Adam Ledgeway - Publications#


Ledgeway, Adam, 1996. The Grammar of Complementation in Neapolitan. University of Manchester: doctoral thesis.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2000. A Comparative Syntax of the Dialects of Southern Italy: A Minimalist Approach. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, xvi + 329 pp.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2009. Grammatica diacronica del napoletano (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie Band 350). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, xxiv + 1045 pp.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. From Latin to Romance. Morphosyntactic Typology and Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxviii + 434 pp.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2015. From Latin to Romance. Morphosyntactic Typology and Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxviii + 434 pp (revised 2nd edition of Ledgeway 2012 above published in hardback and softback).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. De la latină la limbile romanice. Schimbare morfosintactică și tipologică. Bucharest: Editura Univers Enclopedic, xxviii + 455 pp (modified and revised Romanian version of Ledgeway 2015 above).

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. Greek-Romance Contact: The Fading Voices of Southern Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. The Syntax of Abruzzese and Molisano [with R. D’Alessandro].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. Investigating Parameters of Romance Clausal Microvariation: Verb Movement [with N. Schifano].


Ledgeway, Adam, 2003-16. Co-editor of The Italianist. Abingdon : Taylor & Francis.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2007. Sui dialetti italoromanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent (The Italianist 27, Special supplement 1). Norfolk: Biddles, 316 pp. (with D. Bentley).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xvi + 351 pp. (with R. D’Alessandro, I. Roberts).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2008. Didattica della lingua italiana: Testo e contesto. Perugia: Guerra, 195 pp. (with A.L. Lepschy).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010–. Co-editor of Oxford University Press linguistics series Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics (with I. Roberts). academic/content/series/o/oxford-studies-in-diachronic-and-historical-linguistics-osdhl/?cc=us& lang=en&.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. In and Out of Italy: Lingua e cultura della migrazione italiana. Perugia: Guerra (with A.L. Lepschy), 163 pp.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Vol. 1: Structures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xxii + 866 pp. (with M. Maiden, J.C. Smith).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012–. Co-editor of Oxford University Press linguistics series The Oxford Guide to the World’s Languages (with M. Maiden). content/series/o/oxford-guides-to-the-worlds-languages-ogwl/?cc=us&lang=en&.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. Le comunità immigranti nel Regno Unito: Il caso di Bedford. Perugia: Guerra, 119 pp. (with A.L. Lepschy).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2013. The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Vol. 2: Contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xxii + 553 pp. (with M. Maiden, J.C. Smith).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2013–. Co-editor of the Aracne linguistics series Collana di linguistica italiana (‘Italian Linguistics Series’) (with M. Dardano, G. Fringuelli). collana.html?col=SLS.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. Diachrony and Dialects. Grammatical Change in the Dialects of Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxiv + 349 pp. (with P. Benincà, N. Vincent).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea. Special issue of L’Italia dialettale 75. (with R. D’Alessandro, C. Di Felice, I. Franco), 297 pp.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, lii + 1193 pp. (with M. Maiden). DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.001.0001.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 4 : Syntaxe. Nancy, ATILF (with M. Cennamo, G. Mensching),

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. Section 4 - Syntaxe, in Eva Buchi, Jean-Paul Cheveau and Jean-Marie Pierrel (eds), Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15–20 juillet 2013), Volume 1. Strasbourg: Société de linguistique romane/ÉliPhi (with M. Cennamo, G. Mensching), pp. 425-603.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xvii + 729 pp. (with I. Roberts).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. Italian Dialectology at the Interfaces (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today). Amsterdam: Benjamins (with S. Cruschina, E-M. Remberger), vi + 369 pp.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. Special issue of Probus 33.2 on Historical Romance Linguistics, 173-437 (with I. Roberts).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. Periphrasis and Inflexion in Diachrony: A View from Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxv + 485 pp. (with J.C. Smith, N. Vincent).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xliii + 940 pp. (with M. Maiden).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. Section 4 – Morfosintaxis y prágmatica, in Dolores Corbella, Josefa Dorta & Rafael Padrón (eds), Perspectives en linguistique et philologie romanes. Volume 1. Paris: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, Bibliotèque de Linguistique Romane (BiLiRo), nº 18.1-18.2, 2023, 213-406 [with A. Dragomirescu, A. Dufter, F.J. Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2024. It-clefts: Empirical and Theoretical Surveys and Advances. (Series Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs). Berlin: de Gruyter, 263 pp. [with C. Bonan].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics (5 volumes). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, c. 3,100 pp [with E. Aldridge, A. Breitbarth, K. É.Kiss, J. Salmons, A. Simonenko].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. Formal Studies in Romance Balkan Languages, special issue of Languages, c. 260 pp. [with V. Hill].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, c. 1000 pp. [with M. Maiden]

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. Joseph Cremona, The dialect of the Vallée d’Aure (Hautes-Pyrénées). Oxford: Blackwell [with M. Maiden].


