
Karl Eduard Linsenmair - List of publications#

  • Floren A, Müller T, Dittrich M, Weiss M, Linsenmair KE (2014) The influence of tree species, stratum and forest management on beetle assemblages responding to deadwood enrichment. Forest Ecology and Management 323, 57-64
  • Koné M, Konaté S, Yeo K, Kouassi PK, Linsenmair KE (in press) Effects of management intensity on ant diversity in cocoa plantation (Oume, centre west Cote D’Ivoire) J Insect Cons Doi 10.1007/s10841-014-9679-8
  • Konopik O, Linsenmair KE, Grafe TU (2014) Road construction enables establishment of a novel predator category to resident anuran community: a case study from a primary lowland Bornean rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30, 13-22


  • Allan, E., Bossdorf, O., Dormann, C.F., Prati, D., Gossner, M.M., Tscharntke, T., Blüthgen, N., Barto, K., Bellach, M., Birkhofer, K., Boch, S., Böhm, S., Börschig, C., Chatzinotas, A., Christ, S., Daniel, R., Diekoetter, T., Fischer, C., Friedl, T., Glaser, K., Hallman, C., Hodaĉ, L., Hölzel, N., Jung, K.,Klein A.M., Klaus, V., Kleinebecker, T., Krauss, J., Lange, M., Müller, J., Nacke, H., Pašalić, E., Rillig, M., Rothenwöhrer, C., Schall, P., Scherber, C., Schulze, W., Socher, S., Steckel, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Türke, M., Weiner, C., Werner, M., Westphal, C., Wolters, V., Wubet, T., Gockel, S., Gorke, M., Hemp, A., Renner, S.C., Schöning, I., Pfeiffer, S., König-Ries, B., Buscot, F., Linsenmair, K.E., Schulze, E.D., Weisser, W.W., Fischer, M. (in press): Inter-annual variation in land-use intensity enhances grassland multidiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), doi:10.1073/pnas.1312213111
  • Steffen Boch, Daniel Prati, Jörg Müller, Stephanie Socher, Henryk Baumbach, François Buscot, Sonja Gockel, Andreas Hemp, Dominik Hessenmöller, Elisabeth K.V. Kalko, Linsenmair KE, Simone Pfeiffer, Ulf Pommer, Ingo Schöning, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Claudia Seilwinder, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Konstans Wells, Markus Fischer (2013) High plant species richness indicates management-related disturbances rather than the conservation status of forests. Basic and Applied Ecology , 14, 496-505..
  • Dosso K, Deligne J, Yéo K, Konaté S, Linsenmair KE (2013) Changes in the termite assemblage across a sequence of land-use systems in the rural area around Lamto Reserve in central Côte d’Ivoire. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17, 1047-1057.
  • Gossner MM, Floren A, Weisser W, Linsenmair KE (2013) Effect of dead wood enrichment in the canopy and on the forest floor on beetle guild composition. Forest Ecology and Management 404-413.
  • Hancock C, Wäschke N, Schumacher U, Linsenmair KE, Meiners T, Obermaier E (2013) Fertilizer application decreases insect abundance on Plantago lanceolata – a large scale experiment in three geographic regions. Arthropod-Plant interactions (APIS). 7, 147-158.
  • Meuche I, O Brusa, Linsenmair KE, A Keller , H Pröhl (2013). Only distance matters - non-choosy females in a poison frog population. Frontiers in Zoology. 10:29. doi:10.1186/1742-9994-10-29
  • Socher SA., Prati D, Boch S, Müller J, Baumbach H., Gockel S., Hemp A., Schöning I., Wells K., Buscot F., Kalko E. K. V., Linsenmair KE., Schulze E.-D., Weisser W. W., Fischer M. (2013) Interacting effects of fertilization, mowing and grazing on plant species diversity of 1500 grasslands in Germany differ between regions. Basic and Applied Ecology 14, 126–136
  • Weiner CN, Werner M, Linsenmair KE, Blüthgen N (in press) Land-use impacts on plant-pollinator networks: interaction strength and specialization predict pollinator decline. Ecology dx.doi.org/10.1890/13-0436.1


  • Blüthgen N, Dormann CF, Prati D, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Hölzel N, Alt F, Boch S, Gockel S, Hemp A, Müller J, Nieschulze J, Renner SC, Schöning I, Schumacher U, Socher SA, Wells K, Birkhofer K, Buscot F, Oelmann Y, Rothenwöhrer C, Scherber C, Tscharntke T, Weiner CN, Fischer M, Kalko EKV; Linsenmair KE, Schulze ED, Weisser WW (2012) A quantitative index of land-use intensity in grasslands: integrating mowing, grazing and fertilization. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13, 207-220.
  • Boch S, Prati D, Müller J, Socher S , Baumbach H, Buscot F, Gockel S, Heinze E, Hemp A, Hessenmöller D, Kalko EKV, Linsenmair KE, Pfeiffer S, Pommer U, Schöning I, Schulze ED, Seilwinder C, Weisser WW, Wells K, Fischer M: Plant species richness in relation to forest management and site conditions of 1500 German forest sites. Ecological Applications, in press.
  • Dosso K, Yéo K, Konaté S, Linsenmair KE (2012) Importance of protected areas for biodiversity conservation in central Côte d’Ivoire: Comparison of termite assemblages between two neighboring areas under differing levels of disturbance . Journal of Insect Science 12:131. Available online: www.insectscience.org/12.131
  • Ernst R, Keller A, Landburg G, Grafe T.U., Linsenmair KE., Rödel M-O, Dziock (2012) Common ancestry or environmental trait filters: cross-continental comparisons of trait-habitat relationships in tropical anuran amphibian assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, 704-715.
  • LAurance et al. (inkl. KE Linsenmair (2012) Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature 489, 290-294 .
  • Koné M, Konaté S, Yeo K, Kouassi PK, Linsenmair KE (2012) Changes in ant communities along an age gradient of cocoa cultivation in the Oumé region, central Cote d’Ivoire. Entomological Science, 15, 324–339.
  • Kreutz K, Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2012) Timber plantations as favourite habitat for giant anteaters. Mammalia, in press .DOI 10.1515/mammalia-2011-0049
  • Meuche I., Linsenmair KE, Pröhl H. (2012) Intrasexual competition, territoriality and acoustic communication in male strawberry poison frogs (/Oophaga pumilio/). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 613-621.
  • Naether, A., Foesel, B., Naegele, V., Wüst, P., Weinert, J., Bonkowski, M., Alt, F., Oelmann, Y., Polle, A., Lohaus, G., Gockel, S., Hemp, A., Kalko, E.K.V., Linsenmair, KE., Pfeiffer, S., Renner, S., Schöning, I., Weisser, W.W., Wells, K., Fischer, M., Overmann, J., Friedrich, M. (2012): Environmental factors affect acidobacterial communities below the subgroup level in grassland and forest soils, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 7398-7406.


  • Floren A, Müller T, Deeleman-Reinhold C, Linsenmair KE (2011) Effects of forest fragmentation on canopy spider communities in SE-Asian rainforests. Ecotropica 17: 15-26.
  • Hauber ME, D. Bierbach, Linsenmair KE (2011), A description of teleost fish diversity in floodplain pools (‘Whedos’) and the Middle-Niger at Malanville (north-eastern Benin) Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27,1095-1099.
  • Hsieh Y-L, Linsenmair KE (2011) Underestimated spider diversity in a temperate beech forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2953-2965.
  • Kagambega F.W., Kaiser D., Konaté S., Linsenmair K. E., Lepage M., Thiombiano A. & Boussim J.I. (2011) Restauration écologique des zones dégradées. In: Thiombiano A. & Kampmann D., eds. Atlas de la Biodiversité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, Tome II : Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou & Frankfurt/Main. Pp. 434-443.
