Nicola Leone - Curriculum Vitae#

  • Chair of the Steering Committee of LPNMR (2003,-).
  • Member of the Executive Committees of: ALP (2019,-), JELIA (2004,-), GULP (2009-2012), WASP (2002–2005).
  • Program/General Chair of conferences:
    • AI*IA'19
    • JELIA'19
    • Datalog 2.0'19
    • PADL'18
    • LBFLR'17
    • CILC’10
    • LPNMR’05
    • JELIA’02
    • LPNMR’99
  • Member of more than 100 program committees

  • Journal of the Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge University Press: Area Editor for Knowledge Representation and Nonmonotonic Reasoning
  • The International Journal of AI*IA: member of the editorial board
  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Elsevier: Guest Editor of Special Issue of 138(1&2)
  • TPLP, Cambridge University Press: Guest Editor, Special Issue on CILC

Supervisor of 25 PhD Dissertations, and more than 200 Master’s Theses in AI. Nicola Leone has supervised students who have moved on to become notable researchers in AI. For instance, Mario Alviano, Francesco Calimeri, Marco Manna, Simona Perri, Francesco Ricca, and Francesco Scarcello are all Professors at the University of Calabria.

  • ICLP'19, New Mexico, USA
  • IC3K'18, Seville, Spain
  • LPoP'18, Oxford, U.K.
  • RW'15, Berlin, Germany
  • RR'13, Mannheim, Germany
  • NMR'12, Rome, Italy
  • LaSh'10, Edinburgh, U.K.
  • ICLP'08, Udine, Italy
  • RR’07, Innsbruck, Austria
  • LPNMR’07, Tempe, USA
  • LPAR'06, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

CURRENT PROJECTS (Principal Investigator)
  • PRIN 2018, funded by The Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, “Declarative Reasoning over Streams”. Budget: 321,400 Euro.
  • PON 2014/2020, funded by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, "Smarter Solutions in the Big Data World - S2BDW". Budget: 1,612,687 Euro.
  • POR CALABRIA 2014/2020, funded by The "Regione Calabria", "DLV Large Scale". Budget: 498,000 Euro.

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