AUTIER Ph., LECHAT M.F. (1988). Approche générale de l'organisation d'un camp: module 1, CRED/MSF, Bruxelles.
  • BOUCKAERT A. and LECHAT M.F. (1987). Consequences of Catastrophic Mortality Arising from Epidemics and Natural Disasters for Social Structures and Economic Systems. Genus, XLIII (1-2): 19-40.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1986). Les Catastrophes Naturelles sous l'Angle de l'Epidémiologie, Prévenir/Cahier XII: 19-23.
  • SAPIR D.G. and LECHAT M.F. (1986). Information Systems and Needs Assessment in Natural Disasters: An Approach for Better Disaster Relief Management. Disasters, 10 (3):232-237.

  • SAPIR D.G. and LECHAT M.F. (1986). Reducing the Impact of Natural Disasters: Why Aren't We Better Prepared? Health Policy and Planning, 1(2): 118-126.

  • SAPIR D.G. and LECHAT M.F. (1986). The Impact of Natural Disasters: A Brief Analysis of Characteristics and Trends. Journal of the World Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, 2(1-4): 221-223.
  • DEBRUYCKER M, GRECO D. and LECHAT M.F. (1985). The 1980 Earthquake in Southern Italy; Morbidity and Mortality. International Journal of Epidemiology, 14 (1):113-117.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1984). Natural and Man-Made Disaster. In: Oxford Textbook of Public Health (edited by W.W. Holland et al.), pp. 119-32, Vol.1, Oxford University Press, London.

  • DEBRUYCKER, M. et al. (1983). The 1980 Earthquake in Southern Italy, Rescue of Trapped Victims and Mortality, WHO Bulletin 61(6): 1021-1025.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1982). Disastres Naturales. In: Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (edited by V.E. Azzafero et al), pp. 138-152, Buenos Aires.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1982). Disasters Epidemiology, an Epidemiologist's View of Health Management in Disasters. In: Social and Economic Aspects of Earthquakes (edited by B.G. Jones and M. Tomazevic), pp. 393-397, Cornell University, Ithaca

  • LECHAT M.F and DE WALS P.M. (1982). La Valutazione dell'Intervento Sanitario dopo una Catastrofe Naturale. Servizi Sanitari e Psichiatria, Obiettivi e Metodi nella Planificazione e Valuatione (edited by D. Kemali, P.L. Marosini, A. Amati), pp. 103-113. Napoli.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1982). Epidémiologie et Désastres Naturels. Quaderni dell'Instituto di Igiene dell'Universita di Milano, 8: 3-8.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1980). Disasters and Health. In: Trauma and After (edited by R. Porter et al ), pp. 16-26, Pitman Medical, London.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1980). Los Desastres y la Salud Publica. Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, 88 (6): 471-480.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1979). Disasters and Public Health, WHO Bulletin 57(1): pp. 11-17.
  • LECHAT, M.F. and de VILLE de GOYET C. (1977). Early Warning Alarm Systems of Nutritional Deterioration in Emergency Periods. Archivos Latinamericanos de Nutricion (English edition), 27(2): 64-80.

  • de VILLE de GOYET C., LECHAT M.F. et BOUCQUEY C. (1977). Attitude Face au Risque d'Epidémie lors de Désastres Soudain. Revue de Epidémiologie et Santé Publique, 25:185-194.

  • de VILLE de GOYE, C., JEANNEE E., LECHAT M.F. and BOUCKAERT A. (1977). Anthropometric Measurements in a Relief Programme in Niger: A Tool for Decision Making at the Community Level, Disasters, 1(3): 223-229.

  • LECHAT, M.F. (1977). Considerations on Health Relief, Guatemala Earthquake, Disasters, 1(2): 97-98.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1976). Editorials. Tropical Doctor, 6: 145-146.

  • de VILLE de GOYET C., DEL CID E., ROMERO A., JEANNEE E. y LECHAT M.F. (1976). El Terrremoto de Guatemala : Evaluacion Epidemiologica de las Operaciones de Socorro, Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, 81(3): 199-215. ]

  • de VILLE de GOYET C., DEL CID E., ROMERO A., JEANNEE E. and LECHAT M.F. (1976). Earthquake in Guatemala: Epidemiologic Evaluation of the Relief Effort, Bull. of Pan American Health Organization 10(2): 95-109.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1976). The Epidemiology of Disasters, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 69(6): 421-426.
  • de VILLE de GOYET C., LECHAT M.F. and BOUCQUEY C. (1976). Drugs and Supplies for Disaster Relief. Tropical Doctor, 6: 168-170.