  • Kaiser D., Konaté S., Linsenmair K. E. (2011). Termites et communauté de fourmis. ». In: Thiombiano A. & Kampmann D., eds. Atlas de la Biodiversité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, Tome II : Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou & Frankfurt/Main. Pp. 324-331.
  • Kaiser D., Konaté S., Linsenmair K. E. & Lepage M. (2011) Zaï - « Levez vous tôt pour vous empresser de préparer votre terre ». In: Thiombiano A. & Kampmann D., eds. Atlas de la Biodiversité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, Tome II : Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou & Frankfurt/Main. Pp. 496-497.
  • Kaiser D., Konaté S. & Linsenmair K. E. (2011). Evaluation des communautés de termites et de fourmis. In: Thiombiano A. & Kampmann D., eds. Atlas de la Biodiversité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, Tome II : Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou & Frankfurt/Main. Pp. 520-525.
  • Konaté S. & Linsenmair K. E. (2011). Diversité biologique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest : Importance,menaces et valorisation. In: Thiombiano A. & Kampmann D., eds. Atlas de la Biodiversité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, Tome II : Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou & Frankfurt/Main. Pp. 14-32.
  • Koné N’G.A., Dosso K., Konaté S., Kouadio J.K., Linsenmair KE (2011). Environmental and biological determinants of Termitomyces species seasonal fructification in central and southern Côte d’Ivoire. Insectes Sociaux 58:371-382.
  • Meuche, I., K.E. Linsenmair, Pröhl H. (2011). Female territoriality in the strawberry poison frog (O. pumilio). Copeia 3: 351-356.
  • NOBRE, T., KONÉ, N. A., KONATÉ, S., LINSENMAIR, KE and AANEN, D. K. (2011), Dating the fungus-growing termites’ mutualism shows a mixture between ancient codiversification and recent symbiont dispersal across divergent hosts. Molecular Ecology 20: 2619–2627.
  • Weiner CN, Werner M, Linsenmair KE, Blüthgen N (2011) Land use intensity in grasslands: changes in biodiversity, species composition and specialisation in flower-visitor networks. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 292-299.
  • Yanoviak, S. P., Berghoff, S. M., Linsenmair, KE. and Zotz, G. (2011) Effects of an Epiphytic Orchid on Arboreal Ant Community Structure in Panama. Biotropica 43: 731-737.


  • Dosso K, Konaté S, Aidara D, Linsenmair KE (2010) Termite diversity and abundance across fire-induced habitat variability in a tropical moist savanna (Lamto, Central Côte d?Ivoire). Journal of Tropical Ecology 26, 323-334.
  • Dosso K, Konaté S, Kouakou TAM, Dembele A, Aidara D, Linsenmair KE (2010) The study of unburned savanna sections serving as temporary refuges for insects. An experiment in a tropical humid savanna in Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Applied Biosciences 39, 2607-2617
  • Fischer M, EKV Kalko, KE. Linsenmair, ED. Schulze, S Pfeiffer, D Prati, Weisser WW (2010) Exploratories for large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research. in: F. Müller, H. Schubert (eds) Long-Term Ecological Research - between Theory and Application. Springer Ecological Studies. (Müller F., Baessler C, Schubert H., Klotz S, eds.), pp. 429-443, Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Fischer M, Bossdorf O, Gockel S, Hänsel F, Hemp A, Hessenmöller D, Korte G; Nieschulze J, Pfeiffer S, Prati D, Renner S, Schöning I; Schumacher U, Wells K, Kalko EKV, Buscot F, Linsenmair KE, Schulze ED, WW Weisser (2010) Implementing large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research: The Biodiversity Exploratories. Basic and Applied Ecology 11, 473-485.
  • Fründ J, Linsenmair KE, Blüthgen N (2010) Pollinator diversity and specialization in relation to flower diversity. Oikos, 119: 1581–1590.
  • Grohmann C, Oldeland J, Stoyan D, Linsenmair KE (2010) Multi-scale pattern analysis of a mound building termite species. Insectes Sociaux, 57 (4), 477-486
  • Haarmeyer D.H., Luther-Mosebach J., Dengler J., Schmiedel U., Finckh M., Berger K., Deckert J., Domptail S.E., Dreber N., Gibreel T., Grohmann C., Gröngröft A., Haensler A., Hanke W., Hoffmann A., Husted L.B., Kangombe F.N., Keil M., Krug C.B., Labitzky T., Linke T., Mager D., Mey W., Muche G., Naumann C., Pellowski M., Powrie L.W., Propper M., Rutherford M.C., Schneiderat U., Strohbach B.J., Vohland K., Weber B., Wesuls D., Wisch U., Zedda L., Budel B., Darienko T., Deutschewitz K., Dojani S., Erb E., Falk T., Friedl T., Kanzler S.-E., Limpricht C., Linsenmair K.E., Mohr K., Oliver T., Petersen A., Rambold G., Zeller U., Austermühle R., Bausch J., Bosing B.M., Classen N., Dorendorf J., Dorigo W., Esler K.J., Etzold S., Graiff A., Grotehusmann L., Hecht J., Hoyer P., Kongor R.Y., Lang H., Lieckfeld L.A.B., Oldeland J., Peters J., Rower I.U., September Z.M., Sop T.K., van Rooyen M.W., Weber J., Willer J. and Jürgens, N. 2010. The BIOTA Observatories. In: Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 1: Patterns at local scale - the BIOTA Observatories (Jürgens N., Haarmeyer D.H., Luther-Mosebach J., Dengler J., Finckh M. and Schmiedel U., Eds.). Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. pp 6-801.
  • Henschel JR, Grohmann C, Siteketa V, Linsenmair KE (2010) Monitoring tenebrionid beetle biodiversity in Namibia. African Study Monographs, Suppl. 40, 117-128.
  • Jeltsch F., Blaum N., Classen N., Eschenbach A., Grohmann C., Gröngroft A., Joubert D.F., Horn A., Lohmann D., Linsenmair K.E., Luck-Vogel M., Medinski T.V., Meyfarth S., Mills A., Petersen A., Popp A., Poschlod P., Reisch C., Rossmanith E., Rubilar H., Schutze S., Seymour C., Simmons R., Smit G.N., Strohbach M., Tews J., Tietjen B., Wesuls D., Wichmann M., Wieczorek M. and Zimmermann I. 2010. Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. In: Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management (Hoffman M.T., Schmiedel U. and Jürgens N., Eds.). Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. pp 33-74.
  • Kunz B, Linsenmair KE (2010) Fruit traits in baboon Diet: A comparison with plant species characteristics in West Africa. Biotropica 42, 363-371. DOI10.1111/j.1744-7429.2009.00591.x
  • M Koné, S Konaté, K Yeo, P K Kouassi, K. E. Linsenmair (2010) Diversity and abundance of terrestrial ants in a forest?Savannah zone. Journal of Applied Biosciences 29, 1809-1827.
  • S Pfeiffer, Gockel S, Hemp A, Wells K, Prati D, Nieschulze J, EKV Kalko Buscot F, Linsenmair KE, Schulze ED, Weisser WW, Fischer M (2010) ?Exploratories? for functional biodiversity research. Pp 26-29 in : J Settele et al. (eds). Atlas of Biodiversity Risk.
  • Pensoft. Sofia.Grohmann C, Oldeland J, Stoyan D, Linsenmair KE (2010) Multi-scale pattern analysis of a mound building termite species. Insectes Sociaux, 57 (4), 477-486
  • Türke M, Fiala B, Linsenmair KE, Feldhaar H (2010) Estimation of dispersal distances of the obligately plant-associated ant Crematogaster decamera. Ecological Entomology 35, 662?671
  • Weiner CN, Hilpert A, Werner M, Linsenmair KE, Blüthgen N (2010) Pollen amino acids and flower specialisation in solitary bees. Apidologie 41, 476-487


  • Moritz, T, Engelmann, J , Linsenmair KE, von der Emde G (2009) The electric organ discharges of the Petrocephalus species (Teleostei:Mormyridae) of the Upper Volta System. Journal of Fish Biology 74, 54-76.