Ledgeway, Adam, 1998. ‘Avé(re) and Esse(re) alternation in Neapolitan’, in Olga Fullana & Francesc Roca (eds), Studies on the Syntax of Central Romance Languages. University of Girona, 123-47.

Ledgeway, Adam, 1998. ‘La ristrutturazione in napoletano’, in Giovanni Ruffino (ed.), Atti del XXI Congresso internazionale di linguistica e filologia romanza. Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, Università di Palermo 18-24 settembre 1995. Sezione 2 Morfologia e sintassi delle lingue romanze. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 529-41.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2000. ‘Dialect syntax and generative grammar’, in Giulio Lepschy & Prue Shaw (eds), A Linguistics Round-table on Dictionaries and the History of the Language. University College London, Centre for Italian Studies, Occasional Papers 4, 73-89.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2003. ‘Linguistic theory and the mysteries of Italian dialects’, in Anna Laura Lepschy & Arturo Tosi (eds), Multilingualism in Italy: Past and Present. Oxford: Legenda, 108-40.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2006. ‘The dual complementiser system in southern Italy: Spirito greco, materia romanza?’, in Anna Laura Lepschy & Arturo Tosi (eds), Rethinking Languages in Contact: The Case of Italian. Oxford: Legenda, 112-26.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2007. ‘Diachrony and finiteness: Subordination in the dialects of southern Italy’, in Irina Nikolaeva (ed.), Finiteness: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 335-65.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2007. ‘Introduzione’, in Delia Bentley & Adam Ledgeway (eds), Sui dialetti italoromanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent (the Italianist 27, Special supplement 1). Norfolk: Biddles, 15-21 [with D. Bentley].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2007. ‘La posizione dell’aggettivo nella storia del napoletano’, in Delia Bentley & Adam Ledgeway (eds), Sui dialetti italoromanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent (The Italianist 27, Special supplement 1). Norfolk: Biddles, 104 25.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2007. ‘Old Neapolitan word order: Some initial observations’, in Anna Laura Lepschy & Arturo Tosi (eds), Histories and Dictionaries of the Languages of Italy. Ravenna: Longo, 121 49.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2008. ‘Understanding dialect: Some Neapolitan examples’, in Adam Ledgeway & Anna Laura Lepschy (eds), Didattica della lingua italiana: Testo e contesto. Perugia: Guerra, 99-111.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2008. ‘Introduzione’, in Adam Ledgeway & Anna Laura Lepschy (eds), Didattica della lingua italiana: Testo e contesto. Perugia: Guerra, 9-10 [with A.L. Lepschy].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2009. ‘Aspetti della sintassi della periferia sinistra del cosentino’, in Diego Pescarini (ed.), Studi sui dialetti della Calabria (Quaderni di lavoro ASIt n.9). Padua: Unipress, 3-24.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘Syntactic variation and the dialects of Italy: An overview’, in Roberta D’Alessandro, Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts (eds), Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-3.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘The clausal domain: CP structure and the left periphery’, in Roberta D’Alessandro, Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts (eds), Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 38-51.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘The Abruzzese T-v system: Feature spreading and the double auxiliary construction’, in Roberta D’Alessandro, Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts (eds), Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 201-09 [with R. D’Alessandro].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘Introduzione’, in Adam Ledgeway & Anna Laura Lepschy (eds), In and Out of Italy. Lingua e cultura della migrazione italiana. Perugia: Guerra, 11-12 with A.L. Lepschy.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘Subject licensing in CP: The Neapolitan double-subject construction’, in Paola Benincà & Nicola Munaro (eds), Mapping the Left Periphery. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 257-96.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘Lingua italiana in bocca calabra: Italian in Calabria’, in Vilma De Gasparin (ed.), Ciò che potea la lingua nostra. Lectures and Essays in Memory of Clara Florio Cooper (The Italianist 30, Special supplement 1). Norfolk: Biddles, 95-120.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. ‘Introduction’, in Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith & Adam Ledgeway (eds), The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Volume 1: Structures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xvii-xxii [with M. Maiden, J.C. Smith].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. ‘Morphosyntactic Typology and Change’, in Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith & Adam Ledgeway (eds), The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Volume 1: Structures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 382-471, 724-34.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. ‘Il ruolo del dialetto nell’apprendimento dell’italiano L2: alcuni esempi napoletani’, in Michela Cennamo & Annamaria Lamarra (eds), Scuola di formazione di italiano lingua seconda/straniera: competenze d’uso e integrazione. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 125-38.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. ‘Grammaticalization from Latin to Romance’, in Bernd Heine & Heiko Narrog (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 719-28.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. ‘Introduzione’, in Adam Ledgeway & Anna Laura Lepschy (eds), Le comunità immigranti nel Regno Unito: Il caso di Bedford. Perugia: Guerra, 11-12 [with A.L. Lepschy].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. ‘Interview with the Mingalone Family of Bedford’, in Adam Ledgeway & Anna Laura Lepschy (eds), Le comunità immigranti nel Regno Unito: Il caso di Bedford. Perugia: Guerra, 75-78 [with A.L. Lepschy].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. ‘La sopravvivenza del sistema dei doppi complementatori nei dialetti meridionali’, in Patrizia Del Puente (ed.), Atti del II Convegno internazionale di dialettologia – Progetto A.L.Ba. Rionero in Vulture: Calice Editore, 151-76.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2013. ‘Greek disguised as Romance? The case of southern Italy’, in Mark Janse, Brian D. Joseph, Angela Ralli & Metin Bağrıaçık (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory. Laboratory of Modern Greek Dialects, University of Patras, 184-228 (available at _proceedings.pdf).