  • de VILLE de GOYET C. and LECHAT M.F. (1976). Health Aspects in Natural Disasters. Tropical Doctor, 6:152-157.

  • LECHAT M.F.; BOUCHE R.; de VILLE de GOYET C.; BOUCQUEY C. (1976). Epidémiologie de l'Avitaminose A au Niger. Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale, 56 (4-5): 333-342.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1976). Disaster Epidemiology, Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale 56(4-5): 193-197.

  • LECHAT, M.F. et de VILLE de GOYET, C. (1975). Fonctions Communautaires de l'Hôpital face aux Désastres, Jornadas Internacionales Sobre Organizacion Hospitalaria Frente a los Desastres, Lima
  • LECHAT, M.F. (1975). Disaster epidemiology (Editorials). International Journal of Epidemiology. 4(1): 5-7

Occasional/Working Papers #

  • SAPIR D.G., REVEL J.P. and LECHAT M.F. (1987). CISFAM: Consolidated Information System for Famine Management in Africa - Phase One Report, CRED/OMS.

  • SAPIR D.G., LECHAT M.F. and WAEGENAERE J., (Eds.) (1986). A Short Compendium of Basic Readings for Disaster Epidemiology and Management.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1984). Disasters, A Public Health Problem, WHO, Europe Regional Office ICP/COR 003 m01/6-unedited.

  • LECHAT M.F. and DEBRUYCKER M. (1982). Natural Disasters: Some Aspects of the International Experience, 31° Congresso Nazionale della Societe Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanita Publica, Ancona.

  • LECHAT M.F. and DE WALS P.M. (1981). Evaluation of Health Intervention after a Natural Disaster: Aims and Tools in Planning and Evaluating of Health Services Seminar, Naples.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1981). Les Tremblements de Terre en tant que Problème de Santé Communautaire, OMS, Bureau Régional de l'Europe ICP/ERO 001/8, 21 Septembre: 8 p.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1974). An Epidemiologist's View of Earthquakes. In: Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (edited by J. Solnes), pp. 285-306, NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series; Series E (3)

Conference papers#

  • LECHAT M.F. (1989). Corporal Damage as Related to Building Structure and Design: The Need for an International Survey. International Workshop on Earthquake Injury Epidemiology for Mitigation and Response, Johns Hopkins University.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1985). Disaster as a Public Health Problem: Health Aspects on Disaster Preparedness, Ankara.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1983). Training for Emergency Situations. Proceedings of the International Colloquim Health in Developing Countries, Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België, Brussels: pp. 137-141.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1981). Epidemiological Approach to Nuclear War. Proceedings of the Medical Association for Prevention of War 3 (5): pp. 177-184.

  • de VILLE de GOYET C., LECHAT M.F., BOUCQUEY C. et BOUCHE R. (1975). Prévention de l'Hypovitaminose A dans l'Assistance Nutritionnelle d'Urgence, 2ème Réunion Scientifique Conjointe d'Epidémiologie et de Médecine Sociale, Rennes.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1974). Catastrophes Naturelles et Formation de Personnel de Santé. Proceedings 19th World Congress of Int'l. College of Surgeons, Lima, May 1, 1974: pp. 70-76.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1974). Rôle de l'Hôpital dans une Communauté Frappée par une Catastrophe, Proceedings 19th World Congress of Int'l. College of Surgeons, Lima, May 1, 1974: pp. 30-38.


  • LECHAT M.F. (1994). Les cinq phases de la gestion de catastrophe. Ecodecision n°12, pp. 38-41.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1994). Tirer des enseignements du passé pour bâtir l’avenir = Drawing lessons from the past to build the future. Stop Disasters (17): 13.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1980). Medical Care and Natural Disasters, UNDRO News, September 80: pp. 3-5.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1980). Catastrophes Naturelles et Secours Médical. Spectrum Int’l 23(3): pp. 12-14.
  • LECHAT M.F. (1980). New Horizons in Health Promotion: Emergency Relief and Disaster Preparedness, WHO-Dialogue, May 80: pp. 8-10, 31.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1979). Réflexions sur un Tremblement de Terre, Le Soir, 11 mai 79; 93(109): pp. 1, 6.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1979). Disaster Relief and the Medical Profession, Spectrum Int’l 22(3): pp. 36-38.
  • de VILLE de GOYET C., LECHAT M.F., BOUCHE R. and BOUCQUEY C. (1975). Plasma Retinol Levels Before and After Oral Administration of Vitamin A Among Refugees in the Sahelian Drought, IRCS Medical Science 3: 625.