  • Pfeiffer S, Fischer M, Kalko E, Linsenmair E, Schulze E-D, Weisser W (2009) Exploratorien für die funktionelle Biodiversitätsforschung in Deutschland. In: BfN-Skripten 246 ‚Biodiversität und Klima’, 52-53.
  • Keller, A, Rödel MO, Linsenmair KE, Grafe U (2009) The importance of environmental heterogeneity for species diversity and assemblage structure in Bornean stream frogs. Journal of Animal Ecology 78,305-314.
  • Kunz B, Linsenmair KE (2009) Fruit removal and seed predation in two African trees (Lannea acida and Lannea welwitschii), Anacardiaceae). West African Journal of Applied Ecology 17,87-95


  • Floren, A, Otto S, Linsenmair KE (2008) Do spider communities in primary forests differ from those in forest-plantations? A canopy study in the Bialowieza Forest (Poland). Pp 489-506 In: Floren A & J Schmidl: Canopy arthropod research in Europe. Bioform , Nuermberg.
  • Glos J, Wegner F, Dausmann KH, Linsenmair KE (2008) Oviposition-Site Selection in an Endangered Madagascan Frog: Experimental Evaluation of a Habitat Model and its Implications for Conservation. Biotropica 40(5), 646-652.
  • Glos J, Dausmann KH, Linsenmair KE (2008) Modelling the habitat use of Aglyptodactylus laticeps, an endangered dry-forest frog from Western Madagaskar.In: Andreone F (ed.) A conservation strategy for the amphibians of Madagascar. Monografie XLV. S. 125-142.
  • Dausmann KH, Glos J, Linsenmair KE, Ganzhorn J (2008) Improved recruitment of a lemur dispersed tree in Malagasy dry forests after the demise of vertebrates in forest fragments. Oecologia 157(2): 307-316
  • Glos, J., K.H. Dausmann, K.E. Linsenmair (2008). Modeling the habitat use of Aglyptodactylus laticeps, an endangered dry-forest frog from Western Madagascar. A Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of Madagascar. F. Andreone. Torino, Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, XLV: 125-142.
  • Kunz B, Linsenmair KE (2008) The role of the olive baboon (PApio anubis, Cercopithecidae) as seed disperser in a savanna-forest mosaic of West Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology 24(3), 235-246
  • Kunz B, Linsenmair KE (2008) Seed size selection by olive baboons. Primates DOI10.1007/s10329-008-0101
  • Kunz B, Hovestadt T, Linsenmair KE (2008) Variation of dispersal agents? Frugivore assemblages and fruit handling in a typical ‘bird-dispersed’ tree (Lannea acida, Annacardiaceae).Ecotropica 14 (2) 101-112.
  • Malsch A, Fiala B, Maschwitz U, Maryati Mohamed, Nais J, Linsenmair, KE (2008) An analysis of declining ant species richness with increasing elevation at Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo. Asian Myrmecology 2, 33-49
  • Menzel F, Linsenmair KE , Blüthgen N (2008) Selective interspecific tolerance in tropical/ Crematogaster-Camponotus/ associations. Animal Behaviour75, 837-846.
  • Moritz T, Linsenmair KE, von der Emde G (2008) Electric organ discharge variability of Mormyridae (Teleostei: Osteoglossomorpha) in the Upper Volta system. Biological Journal for the Linnean Society 94, 61-80
  • Pfeiffer S, Bernert P, Grossmann M, Henne E, Kalko EKV, Linsenmair E, Prati D, Schulze E-D, Weisser WW, Fischer M (2008) Exploratorien für die funktionelle Biodiversitätsforschung. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 60, 183-188.
  • Stüben M, Linsenmair KE (2008) Advances in insect preparation: bleaching, clearing and relaxing ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological news 12, 15-21

Publications from 1990-2007

  • Linsenmair KE (1990) Tropische Biodiversität: Befunde und offene Probleme. Verh Deutsch Zool Ges 83: 245-261
  • Linsenmair KE (1990) Die Selbstorganisation des Lebens: Von der Lebensentstehung zum Ökosystem. In: Böhm W, Lindauer M (eds) Woher, Wozu, Wohin? Fragen nach dem menschlichen Leben. Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag, 54 - 84
  • Buchholz S, Linsenmair KE (1991) Passen in Pfützen lebende Kaulquappen (Bsp. Bombina variegata) ihre Entwicklungsstrategie an sich verändernde Umweltbedingungen an? Verh Dtsche Zool Ges 84,Tübingen, 302-303
  • Radl RC, Linsenmair KE (1991) Maternal behaviour and nest recognition in the subsocial earwig Labidura riparia Pallas (Dermaptera: Labiduridae). Ethology 89, 287-296
  • Strohm EEK, Linsenmair KE (1991) Allokation elterlicher Investition beim Bienenwolf Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Verh Dtsche Zool Ges 84, Tübingen, 330-331
  • Linsenmair KE (1992) Tropische Biodiversität. Lexikon der Biologie, Band 1, 409-416. Schmitt, M.(ed.), Herder Verlag, Freiburg
  • Kobelt F, Linsenmair KE (1992) Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to its arid environment. VI. The iridophores in the skin of Hyperolius viridiflavus taeniatus as radiation reflectors. J Comp Physiol B 162, 314-326
  • Grafe U, Schmuck R, Linsenmair KE (1992) Reproductive energetics of the African reed frogs Hyperolius viridiflavus and Hyperolius marmoratus. Physiol Zool 65, 153-171
  • Linsenmair KE (1992) Vorwort zu: Ende der Biologischen Vielfalt. Wilson, EO (Hrg.), Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 11-13
  • Maschwitz U, Fiala B, Linsenmair KE. (1992). A new ant-tree from SE Asia: Zanthoxylum myriacanthum (Rutaceae), the thorny ivy-rue (Chenkering, Kabu Kabu Utan). Malay Nat J 46: 101-109.
  • Röder G, Steinlein C, Schmid, M, Linsenmair KE (1993) Karyotye and chromosome banding in the Turkish desert woodlouse Desertellio elongatus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscoidea). Experientia 49, 339-441
  • Linsenmair KE. (1994). Reproductive behaviour and chemical communication in the monogamous desert isopod Hemilepistus reaumuri and some other subsocial isopods. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, Special Issue 3, 3-4.
  • Fiala B, Grunsky H, Maschwitz U, Linsenmair KE (1994). Diversity of ant-plant interactions: Protective efficacy in Macaranga species with different degrees of ant-association. Oecologia 97, 186-192.
  • Meiners T, Strohm E, Linsenmair KE. (1994). Das Paarungssystem von Malachius bipustulatus (Coleoptera: Malachiidae). Verh Dtsche Zool Ges 87.1, Jena, 50
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1994). Aufteilungen elterlicher Investitionen unter den Nachkommen beim Europäischen Bienenwolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Verh Dtsche Zool Ges 87.1, Jena, 62
  • Fiala B, Linsenmair KE, Maschwitz U. (1994). Diversität von Ameisen-Pflanzen-Interaktionen im südostasiatischen Regenwald. Staat Mus Natkde Karlsruhe: Andrias Sonderband 13, 169-178.
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE. (1994).Zur Diversität und Wiederbesied- lungsdynamik von Arthropoden auf drei Baumarten in einem Regenwald in Sabah, Malaysia. Andrias Sonderband 13, 23-28.
