
Francisco Martinez Mojica - Biography#

Francisco J. M. Mojica is Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Physiology, Genetics and Microbiology, University of Alicante (Spain). He graduated in Biology from the University of Valencia (Spain, 1986). He obtained his Ph.D. in Biology in 1993 for his research on the response of halophilic microorganisms to stress factors (University of Alicante). During the preparation of his thesis, he visited the University of Paris XI (France), to analyse the structure of DNA. He carried out postdoctoral research on bacterial motility at the University of Utah (USA; 1993) and on gene regulation and DNA topology at the University of Oxford (UK; 1995-1996). In 1997, he returned to the University of Alicante as Professor of Microbiology, where he founded the Molecular Microbiology Group focused on CRISPR research.

His publications on CRISPR have received more than 8000 citations (WOS). He has been principal investigator in 12 research projects with Spanish public institutions and one with the European Commission and has presented 80 contributions at scientific congresses. He has three patents granted (ES2522765 B2; ES2827850; ES2895800 B2) and one pending (P202230911). Prof. Mojica has been a reviewer for more than 25 international scientific journals and an evaluator for funding agencies in Spain, the Netherlands, Croatia, France, Germany, the UK and the US.

He has received more than 50 honours and awards for his contributions to the field of CRISPR.

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