  • LECHAT M.F. (1975). L'Approche Epidémiologique et son Application au Problème des Carences Spécifiques (Hypovitaminose A).

3. Selected Bibliography on EUROCAT#

  • De Wals.P, Mastroiacovo,P., Weatherall J.A.C., Lechat M.F. EUROCAT Guide 1 for the registration of congenital anomalies. Department of Epidemiology. UCL. Loivain 1984.
  • Weatherall J.A.C.., De Wals P., Lechat M.F. Evaluation of information systems Lechat M.F., De Wals for the surveillance of congenital malformations. Int.J.Epidemiol. 1984 ; 13: 193-196.
  • Lechat M.F., De Wals P., Weatherall J.A.C.European Economic Communities Concerted Action on Congenital Anomalies. The EUROCAT Project . in Prevention of physical and mental congenital defects. Part B :Epidemiology, early detection and therapy, and environmental factors Alan R.Liss Int. New York, 1985 : 11-55.
  • Lechat M.F., De Wals P. Congenital Rubella. in Elimination or reduction of diseases ? Opportunities for health services action in Europe. A.J.Silman, S.Allwright (eds) University Press Oxford , 1985: 8-25.
  • De Wals P., Bertrand F., De La Mata I., Lechat M.F. Chromosomal anomalies and Chernobyl. Letters to the editor . Int.J.Epidemiol. ; 1988; 17: 230-231.
  • EUROCAT Working Group (Dolk H.,De Wals P., Lechat M.F., et al.) Preliminary evaluation of the impact of the Chernobyl radiological contamination on the frequency of central nervous system malformations in 18 regions of Europe. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 1988; 2: 253-254.
  • De Wals,P., Dolk H., Bertrand F., Gillerot Y., Weatherall J.A.C., Lechat M.F. La surveillance épidémiologique des anomalies congénitales par le registre EUROCAT. Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 1988; 36: 273-282.
  • De Wals,P., Bertrand,F., De La Mata I., Lechat M.F. Evaluation of the genetic impact of the Chernobyl accident . Analysis of the frequency of chromosomal anomalies in 15 Eurocat registries from January 1st 1986 to March 31st 1987. Acta PaediatricLatina, 1988, suppl.3; 846-854.
  • EUROCAT Working Group. Epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies : the Eurocat Project. Acta PaediatricLatina,1988,suppl.3; 641-658.
  • De Wals P., Bertrand F., De La Mata I., Lechat M.F. Chtromosomal anomalies and Chernobyl. Letters to the editor . Int.J.Epidemiol. 1988; 1988:17, 230-231.
  • Ten Kate L.P., Dolk H., Cornel M.C., De Wals P.,Meerman G.J.,Lechat M.F., Weatherall J.A.C., Frequency of births with potentially avoidable serious chromosomal anomalies in E.E.C.countries 1972-1982; J.Epidemiol.Community Health , 1988; 42: 266-270.
  • Dolk H., De Wals P., Lechat M.F. Dose information needed to assess effects of exposure to radiation in utero. Br.Med.J. 1989; 298: 1710.
  • Dolk H., De Wals P., Gillerot Y., Lechat M.F., Ayme S., Beckers R.; Bianchi F., Borlee I., Calabro A., Calzolari E., Cuschieri A., Galanti C., Goujard J.,Hansen-Koenig D., Harris F., Karkut G., Lillis D.F., Lungarotti S., Lys F., Marchi M., Nevin N.C., Radic A., Stoll C., StoneD., Svel L., Ten Kate L.P., Zori R. : The prevalence at birth of Down syndrome in 19 regions of Europe 1980-1986; Key issues of mental retardation. William Fraser. Rourledge. 1990; 3-11

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