  • Maschwitz U, Fiala B, Linsenmair KE. (1994). Clerodendrum fistulosum Beccari (Verbenacae), an unspecific myrmecophyte from Borneo with sponteneously opening domatia. Blumea (Leiden) 39: 143-150.
  • Schmuck R, Geise W, Linsenmair KE (1994) Life cycle strategies and physiological adjustments of reedfrog tadpoles (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) in relation to environmental conditions. Copeia 1994(4), 996-1007.
  • Fiala B, Linsenmair KE (1995). Distribution and abundance of plants with extrafloral nectaries in the woody flora of a lowland primary forest in Malaysia. Biodiv Cons 4, 165-182.
  • Linsenmair, KE (1995). Biologische Vielfalt und ökologische Stabilität. Wissenschaft in der globalen Herausforderung, 267-295.
  • Hrsg. H. Markl. Hirzel, Stuttgart. (Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte, 118.Versammlung, Hamburg 1994).
  • Linsenmair, KE (1995). Tropische Biodiversität - vom ursächlichen Verständnis der strukturellen und funktionellen Komplexität noch weit entfernt. Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie. Bayrische Akademie Wissenschaften, Band 10, Bayrische Tropenforschung - Einst und jetzt, 115-126.
  • Kobelt F, Linsenmair KE (1995). Adaptations of the reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) to its arid environment. VII. The heat budget of Hyperolius viridiflavus nitidulus and the evolution of an optimized body shape. J Comp Physiol B, 165: 110-124
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1995). Leaving the craddle: how beewolves obtain the necessary spatial information for emergence. Zoology: Analysis of Complex Systems, 98, 137-146
  • Röder G, Nanda I, Schmid M, Linsenmair KE. (1996). On sex determination in the Turkish desert woodlouse Hemilepistus elongatus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscida): Searching for sex chromosomes and for sex-specific differences in simple DNA repeats. Genome, 39, 818-821.
  • Fiala B, Maschwitz, Linsenmair KE. (1996) Macaranga caladiifolia Beccari (Euphorbiaceae), a new type of ant-plant among SE-Asian myrmecophytic Macaranga species. Biotropica 28: 408-412.
  • Götzke A, Linsenmair KE (1996) Does ß-diversity allow reliable discrimination between deterministically and stochastically assembled communities? Ecotropica 2(1), 79-82.
  • König B, Linsenmair KE. (1996). Hrsg.und mit Einführungen versehen. Biologische Vielfalt. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford.
  • Maschwitz U, Fiala B, Davies SJ, Dumpert K, Linsenmair KE (1996) Camponotus and Crematogaster as partners of one myrmecophyte: A new three-partner association in the genus Macaranga from Borneo. Ecotropica 2(1): 29-40.
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1996) How can newly emerged beewolves (Philanthus triangulum F.; Hymenoptera: Specidae) obtain the necessary spatial information for emergence? in: Pfannenstiel, H-D (ed.) Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 1996 in Oldenburg, Bd 89.1, S. 262, Fischer, Stuttgart
  • Stumpf H, Linsenmair KE (1996). Observations on the mating systems of two linyphiid spiders, Linyphia hortensis Sund. and L. triangularis (Cl.) (Linyphiidae: Araneae). Revue suisse de Zoologie, vol. hors. série: 627-634.
  • Böll S, Erben GR, Linsenmair KE (1997). Wie zuverlässig ist die skeletochronologische Altersbestimmung bei der Geburtshelferkröte Alytes obstetricans? Mertensiella 7,315-327.
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (1997) Diversity and recolonisation dynamics of arthropod communities with special reference to the Formicidae-fauna on different tree species in a lowland rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. In: Canopy arthropods. Stork NE, Adis J & Didham RK (eds), 344-381
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (1997) Diversity and recolonisation dynamics of canopy arthropod communities in a lowland rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Verhandlungsband, International Symposium on Biodiversity, Bonn 1994.
  • Heil M, Fiala B, Linsenmair KE, Zotz G, Menke P, Maschwitz U. (1997) Food body production in Macaranga triloba (Euphorbiaceae): a plant investment in anti-herbivore defence via symbiotic ant partners. Journal of Ecology 85: 847-861
  • Krell FT, Schmitt T, Linsenmair KE (1997). Diplopod defensive secretions as attractants for necrophagous scarab beetles (Diplopoda.- Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabeidae). Entomologica Scandinavica Supplementum 51: 281-285.
  • Linsenmair, KE (1997) Biodiversity and sustainable management of tropical forests. IN: Tropical forests. Natural resources and development Vol. 45/46. ed. Institute of Scientific Cooperation, Tübingen, 13-27.
  • Pfeiffer M, Linsenmair KE (1997) Reproductive synchronisation in the tropics: the circa-semiannual rhythm in the nuptial flight of the giant ant Camponotus gigas (Hym./Form.). Ecotropica 3, 21-32.
  • Rödel MO, Linsenmair KE (1997) Predator induced swarms in the tadpoles of an African savannah frog Phrynomantis microps. Ethology 103, 902-914
  • Schmidt T, Linsenmair KE (1997) Längerfristige Auswirkungen von Kahlfraß durch den Schwammspinner (Lymantria dispar L.). Miteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 11: 691-694
  • Schmuck R, Linsenmair KE (1997) Regulation of water balance in reedfrogs (superspecies Hyperolius viridiflavus and Hyperolius marmoratus: Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) living in unpredictably varying savannah environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 118A (4), 1335-1352.
  • Spieler M, Linsenmair KE (1997) Choice of optimal oviposition sites by Hoplobatrachus occipitalis (Anura: Ranidae) in an unpredictable and patchy environment. Oecologia 109, 184-199
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1997) Female size affects provisioning and sex allocation in a digger wasp. Animal Behavior 54, 23-34
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1997) Low food availability causes extremely male biased investment ratio in the European beewolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Specidae). Proceedings of The Royal Society London B 264, 423-429.
  • Adis J, Basset Y, Floren A, Hammond PM, KE Linsenmair (1998) Canopy fogging- recommendations for standardization. Ecotropica 4, 93-98.
  • Böll S, Linsenmair KE (1998) Size-dependent male reproductive success and size-assortative mating in the midwife toad Alytes obstetricans. Amphibia-Reptilia 69, 75-89.
  • Brühl CA, Linsenmair KE, Gunik Gunsalam (1998) Stratification of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in a primary rain forest in Sabah, Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology 14, 285-297
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (1998) Non equilibrium communities of Coleoptera on trees in a lowland rain forest of Borneo. Ecotropica 4, 55-68.
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (1998). Diversity and recolonisation of arboreal Formicidae and Coleoptera in a lowland rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Selbyana 19(2), 155-161.
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE, Alim Biun (1998) Structure and dynamics of arboreal arthropod communities. Sabah Parks Nature Journal 1, 69-82.
  • Heil M, Fiala B, Kaiser W, Linsenmair KE (1998) Chemical contents of Macaranga food bodies: Physiological adaptations to their role in ant attraction and nutrition. Functional Ecology 11, 117-122.
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (1998) The effects of temperature on the architecture and distribution of Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera: Macrotermitinae) mounds in diferent habitats of a West African Guinea savanna. Insectes Sociaux 45, 51-65.
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (1998) Experimental heating of Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera; Macrotermitinae) mounds: what role does microclimate play in influencing mound architecture? Insectes Sociaux 45, 335-342.
  • Linsenmair KE (1998) Risk-spreading and risk-reducing tactics of West African anurans in an unpredictably changing and stressful environment. In: DM Newbery, HHT Prins & ND Brown (eds). Dynamics of tropical communities. British Ecological Society Symposium Volume 37, 221-242.