Ledgeway, Adam, 2013. ‘Introduction’, in Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith & Adam Ledgeway (eds), The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Volume 2: Contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-5 [with M. Maiden, J.C. Smith].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘Romance auxiliary selection in light of Romanian evidence’, in Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Irina Nicula & Alexandru Nicolae (eds), Diachronic Variation in Romanian. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 3-35.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘The development of the southern subjunctive: Morphological loss and syntactic gain’, in Paola Benincà, Adam Ledgeway & Nigel Vincent (eds), Diachrony and Dialects. Grammatical Change in the Dialects of Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 25-47 [with A. Lombardi].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘Il costrutto causativo meridionale: Un caso di destrutturazione?’, in Patrizia Del Puente (ed.), Atti del II Convegno internazionale di dialettologia – Progetto A.L.Ba. Rionero in Vulture: Calice Editore, 143-78.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘Parametrul poziţiei centrului şi efectele sale pragmatice în trecerea de la latină la limbile romance’, in Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu & Alexandru Nicolae (eds), Diacronie și sincronie în studiul limbii române. Bucharest: Editura Universității din București, 11-26.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2015. ‘Autour de la question des participes résultatifs-statifs dans les variétés romanes’, in Ignazio Mirto (ed.), Le relazioni irresistibili. Scritti in onore di Nunzio La Fauci per il suo sessantissimo compleanno. Pisa: ETS, 61-91 [with D. Bentley].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2015. ‘Reconstructing complementiser-drop in the dialects of the Salento: A syntactic or phonological phenomenon?’, in Theresa Biberauer & George Walkden (eds), Syntax Over Time: Lexical, Morphological, and Information-structural Interactions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 146-62.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2015. ‘Varieties in Italy’, in Konstanze Jungbluth & Federica Da Milano (eds), Manuals of Romance Linguistics. Volume 6. Manual of Deixis in Romance Languages. Berlin: de Gruyter, 75-113.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Introduction’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-2 [with M. Maiden].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Italian, Tuscan, and Corsican’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 206-27.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘The dialects of southern Italy’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 246-69.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Structure of the clause’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 556-74 [with Silvio Cruschina].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Functional categories’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 761-71.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Deixis’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 879-96 [with J.C. Smith].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Clausal complementation’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1013-28.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘From coordination to subordination: The grammaticalisation of progressive and andative aspect in the dialects of Salento’, in Fernanda Pratas, Sand Pereira & Clara Pinto (eds), Coordination and Subordination. Form and Meaning. Selected Papers from CSI Lisbon 2014. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 157-84.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Présentation: Section 4 - Syntaxe’, in Adam Ledgeway, Michela Cennamo & Guido Mensching (eds), Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15–20 juillet 2013). Section 4: Syntaxe. Nancy: ATILF [with M. Cennamo, G. Mensching]. Available at:

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Présentation’, in Eva Buchi, Jean-Paul Cheveau & Jean-Marie Pierrel (eds), Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15–20 juillet 2013), Volume 1. Strasbourg: Société de linguistique romane/ÉliPhi, 425-39 [with Michela Cennamo, Guido Mensching].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Grammatiche diacroniche e teoria linguistica’, in Marina Benedetti, C. Bruno & L. Tronci (eds), Grammatiche e grammatici. Teorie, testi e contesti. Atti del XXXIX Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Glottologia. (Università per Stranieri di Siena 23-25 October 2014). Rome: Il Calamo, 39-51.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘L’accordo degli avverbi aggettivali e del participio passato nei dialetti meridionali’ in Patrizia Del Puente (ed.), Atti del IV Convegno internazionale di dialettologia - Progetto A.L.Ba. Venosa: Osanna Edizioni, 163-85 [with G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘Marking presuppositional negation in the dialects of southern Italy’, in Silvio Cruschina, Katharina Hartmann & Eva-Maria Remberger (eds), Negation: Syntax, Semantics, and Variation. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht/Vienna University Press, 105-30.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘The Romanian definite article in a comparative Romance perspective’, in Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Camelia Stan & Rodica Zafiu (eds), Sintaxa ca mod de a fi. Omagiu doamnei profesoare Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, la aniversare. Bucharest: Editura Universității din Bucarești, 231-47.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘Introduction’, in Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-4 [with I. Roberts].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘Principles and Parameters’, in Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 581-628 [with I. Roberts].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘Syntheticity and analyticity’, in Andreas Dufter & Elisabeth Stark (eds), Manual of Romance Morphosyntax and Syntax (Manuals of Romance Linguistics). Berlin: de Gruyter, 837-84.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘Parameters in Romance adverb agreement’, in Martin Hummel & Salvador Valera (eds), Adjective Adverb Interfaces in Romance. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 47-80.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2018. ‘Romanian clitic placement: Parallels in clausal and nominal structures’, in Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, Adina Dragomirescu, Irina Nicula & Alexandru Nicolae (eds), Comparative and Diachronic Perspectives on Romance Syntax. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 23-52.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2018. ‘On the decline of edge-fronting from Latin to Romance’, in Ana Maria Martins & Adriana Cardoso (eds), Word Order Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 264-78.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2018. ‘Phonological correlates of syntactic structure: The distribution of raddoppiamento fonosintattico in Calabrian’, in Mirko Grimaldi, Rosangela Lai, Ludovico Franco & Benedetta Baldi (eds), Structuring Variation in Romance Linguistics and Beyond. In Honour of Leonardo M. Savoia (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 283-96.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. ‘The dialects of Italy at the interfaces: Introduction; The Syntax-Phonology Interface’, in Silvio Cruschina, Adam Ledgeway & Eva-Maria Remberger (eds), Italian Dialectology at the Interfaces (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-10.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. ‘Parameters in the development of Romance perfective auxiliary selection’, in Michela Cennamo & Claudia Fabrizio (eds), Historical Linguistics 2015. Selected Papers from the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, 27-31 July 2015. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins, 343-84.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. ‘Non-verbal predication and clitics in Aromanian’, Ingo Felhausen, Martin Elsig, Imme Kuchenbrandt & Mareike Neuhaus (eds), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory: Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’, Frankfurt 2016. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 333-50 [with M. Mavrogiorgos].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. ‘Parameters and deixis: Modelling microvariation in Romance locative adverb systems’, in Ermenegildo Bidese, Jan Casalicchio & Manuela Moroni (eds), La linguistica vista dalle Alpi: Teoria, lessicografia e multilinguismo / Linguistic Views from the Alps: Language Theory, Lexicography and Multilingualism. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Peter Lang, 65-99.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. ‘Variazione nella codifica degli argomenti verbali nelle varietà romanze e greche della Calabria meridionale: “Dativo greco” e marca differenziale dell’oggetto diretto’, in Patrizia Del Puente (ed.), Atti del V Convegno internazionale di dialettologia - Progetto A.L.Ba. Venosa: Osanna Edizioni, 93-113 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘The causative construction in the dialects of southern Italy and the phonology-syntax interface’, in Giulia Bellucci, Ludovico Franco & Paolo Lorusso (eds), Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation (Studies in Generative Grammar). Berlin: de Gruyter, 371-400.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘Variation in the Gallo-Romance left periphery: V2, complementizers, and the Gascon enunciative system’, in Sam Wolfe & Martin Maiden (eds), Variation and Change in Gallo-Romance Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 71-99.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘Microvariation in dative-marking in the Romance and Greek varieties of southern Italy’, in Anna Pineda & Jaume Mateu (eds), Dative Structures in Romance and Beyond. Berlin: Language Science Press, 317-49 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘I costrutti causativi nelle varietà romanze e greche della Calabria meridionale’, in Patrizia del Puente, Francesca Guazzelli, Lucia Molinu & Simone Pisano (eds), Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia. Studi in onore di Franco Fanciullo. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 203-17 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘Rethinking microvariation in Romance demonstrative systems’, in András Bárány, Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas & Sten Vikner (eds), Syntactic Architecture and its Consequences. II. Between Syntax and Morphology (Open Generative Syntax Series). Berlin: Language Science Press, 451-90.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2021. ‘Passive periphrases in the Romance languages’, in Michele Loporcaro & Francesco Gardani (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. / ‘Passive periphrases in the Romance languages’, in Mark Arnoff (ed.), The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Advance online publication. DOI:

Ledgeway, Adam, 2021. ‘Indirect object Want-passives in southern Italy’ in Kleanthes Grohmann, Akemi Matsuya and Eva-Maria Remberger (eds), Passives Cross-linguistically: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches (Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory Volume 17). Leiden: Brill, 138-70.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2021. ‘The syntactic distribution of raddoppiamento fonosinttatico in Cosentino: A phase-theoretic account’, in Adina Dragomirescu & Alexandru Nicolae (eds), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2017: Selected papers from Going Romance 31, Bucharest. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 205-37.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. ‘Maiden, morphology, and more’, in Adam Ledgeway, John Charles Smith & Nigel Vincent (eds), Periphrasis and Inflexion in Diachrony: A View from Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-7 [with J.C. Smith, N. Vincent].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. ‘Periphrasis and inflexion: Lessons from Romance’, in Adam Ledgeway, John Charles Smith & Nigel Vincent (eds), Periphrasis and Inflexion in Diachrony: A View from Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 11-60 [with N. Vincent].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. ‘Data, theory, and explanation: The view from Romance’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-94 [with M. Maiden].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. ‘Parametric variation’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 637-670 [with N. Schifano].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. ‘Disentangling parameters: Romance differential object marking and the distribution of head and edge features’, in Gabriela Alboiu, Daniela Isac, Alexandru Nicolae, Mihaela Tănase-Dogaru & Alina Tigău (eds), A Life in Linguistics. A Festschrift for Alexandra Cornilescu on her 75th Birthday. Bucharest: Editura Universității din Bucarești, 439-58.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Introducción Sección 4: Morfosintaxis y prágmatica – presentación’, Dolores Corbella, Josefa Dorta & Rafael Padrón (eds), Perspectives en linguistique et philologie romanes. Volume 1. Paris: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, Bibliothèque de Linguistique Romane (BiLiRo), nº 18.1-18.2, 2023, 215-22 [with A. Dragomirescu, A. Dufter, F.J. Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Jespersen: ¿Un ciclo que no vuelve a empezar?’, in Dolores Corbella, Josefa Dorta & Rafael Padrón (eds), Perspectives en linguistique et philologie romanes. Volume 1. Paris: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, Bibliothèque de Linguistique Romane (BiLiRo), nº 18.1-18.2, 2023, 361-377 [with N. Schifano].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘The Romance personal infinitive revisited: Verb movement and subject positions’, in Natascha Pomino, Eva-Maria Remberger & Julia Zwink (eds), From Formal Linguistic Theory to the Art of Historical Editions: The Multifaceted Dimensions of Romance Linguistics. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 35-48.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘La distribuzione dell’accusativo preposizionale nei dialetti d’Italia’, in Patrizia Del Puente & Teresa Carbutti (eds), Atti del VI Convegno internazionale di dialettologia - Progetto A.L.Ba. Lagonegro: Zaccara Editore, 81-130.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Parametric variation in differential object marking in the dialects of Italy’, in Monica Irimia & Alexandru Mardale (eds), Differential Object Marking in Romance. Towards Microvariation. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 267-314.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Italian dialectology: Practical and theoretical considerations’, in Alberto Regagliolo (ed.), Italian as a Foreign Language: Teaching and Acquisition in Higher Education. Wilmington: Vernon Press, 129-164.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Il ruolo del contatto nell’aspetto perfettivo in griko: Forme sintetiche ed analitiche in competizione’, in Walter Breu and Malinka Pila (eds), L’aspettualità nel contatto linguistico: lingue slave e oltre. Resistenza, ristrutturazione ed innovazione dell’aspetto verbale e della sua periferia sotto l’influsso di varietà alloglotte. Atti del 3º Convegno Internazionale Costanza/Hegne, 16-20 giugno 2019. Florence: Firenze University Press, 303-329 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2024. ‘It-clefts: The state-of-the-art’, in Caterina Bonan & Adam Ledgeway (eds), It-clefts: Empirical and Theoretical Surveys and Advances. (Series Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs). Berlin: de Gruyter, 1-9 [with C. Bonan].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘The verb phrase’, in Giuseppe Longobardi (ed.), The Syntax of Italian. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [with I. Roberts].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘From Latin to Romance syntax: The great leap’, in Paola Crisma & Giuseppe Longobardi (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Diachronic and Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Change: Comparative syntax and diachrony’, in Sjef Barbiers, Norbert Corver & Maria Polinsky (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Southern Italian dialects’, in Anna-Maria De Cesare & Giampaolo Salvi (eds), Manual of Romance Word Classes (Manuals of Romance Linguistics). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘The old French case system: Three Franco-Italian case studies’, in Hannah Morcos, Henry Ravenhall, Maria Teresa Racchetta, Natasha Romanova & Simone Ventura (eds), The Values of the Vernacular: Studies in Medieval Language and Literature in Dialogue with Simon Gaunt. Rome: Viella.

