David Lomas#
Membership Number: | 4615 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2017 |
Main Country of Residence: | UNITED KINGDOM |
Homepage(s): | http://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=DALOM96 |
Present and Previous Positions
- 1.8.15 Vice Provost (Health), University College London (UCL), Head of the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences and Head of the UCL Medical School.
- Director of the UCL Partners (UCLP) Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC).
- 1.1.17 Deputy Chief Executive, Medical Research Council (UK)
- 1.1.13 Chair of Medicine and Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University College London and from 1.8.14- Head of UCL Medical School.
- 1.12.98 - 31.12.12 Professor of Respiratory Biology, University of Cambridge and Honorary Consultant Physician at Addenbrooke's and Papworth Hospitals.
- 1.1.02 - 31.12.12 Deputy Director, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.
- 1.4.95 - 31.11.98 Tenured University Lecturer in Medicine, University of Cambridge and Honorary Consultant Physician at Addenbrooke's and Papworth Hospitals
- 1.8.93 - 31.3.95 Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Fellow, Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, MRC Centre, Cambridge. Honorary Senior Registrar in Respiratory Medicine at Papworth and Addenbrooke's Hospitals
- 1.8.90-31.7.93: Medical Research Council Training Fellow. Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, MRC Centre, Cambridge
- 1.8.88 - 31.7.90 Registrar in General and Respiratory Medicine , Department of Respiratory Medicine, The General Hospital, Birmingham
- 1.8.86 - 31.7.88 The Central Birmingham Health Authority Senior House Officer Medical Rotation.
- 1.8.85 - 31.1.86 House Physician to Drs. J. Fletcher, W.J. Jeffcoate and R.G. Finch at Nottingham City Hospital
- 1.2.86 - 31.7.86 House Surgeon to Messrs. C.B. Williams and W.E. Morgan at Nottingham City Hospital
Fields of Scholarship
- Antitrypsin and the serpinopathies
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Respiratory Medicine
- Protein misfolding diseases
Honours and Awards
- 1985 Awarded Honours in Medicine and Surgery, University of Nottingham
- 1985 John Moir Medical Prize and Medal, University of Nottingham
- 1985 ICI Therapeutics Prize, University of Nottingham
- 1993 Medical Research Society/Glaxo Young Investigator Prize and Medal
- 1996 Oon International Prize in Preventive Medicine (awarded biennially by Downing College and Cambridge University Medical School to the most outstanding scientist from anywhere in the world, under the age of 40, who has conducted significant research leading to the prevention of human disease)
- 1996 BUPA Foundation Research Award (to the best emerging medical researcher in the UK under the age of 40), November 1996
- 1997 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) (Lond.)
- 1999 Good ideas in Practice Award from Addenbrooke's NHS Trust for the COPD supported discharge scheme
- 2001 Elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci). Selected to give one of the ‘New Fellows’ lectures.
- 2001 Finalist European Union Descartes Prize. R.W. Carrell, D.A. Lomas, J.A. Huntington, J-P. Abrahams
- 2003, 2004 and 2005 'Teacher of the Year, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine.
- 2004 ScD, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
- 2004 GlaxoSmithKline Medal and Prize from the UK Biochemical Society
- 2005 Croonian Lecture, 'Molecular mousetraps and the serpinopathies' Royal College of Physicians
- 2005 Parker B. Francis Lecture, Thomas L. Petty Aspen Lung Conference, Colorado. USA, 2005
- 2005 Respiratory Genetics Ed. E.K. Silverman, S.D. Shapiro, D.A. Lomas and S.T. Weiss. Arnold Health Sciences. 'Highly Commended' in the 2005 BMA book competition.
- 2007 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- 2008 Gordon Cummings lecture, Medical Research Society
- 2008 Elected as a Professorial Fellow, St. John’s College Cambridge
- 2014 NIHR Senior Investigator