  • Linsenmair KE.(1998) Biodiversity research: general aspects and state of the art in Germany. In: E. Ehlers & T. Krafft, German global change research 1998. German National Committee on Global Change research, Bonn. 12-35.
  • Linsenmair KE (1998) Aspects of the focal theme. In: Plant Research and Development Vol. 47/48, Focus: Forest Management and Sustainability, 8-12.Institute for Scientific Co-operation, Tübingen.
  • Linsenmair KE (1998) Kata-Kata aluan (foreword) Unit Biologi Tropika & Pemulharaan Newletter 2/98, p. 4-9, University Malaysia Sabah.
  • Pfeiffer M, Linsenmair KE (1998) Polydomy and organization of foraging in Camponotus gigas. Oecologia 117, 579-590
  • Röder G, Linsenmair KE (1998) On the heredity of two forms of albinism and on the fitness of albinos in the Turkish desert woodlouse Hemilepistus elongatus Budde-Lund, 1885 (Isopoda, Oniscidea). Crustaceana 71, 57-72.
  • Spieler M, Linsenmair KE (1998) Migration and diurnal shelter in a ranid frog from a West African savannah: a telemetric study. Amphibia-Reptilia 69, 43-64
  • Stegmann U, Kessler HPZA, MM Sofian, Maklarin bin Lakim, Linsenmair KE (1998) Natural history of the treehopper Gigantorhabdus enderleini. Malayan Nature Journal 52, 3 & 4, 241-249
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1998) Temperature dependence of provisioning and investment allocation of females in the European beewolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Ecol. Entomol. 23 (3), 330-339.
  • Warburg MR, Rosenberg M, Linsenmair KE (1998) Hitherto undescribed ultrastructural features in the epidermis of two African amphibians. Herpetological Journal 8, 47-50
  • Brühl C, Maryati Mohamed, Linsenmair KE (1999) Altitudinal distribution of leaf litter ants along a transect in primary forests on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 15, 265-277
  • Eltz T, Whitten WM, Roubik DW, Linsenmair KE (1999) Fragrance collection, storage, and accumulation by individual male orchid bees. J Chem Ecol 25 (1), 157-176
  • Fiala B, Jakob A, Maschwitz U, Linsenmair KE (1999) Diversity, evolutionary specialisation and geographic distribution of a mutualistic ant-plant complex: Macaranga and Crematogaster in South East Asia. Biol J Linn Soc 66, 305-331.
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (1999) The territorial system of the kob antelope (Kobus kob kob) in the Comoé National Park, Cote d'Ivoire. African Journal of Ecology 37, 386-399
  • Floren, A. and K.E. Linsenmair (1999): Changes in arboreal arthropod communities along a disturbance gradient. Selbyana 20(2), 284-289
  • Heil M, Fiala B, Boller T, K.E. Linsenmair (1999) Reduced chitinase activities in ant plants of the genus Macaranga. Naturwissenschaften 86, 146-149
  • Horstmann K, Floren F, Linsenmair KE (1999) High species richness of Ichneumonidae from the canopy of a primary lowland rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Ecotropica 5, 1-12
  • Hovestadt T, Yao P, Linsenmair KE (1999) Seed dispersal mechanisms and the vegetation of forest islands in a West African forest-savanna mosaic (Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast) Plant Ecology 144, 1-25
  • Kaminsky SK, Linsenmair KE, Grafe TU (1999) Reproductive timing, nest construction and tadpole guidance in the African pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus. Journal of Herpetology 33 (1), 119-123
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (1999) Reproductive success of Macrotermes bellicosus (Isoptera; Macrotermitinae) in two neighbouring habitats. Oecologia 118: 183-191
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (1999) The architecture of termite mounds, a result of a trade-off between thermoregulation and gas exchange? Behav Ecol 10, 312-316
  • Krell FT, Schmitt T, Linsenmair KE. (1999) The rhinoceros beetle Cyphonistes tuberculifrons Quedenfeldt 1884 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Dynastinae) attracted by quinones: Primary olfactory attraction of a saprophagous beetle by its source of food? Tropical Zoology 12, 297-308
  • Linsenmair KE, Rosenberg M, Warburg MR (1999) Unusual cell structure in ventral epidermis of the African reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus, (Anura; Hyperoliidae) Anat Embryol 200(6), 607-614
  • Refisch J, Linsenmair KE, Zwölfer H (1999) Samenausbreitung durch Paviane im Parc National de la Comoé (Elfenbeinküste) In: Vegetation und Fauna in Äquatorial-Afrika, Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Hrsg. Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung, 201-244
  • Röder G, Linsenmair KE (1999) The mating system in the subsocial desert woodlouse; Hemilepistus elongatus (Isopoda, Oniscidea): model of an evolutionary step towards monogamy in the genus Hemilepistus sensu strictu? Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 11, 349-369
  • Spieler M, Linsenmair KE (1999) The mite Hannemania sp. (Acarina: Trombiculidae) as a frequent and species-specific parasite of a West African savannah-frog. American Midland Naturalist 142, 152-161
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (1999) The measurement of parental investment and sex allocation in the European beewolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Specidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 47(1/2) 76-88
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2000) Changes in group size in Kobus kob kob (Bovidae) in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast (West Africa). Z. Säugetierkunde 65, 232-242
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE. (2000) Do ant mosaics exist in pristine lowland rain forest? Oecologia 123, 129-137
  • Heil, M., Fiala, B., Baumann, B., Linsenmair, K.E. (2000) Different biotic and abiotic factors cause complex patterns of extrafloral nectar secretion in Macaranga tanarius. Functional Ecology 14, 749-757
  • Heil M, Hilpert A, Kaiser W, Linsenmair KE (2000) Reduced growth and set seed following chemical induction of pathogen defence: does systemic aquired resistance (SAR) incur allocation costs? Journal of Ecology 88 (4), 645-654
  • Linsenmair, K E (2000) Funktionale Aspekte der Biodiversität. Berichte d. Reinh.-Tüxen-Gesellschaft, 12, 85-100
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (2000) Ventilation of termite mounds: new results require a new model. Behav Ecol 11, 486-494
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (2000) Thermoregulation of termite mounds: What role does ambient temperature and metabolism of the colony play? Insectes Sociaux 47(4), 357-363
  • Pfeiffer M, Linsenmair KE (2000) Contributions to life history and biometry of the Malaysian giant ant Camponotus gigas (Hym./Form.) Insectes Sociaux 47, 123-132
  • Strohm E, Linsenmair KE (2000) Allocation of parental investment between individual progeny in the European beewolf Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 69, 173-192
  • Eck G, Fiala B, Linsenmair KE, Rosli b. Hashim, Proksch P (2001) Trade off between chemical and biotic anti-herbivore defense in the South-east-Asian plant genus Macaranga, Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 (10), 1979-1996
  • Eltz T, Brühl CA, van der Kaars S, Chey VK, Linsenmair KE (2001) Pollen foraging and resource partitioning of stingless bees in relation to flowering dynamics in a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest. Insectes Sociaux 48, 273-279
  • Eltz T, Brühl CA, van der Kaars S, Linsenmair KE (2001) Assessing stingless bee pollen diet by analysis of garbage pellets: a new method. Apidologie 32, 341-353
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2001) Decreases in ungulate population densities. Examples from the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. Biological Conservation 101, 131-135
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2001) Spatial and temporal habitat use of kob antelopes (Kobus kob kob, Erxleben 1977) in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast as revealed by radio tracking.African Journal of Ecology 39, 249-256
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (2001) The influence of arthropogenic disturbacnes on the structure of arthropod communities . Plant Ecology 153 (1-2).. Special issue, 153-167.