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Configurationality: Changing patterns of morphology and syntax’, in Adam Ledgeway et al. (eds), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Exploring cross-linguistic comprehension and linguistic distance: The role of syntactic parameters’ in Chiara Cappellaro, Ton Dijkstra & Martin Maiden (eds), Cognateness: Theory and Application. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Morphology of determiners in the Romance languages’, in Michele Loporcaro & Francesco Gardani (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press [avec C. Cappellaro].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘When Greek meets Romance: Processes of Hellenization and Romanicization in southern Italy’, in Bridget Drinka & Claus Ehrhardt (eds), Excavating Language: Linguistic Connections across Latin, Greek, and Modern European Languages. Berlin: de Gruyter [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘“Defining ‘Italian”’: The dialect background and Italian as an Italian dialect’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press [with M. Maiden].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Historical syntax’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Verbal group’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Verb-movement and its correlates: insights from Cartography’, in Sam Wolfe (ed.), Mapping Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press [with N. Schifano].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Spirito greco, materia romanza: il caso della negazione irreale nelle varietà italogreche e romanze dell’Italia meridionale’, in Patrizia Del Puente (ed.), Atti del VII Convegno internazionale di dialettologia - Progetto A.L.Ba. Rionero in Vulture: Calice Editore [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Latin and Romance: Language Contact from a Typological Perspective’, in U. Hoinkes, J. Müller-Lancé and R. Schöntag (eds), Manual of Historical Contact Linguistics in Romance. Berlin: de Gruyter [with N. Vincent].


Ledgeway, Adam, 1996. ‘La ristrutturazione e i verbi modali-aspettuali in napoletano’, in Robert Hastings (ed.), Centro di dialettologia e linguistica italiana di Manchester, Quaderni di Ricerca 1:62-82.

Ledgeway, Adam, 1997. ‘Asyndetic complementation in Neapolitan dialect’, The Italianist 17:231-73.

Ledgeway, Adam, 1998. ‘Variation in the Romance infinitive: The case of the southern Calabrian inflected infinitive’, Transactions of the Philological Society 96:1-61.

