
Karl Eduard Linsenmair - Curriculum Vitae#

Curriculum vitae

  • since April 2008 Professor Emeritus, Senior Professor
  • 1976 -2008 Chair for "Animal Ecology" (Zoology III) at the Zoological Institute; later: "Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology" at the Theodor-Boveri-Institute for Biological Sciences (Biocenter) at the University of Würzburg). October 19, 1981: Offered "Chair for General Zoology" (in succession of Prof. Grell) at the Zoological Institute of the University of Tübingen; declined March 1983.
  • 1972-1976: "Privatdozent" and Professor for Zoology ("Wiss. Rat und Professor", (HS2)) at Regensburg University.
  • 12/1971 Habilitation.
  • 1970 -1972 Scientific Assistant ("Wissenschaftlicher Assistent") within the Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine at the University of Regensburg.
  • 1967-1970 teaching Assistant at the Anthropological Institute of the University of Frankfurt. Research Assistant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council) at the Zoological Institute of the University of Frankfurt.
  • 1967 Dissertation: Etho-ecological investigation on semi terrestrial crabs at t he Red Sea. Ph.D.-Degree: oral examination December 12, 1966 in the fields of Zoology, Biochemistry and Anthropology (Prof. M. Lindauer). Award as "best dissertation of the year" by the Faculty for Natural Sciences of the University of Frankfurt.
  • 1959-66 University studies: Major: Zoology, in addition: Botany, Chemistry, Anthropology and Psychology at the Universities of Heidelberg, Freiburg i. Brsg. and Frankfurt a.M.

Selected Awards
  • 1987 Stiftung Volkswagenwerk: Award in "Wettbewerb Biowissenschaften"
  • 1991 Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation (funding of the Comoé-Station)
  • 1996 Körber European science award 1996
  • 1997 elected member of the Leopoldina (Halle)
  • 1998 elected member of the Academia Europea
  • 2003-2011 elected member (re-elected 2007) Fachkollegiums 'Zoologie' der DFG für das Fach 'Ökologie und Ökosystemforschung', (review board (Zoology) of the German Research Foundation , for Ecology and Ecosystem research)
  • 2008 Honorary Fellow of the „Society of Tropical Ecology“(GTÖ)
  • 2009 Honorary Fellow of „The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation“ (ATBC, USA)
  • 2014 Medal of merit 'Bene merenti' in gold, awarded by the University of Wuerzburg
  • Member of the National Committee for Global Change Research (also speaker of DIVERSITAS) 1996-2003
  • Member of Scientific Boards of: Museum of Natural History at Berlin (since 1999), renewed until 2018; WWF (since 1999),, Museum and Research Institution Senckenberg at Frankfurt (since 1998)
  • For 15 years (1994-2009) President of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie" (gtö, “The German Tropical Ecology Society”, renamed “The Society for Tropical Ecology” in due course becoming “The European Society of Tropical Ecology”), since August 2009 vice president of this society. Member of the Scientific advisory board of the WWF, Research Institute Senckenberg, Natural History Museum Berlin; Head of the scientific advisory board and member of the curatorium of the ZMT (Centre for Marine Tropical ecology), Bremen (1999-2005)
  • Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie, Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte, Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Ethologische Gesellschaft, Physikalisch-medizinische Gesellschaft Würzburg, International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), Nefo (Netzwerk-Forum zur Biodiversitätsforschung in Deutschland), Diversitas Deutschland: Member of the steering committee

Editorial work
  • Managing editor of the leading international journal "Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology":1988 -1994. Member of the board of editors of the "Journal for Evolutionary Biology (1988-1990), "Ethology Ecology & Evolution (since its foundation), BAsic and Appied Ecology. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 1994-98; Ecotropica since its foundation. Referee for a large number of scientific journals.

  • For many national and international science promoting institutions, ministries, GTZ, universities, EU, UNEP etc.. Supervisor of a large number of dissertations and diploma theses. Many official functions within the self-administration of the Universities: for many years member of the executive committee of the Faculty (Fachbereichsrat; Dean of the Faculty; member of the Senat for several periods, since 1992 member of the financial commission (Haushaltskommission); since end of 1994 responsible for the student exchange programme with Duke University, Durham North Carolina, USA; etc..
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