  • Floren A, Freking A, Biehl M, Linsenmair KE (2001) Anthropogenic disturbance changes the structure of arboreal tropical ant communities. Ecography 24(5), 547-554
  • Heil M, Fiala B, Maschwitz U, Linsenmair KE (2001) On the benefits of indirect (biotic) defence: short- and long-term studies in antiherbivore protection via mutualistic ants. Oecologia 126, 395-403
  • Heil M, Fiala B, Linsenmair KE (2001) On the relations between nutrient availability, food body production, ant colony size, and indirect (biotic) defence in the Malaysian ant-plant Macaranga triloba. Oecologia 126, 404-408
  • Heil M, Koch T, Hilpert A, Fiala B, Boland W, Linsenmair KE (2001) Extrafloral nectar poduction of the ant-associated plant, Macaranga tanarius, is an induced indirect defensive response elicited by jasmonic acid. PNAS 3, 98(3), 1083-1088
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (2001) The causes of spatial patterning of mounds of a fungus-cultivating termite: results from nearest-neighbour analysis and ecological studies, Oecologia, 127: 324-333
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (2001) Resource availability and distrubution patterns, indicators of competition between Macrotermes bellicosus and other macro-detrivores in the Comoé National Park , Cote d’Ivoire. African Journal of Ecology 39, 257-265
  • Linsenmair KE, Brühl CA (2001) Luxury or necessity: on some aspects of the functional significance of biodiversity. P. 67-79, In: Contributions to Global Change Research. Ed. German Committee on Global Change Research, Bonn.
  • Linsenmair KE, Heil M, Kaiser W, Fiala B, Koch T, Boland W (2001) Adaptations to biotic and abiotic stress: Macaranga-ant plants optimise investment in biotic defence. Journal Experimental Botany 52 (363), 2057-2065
  • Linsenmair KE, Davis AJ, Fiala B, Speight M (eds) (2001) Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management, Kluwer, Netherlands
  • Obermair E, Pfeiffer B, Linsenmair KE (2001) Mortality and parasitism in West African tortoise beetles. Entomol Gener 25(3): 189-203
  • Pfeiffer M, Linsenmair KE (2001) Territoriality in the Malaysian giant ant Camponotus gigas (Hymenoptera /Formicidae). Journal of Ethology 19, 75-85
  • Reintjes N, Linsenmair KE (2001) Adult diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Dytiscinae) recorded from January to May 1999 in Comoé National Park . Cimbebasia 17, 245-250
  • Simon U, Linsenmair KE (2001) Arthropods in tropical oaks: differences in their spatial distributions within tree crowns. Plant Ecology 153 (1-2).. Special issue, 179-191.
  • Schulze CH, Linsenmair KE, Fiedler K (2001) Understorey versus canopy - patterns of vertical stratification and diversity among Lepidoptera in a Bornean rainforest. Plant Ecology 153 (1-2).. Special issue, 133-152.
  • Strohm E, KE Linsenmair (2001) Females of the European beewolf preserve their honeybee prey against competing fungi. Ecological Entomology 26, 198-203
  • Beck J, Schulze, CH, Linsenmair KE, Fiedler K (2002) From forest to farmland: diversity of geometrid moths along two habitat gradients on Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology 18, 33-51
  • Berghoff SM, Weissflog A, Linsenmair KE, Rosli Hashim, Maschwitz U (2002) Foraging of a hypogeic army ant: a long neclected majority. Insectes Sociaux 49. 133-141.
  • Berghoff SM, Weissflog A, Linsenmair KE, Maryati Mohamed, Maschwitz U (2002) Nesting habits and colony composition of the hypogeic army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus Fr. Smith. Insectes Sociaux 49. 380-387
  • Eltz T, Brühl CA, van der Kaars S, Linsenmair KE (2002) Determinants of stingless bee nest density in lowland dipterocarp forests of Sabah, Malaysia. Oecologia 131, 27-34. DOI 10.1007/s00442-001-0848-6.
  • Floren A, Alim Biun, Linsenmair KE (2002). Arboreal ants as key predators in tropical lowland rainforest trees. Oecologia 131, 137-14. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-002-0874-
  • Fischer F, Gross M, Linsenmair KE (2002). Updated list of larger mammals of the Comoé National Park , Ivory Coast. Mammalia 66 (1), 83-92
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2002) Demography of a West African Kob kob (Kobus kob kob). African Journal Ecology 40, 130-137
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2002) Immobilisation du cobe de buffon (Kobus kob kob) dans le Parc National de la Comoé en Cote d’ Ivoire. Nature et Faune (Wildlife and Nature) 18 (2) 37-44.
  • Grafe TU, Döbler S., Linsenmair KE (2002) Frogs flee from the sound of fire. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 269, 999-1003
  • Heil M, Hilpert A, Fiala B, Kaiser W, Zotz G, Strohm E, Rosli b. Hashim, KE Linsenmair (2002) Nutrient allocation of Macaranga triloba ant plants to growth, photosynthesis , and indirect defense. Functional Ecology 16, 475-483
  • Heil M, Baumann B, Andary C, Linsenmair KE, McKey D (2002) Extraction and quantification of "condensed tannins" as a measure of plant anti-herbivore defence? Revisiting an old Problem. Naturwissenschaften 8: 519-524
  • Heil M, Delsinne T, Hilpert A, Schürkens S, Andary C, Linsenmair KE, Sousa S. M., McKey D (2002) Reduced chemical defece in ant-plants? A critical re-evaluation of a widely accepted hypothesis.. Oikos 99, 457-468
  • Korb J, Linsenmair KE (2002) Evaluation of predation risk in the collectively foraging termite Macrotermes bellicous. Insectes Sociaux 49, 264-269
  • Lampert, KP, Linsenmair KE (2002) Alternative life cycle strategies in the West African reed frog Hyperolius nitidulus: the answer to an unpredictable environment? Oecologia 130(3): 364-372
  • Linsenmair, KE (2002) Die ökosystemare Bedeutung der Biodiversität. S. 45-62 in: Laufener Seminarbeiträge 2/02, 5. Franz-Ruttner Syposium: Biodiversität und Artenschutz, Bayrische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege.
  • Reif M, Linsenmair KE, Heisenberg M (2002) Ecological relevance of conditioned courtship suppression in Drosophila melanogaster. Animal Behaviour 63: 143-155
  • Rheindt FE, Grafe U, Linsenmair KE (2002) New bird records in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. Malimbus 24, 38-40
  • Stegmann, UE, Linsenmair KE (2002) Assessing the semelparity hypothesis: egg-guarding and fecundity in the Malaysian treehopper Pyrgauchenia tristaniopsis. Ethology 108, 857-869.
  • Stegmann, UE, Linsenmair KE (2002) Subsocial and aggregating behaviour in Southeast Asian treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae: Centrotinae). European J of Entomology 99: 29-34.
  • Stegmann, U.E.Webb M, K. E. Linsenmair (2002): New species, synonymies, and life-history of the austro-oriental treehopper genus Pyrgauchenia Breddin (Homoptera, Membracidae). Journal of Natural History 36, 279-303
  • Berghoff SM, Maschwitz U, Linsenmair KE (2003) Influence of the hypogaic army ant Dorylus (Dichthadia) laevigatus on ground arthropod communities, with special emphasis on selected ant species. Oecologia 135, 149-157
  • Berghoff SM, Maschwitz U, Linsenmair KE (2003) Baited sieve buckets: an easy method to include hypogaeic ant species into ground ant diversity studies. Tropical Zoology 2(16), 153-163
  • Brühl CA, Eltz T, Linsenmair KE (2003) Size does matter- effects of tropical rain forest fragmentation on the leaf litter ant community in Sabah, Malaysia. Biodiversity and Conservation 12, 1371-1389.