Ledgeway, Adam, 1999 [1997]. ‘I tempi sovraccomposti nel napoletano antico’, L’Italia dialettale LX:105-24.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2003. ‘L’estensione dell’ausiliare perfettivo avere nell’antico napoletano: Intransitività scissa condizionata da fattori modali’, Archivio glottologico italiano LXXXVIII:27-71.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2003. [2004]. ‘Il sistema completivo dei dialetti meridionali: La doppia serie di complementatori’, Rivista italiana di dialettologia 27:89-147.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2004. ‘Lo sviluppo dei dimostrativi nei dialetti centromeridionali’, Lingua e Stile XXXIX:65-112.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2005. ‘Moving through the left periphery: The dual complementiser system in the dialects of southern Italy’, Transactions of the Philological Society 103:336-96.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2005. ‘Verb movement, adverbs and clitic positions in Romance’, Probus 17:79-113 [with A. Lombardi].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2007. ‘Osservatorio linguistico: La sintassi dei dialetti meridionali’, La lingua italiana. Storia, strutture, testi 3:161 70.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2008. ‘Satisfying V2 in early Romance: Merge vs move’. Journal of Linguistics 44:437-70.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2008. ‘Sulla storia dei verbi copulari dei dialetti dell’alto Meridione: Il caso del napoletano’, The Italianist 28: 281-301.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2009. ‘La grammatica diacronica del napoletano: Problemi e metodi’, Bollettino linguistico campano 15/16:1-72.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2010. ‘At the C-T boundary: Investigating Abruzzese complementation’, Lingua 120:2040-60 [with R. D’Alessandro].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. ‘When data meet theory: The case of the Placiti cassinesi’, in Sylvia Adamson & Wendy Bennett (eds), Linguistics and Philology in the Twenty-first Century. Oxford: Blackwell. Special Issue of the Transactions of the Philological Society 109:213-19.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2011. ‘Adverb agreement and split intransitivity: Evidence from southern Italy’, Archivio glottologico italiano 96:31-66.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. ‘From Latin to Romance: The rise of configurationality, functional categories and head-marking’, in Johanna Barðdal, Michela Cennamo & Elly van Gelderen (eds), Variation and Change in Argument Realisation. Oxford: Blackwell. Special Issue of the Transactions of the Philological Society 110:422-42.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012. ‘I Placiti cassinesi: Punti di incontro tra teoria e dati’, La lingua italiana. Storia, strutture, testi 8:9-21.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2012 [2013]. ‘Contatto e mutamento: Complementazione e complementatori nei dialetti del Salento’, in Marina Benedetti (ed.), Lingue e grammatiche. Contatti, divergenze, confronti, special issue of Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 41.3:459-80.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2013. ‘Testing linguistic theory and variation to their limits: The case of Romance and its dialects’, Corpus 12:271-327.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘Manciati siti? Les constructions moyennes avec les participes statifs dans les variétés italo-romanes méridionales’, Langages 194:63-80 [with D. Bentley].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea’, in Roberta D’Alessandro, Claudio Di Felice, Irene Franco & Adam Ledgeway (eds), Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea. Special issue of L’Italia dialettale 75:7-11 [with R. D’Alessandro, C. Di Felice, I. Franco].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2014. ‘La morphologie flexionnelle de l’impératif des dialectes de l’Italie méridionale: La distribution de la métaphonie’, in Jean Léo Léonard (ed.), Morphologie flexionnelle et dialectologie romane: Typologie(s) et modélisation(s). Mémoires de la Société linguistique de Paris XXII. Louvain: Peeters, 13-33.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2015. ‘Parallels in Romance nominal and clausal microvariation’, Revue roumaine de linguistique LX:105-27.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2016. ‘Limitele teoriei și variației lingvistice: Cazul limbii române’, Analele Universității din București, Limba și literature română 2016:33-60.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2017. ‘Late Latin verb second: The sentential word order of the Itinerarium Egeriae’, in Jaume Mateu Fontanals & Renato Oniga (eds), Generative Approaches to Latin Syntax, special issue of Catalan Journal of Linguistics 16:163-216. Available at:

Ledgeway, Adam, 2018. ‘The expression of progressive aspect in Grico: Mapping morphosyntactic isoglosses in an endangered Italo-Greek variety’, Transactions of the Philological Society 116:179-217 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2018. ‘Du latin aux langues romanes: Structure et configurationnalité’, De Lingua Latina 16. Available at:

Ledgeway, Adam, 2018. ‘Il contatto tra il greco e le varietà romanze nella Calabria meridionale’, Lingue Antiche e Moderne 75:95-133 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2019. ‘Differential object marking and the properties of D in the dialects of the extreme south of Italy’, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1):51.1-25. [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘Changing alignments in the Greek of southern Italy’, The Journal of Greek Linguistics 20:5-60 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘Introduction’, in Adam Ledgeway & Ian Roberts (eds), Historical Romance Linguistics, special issue of Probus 33:172-81 with I. Roberts.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘The north-south divide: Parameters of variation in the clausal domain’, L’Italia dialettale 81:29-77.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2020. ‘I possessivi in italo-greco e italo-romanzo: Paralleli strutturali in un’area di contatto’, Archivio glottologico italiano CV:85-114 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2021. ‘V2 beyond borders: The Histoire Ancienne jusqu’à César’, in Christine Meklenborg & Sam Wolfe (eds), Secrets of Success, special issue of 5(29):1-65.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2021. ‘The negative imperative in southern Calabria. Spirito greco, materia romanza again?’, Journal of Language Contact 14:184-220 [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2021. ‘Coming and going: Calabrian asyndetic complementation’, Revue roumaine de linguistique LXVI(1):3-35.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2022. ‘Residues and extensions of perfective auxiliary BE: Modal conditioning’, in Cecilia Poletto & Tommaso Balsemin (eds), New Perspectives on Italian Dialects, special issue of Languages 7(3):160.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Differential object marking in the dialects of southern Italy’, in Anna Pineda (ed.), Differential Object Marking in Romance, special issue of Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia 74:1-36.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘The final stronghold of the infinitive: (Silent) modals in Romanian and southern Italy’, in Gabriela Alboiu & Alexandru Mardale (eds), special issue of Revue roumaine de linguistique 68:25-39.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Aspectual and irrealis marking: the distribution of the Wallon temps surcomposés’, in Tommaso Balsemin, Irene Caloi, Jacopo Garzonio, Nicolas Lamoure & Francesco Pinzin (eds), Festschrift in Honor of Cecilia Poletto’s 60th Birthday, Quaderni di Lavoro ASIt 24:1-33.

Ledgeway, Adam, 2023. ‘Negation and verb-movement in Romance: New perspectives on Jespersen’s Cycle’, Probus 35(1):151-211. [with N. Schifano].

Ledgeway, Adam, 2024. ‘Exploring microvariation in Verb-movement parameters within Daco-Romanian and across Daco-Romance’, in Virginia Hill and Adam Ledgeway (eds), Formal Studies in Romance Balkan Languages, special issue of Languages 9:19. [with Ș. Costea].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Structural convergence in finite and infinitival complementation patterns under Salentino-Griko contact’, in Michele Loporcaro & Federica Breimaier (eds), The Dialects of Apulia and Salento: Two Different Ways of Being Southern (Italo)-Romance, special issue of L’Italia dialettale [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, In press. ‘Introduction: Balkan Romance within the Balkan Sprachbund’, in Virginia Hill and Adam Ledgeway (eds), Formal Studies in Romance Balkan Languages, special issue of Languages [with V. Hill].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘On the emergence of accusative subjects in embedded complement clauses in the Greek of southern Italy’ to be submitted to the Journal of Historical Syntax [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Sentential negation and old French as a V2 language: Evidence from the textual tradition of the Histoire Ancienne jusqu’à César (13th and 14th century)’, Journal of French Language [with S. Ventura].

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Complementizers and relativizers: A unified category? Evidence from the Greek and Romance of southern Italy’, Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie Occidentale.

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Formal issues in Neapolitan Morphosyntax: The state of the art’, in Michela Cennamo & Francesco Ciconte (eds), special issue of Linguistic Variation.

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘The syntax-pragmatics interface: A view from Cartography’, in Ana Ojea (ed.), Syntax and Discourse at the Crossroads, special issue of Languages.

Ledgeway, Adam, In prep. ‘Quando tre diventano due: lo sviluppo dei sistemi dei complementatori greci e romanzi dell'Italia meridionale estrema’, in Federica Breimaier and Michele Loporcaro (eds), special issue of Italia dialettale/Cuadernos de filologia italiana/Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. [with N. Schifano, G. Silvestri].


Ledgeway, Adam, 2020 Corpus of Adjective-Adverbs in Southern Varieties of Italy. In Gerlinde, Schneider, Christopher Pollin, Katharina Gerhalter & Martin Hummel: Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance. Open-Access Database (=AAIF-Database). [with K. Gerhalter].


Giacalone Ramat, Anna and Ramat, Paolo, 1998. ‘Preface’, The Indo-European Languages. London: Routledge, xiii-xviii, translated by Adam Ledgeway.

Vineis, Edoardo, 1998. ‘Latin’, in Anna Giacalone Ramat & Paolo Ramat (eds), The Indo-European Languages. London: Routledge, 261-321, translated by Adam Ledgeway.

1998. ‘Italian studies. Language’, in Stephen Parkinson (ed.), The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, Modern Humanities Research Association, 60:349-72 [with A. Lombardi].

1999. ‘Italian studies. Language’, in Stephen Parkinson (ed.), The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, Modern Humanities Research Association, 61:373-93 [with A. Lombardi].

2000-01 ‘Italian studies. Language’, in Stephen Parkinson (ed.), The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, Modern Humanities Research Association, 63:343-72 [with A. Lombardi].

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