  • Eltz T, Brühl CA, Zamrie I, Linsenmair KE (2003) Nesting an d nest trees of stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponinae) in lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia, with implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 172: 301-313
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (2003) How do beetle assemblages respond to anthropogenic disturbance? 190-197 in Y. Basset et. al. Arthropods of tropical forests. Spatio-temporal dynamics and resource use in the canopy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Glos J, Grafe TU, Rödel Mo, Linsenmair KE (2003) Geographic variation in pH tolerance of two populations of the European common frog Rana temporaria. Copeia 2003: 650-656.
  • Herzner G, Schmitt K, Linsenmair KE, Strohm E (2003) Flagellar sensilla in male and female European beewolves, Philanthus triangulum F. (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Entomologica Fennica 14(4), 237-247.
  • Krell F-T, Krell-Westerwalbesloh S, Weiss. I. Eggleton P, Linsenmair KE (2003) Spatial separation of Afrotropical dung beetle guilds: a trade-off between competitive superiority and energetic constraints (Coleoptera: Scarabeiidae). Ecography 26: 210-222.
  • Linsenmair KE (2003) Vom Wert der biologischen Vielfalt- Funktionale Aspekte der Biodiversität. 21-38 in: B. Gemelin, H. Weidinger (eds), Reichtum und Unsterblichkeit- unser Traum von der Berechenbarkeit des Daseins. Chancen, Risiken und ethische Fragen der Biotechnologie. Atzelberger Gespräche der Nürnberger Medizinischen Gesellschaft Band 8. H. Seubert Verlag, Nürnberg.
  • Mody, K, Bardorz HA, Linsenmair KE (2003) Organization of arthropod assemblages in individual African savanna trees .198-212, in: Y. Basset et. al. Arthropods of tropical forests. Spatio-temporal dynamics and resource use in the canopy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Mody, K, Linsenmair KE (2003) Finding its place in a competitive environment: leaf fidelity of Camponotus sericeus. Insectes Sociaux 50, 191-198
  • Simon U, Gossner M, Linsenmair KE (2003) Distribution of ants and bark-beetles in crowns of tropical oaks. 59-68. In: Y. Basset et. al. Arthropods of tropical forests. Spatio-temporal dynamics and resource use in the canopy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Berghoff SM, Gadau J, Winter T, Linsenmair KE, Maschwitz U (2003) Sociobiology of hypogaeic army ants: description of two sympatric Dorylus species on Borneo and their colony conflicts. Insectes Sociaux 50, 139-147
  • Jetz W, Steffen J, Linsenmair KE (2003) Effects of light and prey availability on nocturnal, lunar and seasonal activity of tropical nigthjars. Oikos 103, 627-639
  • Stuntz S, Linder C, Linsenmair KE, Simon U, Zotz G (2003) Do non-myrmecophilic epiphytes influence community structure of arboreal ant? Basic and Applied Ecology 4, 363-374
  • Glos, J, Grafe, UT, Roedel, M-O, Linsenmair KE (2003) Geographic variation in ph tolerance of two Populations of the European Common Frog, Rana temporaria. Copeia, 650-656
  • Glos, J, Linsenmair KE (2004): Descriptions of the tadpoles of Aglyptodactylus laticeps and A. securifer from western Madagascar, with notes on life history and ecology. Journal of Herpetololgy 38(1), 131-136
  • Grafe, TU, Kaminsky SK, Lüssow H, Bitz JH, Linsenmair KE (2004) Demographic dynamics of the Afrotropical pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus,: effects of climate and predation on survival and recruitment. Oecologia 141: 40-46
  • Heil M, Greiner S, Meimberg H, Krüger R, Noyer, J-L, Heubl, G , Linsenmair KE, Boland W (2004) Evolutionary change from induced to constitutive expression of an indirect plant resistance , Nature 430, 205-208.
  • Heil M, Hilpert A, Krüger R, KE Linsenmair (2004) Competition among visitors to extrafloral nectaries as a source of ecological costs of an indirect defence .Journal of Tropical Ecology 20, 573-580
  • Heil M, Baumann B, Krüger R, KE Linsenmair (2004) Main nutrient compounds in food bodies of Mexican Acacia ant-plants. Chemoecology 14: 45-52
  • Heil, M, Feil D., Hilpert A., Linsenmair, K.E. (2004) Spatio-temporal patterns in indirect defence of a South-East Asian ant-plant support the optimal defence hypothesis. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20, 573-580..
  • Kalko, E. K. V., Boutros, M., Fahr, J., Ebigbo, N. M., Linsenmair, K. E., Mody, K., Rödel, M.-O. & Szarzynski, J., 2004. Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in West Africa: 2. The scientific challenges and contributions, in: Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biological Diversity - A Challenge for Society. Proceedings of the International Symposium Berlin, 1-4 December 2003, (eds. Beck, E., Berendsohn, W. G., Boutros, M., Denich, M., Henle, K., Jürgens, N., Kirk, M. & Wolters, V.), 151-153. PT-DLR & BMBF, Bonn. 200 pp
  • Kaminsky, SK, Grafe TU, Spieler M, Linsenmair KE (2004). A new method for immobilizing fossorial frogs after radio-transmitter implantation and notes on movement patterns in the pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus. Herpetological Review 35(2), 146-148.
  • Krell S, Krell-Westerwalbesloh F-T, Linsenmair KE (2004) Diel separation of Afrotropical dung beetle guilds – avoiding competition and neglecting resources (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Journal of Natural History 38, 2225-2249
  • Mody K, Linsenmair KE (2004) Plant-attracted ants affect arthropod community structure but not necessarily herbivory. Ecological Entomology 29, 217-225.
  • Müllner A, Linsenmair KE, Wikelski M (2004) Exposure to ecotourism reduces survival and affects stress response in hoatzin chcicks (Opisthocomus hoazin). Biological Conservation 118(4), 549-558
  • Pfeiffer M, Nais J, Linsenmair KE (2004) Myrmecochory in the Zingiberaceae: seed removal of Globba franciscii and G. propinqua by ants (Hymenoptera – Formicidae) in rain forests on Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20, 705-708
  • Schmitt T, Krell F-T, Linsenmair KE (2004) Quinone mixture as attractant for necrophagous dung beetles specialized on dead millipedes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30(4), 731-740
  • Wells, K, Pfeiffer M, Maklarin b.Lakim, Linsenmair KE (2004). Use of arboreal and terrestrial space by a small mammal community in a tropical rainforest on Borneo, Malaysia. Journal of Biogeography 31, 641-652
  • Wells K, Pfeiffer M, Maklarin b.Lakim, Linsenmair KE (2004). Arboreal spacing patterns of the tree mouse, Chiropodomys major in a rainforest in SabahMalaysia. Ecotropica 15-22.
  • Barthlott, W., Linsenmair, K.E. & SPorembski (2005): Biodiversity: Structure and Function. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK
  • Floren A, Linsenmair KE (2005) The importance of primary forests for species diversity: an investigation using arboreal ants as an example. Ecosystems 8, 559-567.
  • Glos, J, Linsenmair KE, (2005) Description of the tadpoles of Boophis xerophilus and B. doulioti from Western Madagascar. Amphibia-Reptilia. 26(4): 459-466.
  • Grafe, TU, Kaminsky SK, Linsenmair KE (2005) Terrestrial larval development and nitrogen excretion and in the afro-tropical pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21, 219-222.
  • Herzner G, Schmitt T, Linsenmair KE, Strohm E. (2005) Prey recognition by females of the European Beewolf and its potential for a sensory trap. Animal Behavior. 70, 1411-1418.
  • Horstmann K, Floren A, Linsenmair KE (2005) Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) from the canopy of tropical forests in Sabah, Malaysia: A comparison betwenn primary and secondary forests. Ecotropica 11, 41-52.
  • Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ, Linsenmair KE (2005) Spatial patterns in species-area relationships and species distribution in a West African forest-savanna mosaic. Journal of Biogeography, 32(4), 677-684
  • Moritz T, Linsenmair KE (2005) West African fish diversity –distribution patterns and possible conclusions for conservation strategies. In: B.A. Huber et al (eds), African Biodiversity, 187-195. Springer.
  • Beck J, Linsenmair KE (2006). Feasibility of light-trapping in community research of moths: Attraction radius of light, completeness of samples, nightly flight times and seasonality of Southeast-Asian hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 39, 18-36.
  • Beck J., Kitching I.J, Linsenmair KE (2006) Effects of habitat disturbance can be subtle yet significant: Biodiversity of hawkmoth-assemblages (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Southeast-Asia. Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 465-486
  • Beck J, Kitching I.J, Linsenmair KE (2006) Diet breadth and host plant relationships of Southeast-Asian sphingid caterpillars. Ecotropica 12, 1-13
  • Beck J, Kitching, I.J, Linsenmair KE (2006) Wallace’s line revisited: Has vicariance or dispersal shaped the distribution of Malesian hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89, 455-468.
  • Beck J, Kitching I.J, Linsenmair KE (2006) Measuring range sizes of Southeast-Asian hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae): effects of scale, resolution and phylogeny. Global Ecology & Biogeography 15, 339-348.
  • Beck, J, Kitching, I.J, Linsenmair KE (2006). Extending the study of range-abundance relations to tropical insects: Spingid moths in Southeast –Asia. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8(4) 677-690
  • Beck J , Kitching, IJ, Linsenmair KE (2006) Determinants of regional species richness: an empirical analysis of the number of hawkmoth species (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) on the Malesian archipelago. Journal of Biogeography 33 (4) , 694-709
  • Bickel, TO, Brühl CA, Gadau JR, Hölldobler B, KE Linsenmair (2006) Influence of habitat fragmentation on the genetic variability in leaf litter ant populations in tropical rainforests of Sabah, Borneo. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15, 157 – 175
  • Bodendorfer T, Hoppe-Dominik B, Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2006) Prey of leopard (PAnthera pardus) and the lion (Panthera leo) in the Comoé and Marahouè National Parks , Cote d`Ivoire, West Africa. Mammalia: 231-246
  • Blüthgen N, Mezger D, Linsenmair KE (2006) Ant-hemipteran trophobioses in a Bornean rainforest diversity, specificity and monopolisation. Insectes Sociaux 53, 194-203
  • Erdmann G, Floren A, Linsenmair KE, Scheu S, Maraun M (2006) Little effects of forest age on orabatid mites on the bark of trees. Pedobiologia 50, 433-441.
  • Ernst R, Linsenmair KE, Rödel M-O (2006) Diversity erosion beyond the species level: dramatic loss of functional diversity after selective logging in two tropical amphibian communities. Biological Conservation 133, 143-155
  • Hennenberg K.J, .F Fischer, K Kouadio, D Goetze, KE Linsenmair, F Jeltsch, S Porembski, (2006) Phytomass and fire probability along forest-savanna transects in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. – Journal of Tropical Ecology 22, 303-311.
  • Moritz R, Britz R, Linsenmair KE (2006) Cromeria nilotica and C. occidentalis, two valid species of the African freshwater fish family Kneriidae (Teleostei: Gonorhynchiformes. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 17(2), 65-72.
  • Moritz T, Britz R, KE Linsenmair (2006) On the ecology of Cromeria occidentalis (Teleostei: Gonorynchiformes). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 17(2), 173-180.
  • Moritz T, Lalèye P, Koba G, Linsenmair FE (2006) An annoted list of fisheries from the river Niger at Malanville, Benin, with note son local fisheries. Verh. DT. Ichthyol. Gesell. 5, 95-110.
  • Pfeiffer M, Nais J, Linsenmair KE (2006) Worker size and seed size selection in ‘seed’-collecting ant ensembles (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in primary rain forests on Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 685-693
  • Rödel, M.-O., K. P. Lampert, and K. E. Linsenmair. (2006) Reproductive Biology of the West African savannah frog, Hyperolius nasutus Günther, 1864 (Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae). Herpetozoa. 19(1/2), 3-12.
  • Wilting A, Fischer F, Soffian Abu Bakar, KE Linsenmair (2006) Clouded leopard, the secretive carnivore of South-east Asian rainforests: their distribution, status and conservation needs in Sabah, Malaysia. BMC Ecology, 6, 16.
  • Ernst R, Linsenmair KE, Thomas R, Rödel M-O (2007) Amphibian communities in disturbed forests: lessons from the Neo- and Afrotropics. In : Tscharntke et al. (eds) The stability of tropical rainforest margins: linking ecological,economic and social constraints. Springer. Pp 61-87.
  • Ernst R, Konrad T, Linsenmair KE, Rödel MO (2007) The impacts of selective logging on three sympatric specis of Leptodactylus in a central Guyanan rainforest. Amphibia-Reptilia 28, 51-64.
  • Fischer F, Linsenmair KE (2007) Changing social organization in an ungulate population subject to poaching and predation – the kob antelope (Kobus kob kob) in the Comoé National Park, Cote d’Ivoire. African Journal of Ecology 45(3): 285-292
  • Glos, J., K. H. Dausmann, Linsenmair, K.E. (2007). "Mixed-species social aggregations in Madagascan tadpoles - determinants and species composition. Journal of Natural History 41: 1965-1977.
  • Glos, J., Erdmann, G, Dausmann KH, Linsenmair, K.E. (2007). A comparative study of predator-induced social aggregation of tadpoles in two anuran species from western Madagascar. Herpetological Journal 17: 261-268.
  • Kunz B, Linsenmair KE (2007) Changes in baboon feeding behavior: maturity-dependent fruit and seed size selection within food plant species. International Journal of Primatology 28:819-835
  • Kunz B, Linsenmair KE (2007) The disregarded west: diet and behavioural ecology of olive baboons in the Ivory Coast. Folia Primatol 79: 31-51.
  • Linsenmair KE (2007) Brauchen wir biologische Vielfalt? In: Vom Urknall zum Bewusstsein- Selbstorganisation der Materie. Sandhoff K et al. (Hrsg.) Verhandlungen der Ges. Deutscher NAturforscher und Ärzte 2006 in Bremen. S. 151-156.
  • Linsenmair, KE (2007) Sociobiology of terrestrial isopods. Pp 339-364 in: Evolutionary ecology of social and sexual systems. Ed J.E. Duffy and M. Thiel. Oxford University Press.
  • Mody K, Unsicker S, Linsenmair KE (2007) Fitness related diet-mixing by intraspecific host-plant-switching of specialist insect herbivores, Ecology 88(4), 1012-1020.
  • Moritz T., Linsenmair KE (2007) The air-breathing behaviour of Brevimyrus niger. Journal of Fish Biology 71, 279-283
  • Wilting A, Buckley-Beason VA, Feldhaar H , Gadau J, O’Brien S, Linsenmair KE (2007) Clouded leopard phylogeny revisited: support for species recognition and population division between Borneo and Sumatra. Frontiers in Zoology 2007, 4:15
  • Wilting A, Feldhaar H , Buckley-Beason VA, Linsenmair KE, O’Brien S (2007), O’Brien S, Linsenmair KE (2007). Two modern species of clouded leopards: a molecular perspective. CAT News 47, 10-11.
  • Müllner, A, Linsenmair, KE (2007) Nesting behavior and breeding success of Hoatzins. Journal of Field Ornithology 78, 352-361
  • Pfeiffer M, Linsenmair KE (2007) Trophobiosis in a tropical rainforest on Borneo : Giant ants Camponotus gigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) her wax cicadas Bythopsyrna circulata (Auchenorrhyncha: Flatidae). Asian Myrmecology Vol. 1, 105-119

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