
James McQueen - Curriculum Vitae#

Academic History
  • 1987 B.A. (Honours, 2.1; Distinction in Prelims), Experimental Psychology, U Oxford
  • 1992 Ph.D., Psycholinguistics, U Cambridge (funded by MRC Studentship, MRC Applied Psychology Unit)

Posts Held
  • 1990 Research Associate, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, U.K.
  • 1993 Member of Scientific Staff, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • 2009 Professor of Learning and Plasticity, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • 2015 Professor of Speech and Learning, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

External grants
  • 2006-2009 ESRC (UK): “The segmentation of sign language: Native and non-native abilities” £330,000 (co-PI: G. Morgan)
  • 2010-2013 DFG (Germany): “Adapting to phonological reduction: Tracking how learning from talker-specific episodes helps listeners recognize reduced speech” €100,000 (co-PI: H. Mitterer)
  • 2011-2015 NWO (NL): “Magic moments in word learning: Memory formation and consolidation across ages and language settings” €500,000 (co-PI: J. van Hell)
  • 2011-2015 NWO-STW (NL): “Ear opener: Learning auditory categories by means of brain signals” €500,000 (co-PI: P. Desain)
  • 2013-2022 NWO (NL): Gravitation Consortium “Language in Interaction” €27,600,000 (co-writer; main PI: P. Hagoort)

Internal grants
  • 2009-2013 NICI PhD project “Learning new perceptual categories in speech and music using Brain-Computer Interfaces” €200,000 (co-PI P. Desain)
  • 2010-2015 BSI and DCC PhD project “Phonological precursors to literacy” €200,000 (co-PI L. Verhoeven)
  • 2014-2018 Language in Interaction (LiI) Consortium: PhD project “Feedback loops in learning to perceive and produce non-native speech contrasts” €250,000 (co-PI P. Desain)
  • 2016-2020 DCC PhD project “The lexical interface in the brain: Linking spoken language comprehension and production” €210,000 (co-PI A. Roelofs)
  • 2016-2020 LiI Consortium: PhD project “Do brain potentials reflect individuals’ potential to learn a second language? Individual differences in language interaction during L2 acquisition” €260,000 (co-PI N. Schiller)


Graduate students: Attila Andics, Salomi Asaridou, Iske Bakker, Alex Brandmeyer, Mirjam Broersma, Ethan Cox, Bohan Dai, Frank Eisner, Ana Francisco, Matthias Franken, Arushi Garg, Claire Goriot, Adriana Hanulíková, Lisette Jager, Caressa Janssen, Jana Krutwig, Arie van der Lugt, Kerstin Mauth, Anne Mickan, Katja Pöllmann, Eva Reinisch, Anne Pier Salverda, Odette Scharenborg, Will Schuerman, Keren Shatzman, Matthias Sjerps, Michaël Stevens, Simone Sulpizio, Petra van Alphen, Merel van Goch, Malte Viebahn, Mónica Wagner, Andrea Weber, Marijt Witteman
Postdoctoral fellows: Frank Eisner, Eliana Garcia Cossio, Margriet Groen, Florian Hintz, Alexandra Jesse, Willeke Menks, Eleni Orfanidou, Elsa Spinelli, Makiko Sadakata, Loukianos Spyrou, Lara Tagliapietra, Atsuko Takashima

Teaching activities
  • 2009 – 2015 Professor of Learning and Plasticity, School of Educational Sciences, Radboud U., Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Courses taught: Introduction to Educational Science, Learning Processes, Perspectives on Educational Science, The Mental Lexicon, Academic Writing
  • 2015 – Professor of Speech and Learning, School of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, Radboud U., Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Courses taught: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, Word Recognition and Production, Using and Acquiring Multiple Languages, Academic Writing

Organization of scientific meetings
  • 2017 Co-organizer of Workshop on Testing Individual Differences in Language and other Cognitive Abilities, Nijmegen, NL
  • 2012 Co-organizer of “Psycholinguistics in Flanders” (PiF 2012), Berg en Dal, NL
  • 2006 Co-organizer of the Symposium on Episodes and Abstractions in Language Processing, joint meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie, Birmingham, UK
  • 2006 Co-organizer of the 12th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2006), Nijmegen, NL
  • 2005 Co-organizer of the 10th Winter Conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie, Egmond aan Zee, NL
  • 2002 Co-organizer of the Symposium on Spoken Word Recognition, joint meeting Experimental Psychology Society and the Belgische Vereniging voor Psychologie, Leuven, Belgium
  • 2000 Co-organizer of Workshop on Spoken Word Access Processes (SWAP), Nijmegen, NL

Institutional responsibilities
  • 2017– Chairing PhD defenses, Faculty of Social Sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
  • 2010 – 2016 Speaker for the Language and Communication Research Theme for the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
  • 2005 – 2008 Member of the Advisory Board for the Master’s Programme in Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
  • 2000 – 2008 Coordinator of the Institute Project “Decoding Continuous Speech”, Language Comprehension Group, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL
  • 1999 – 2008 Student dean, responsible for monitoring progress and welfare of PhD students, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL
  • 1994 – 2000 Coordinator of the Institute Project “Spoken Word Recognition”, Language Comprehension Group, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL

Reviewing and advisory activities
  • 2015 Associate Editor, Language and Speech
  • 2014 – Member of Board of Advice, Utrecht Institute for Linguistics, Research Institute for Language and Speech (UiL OTS), University of Utrecht
  • 2006 – 2015 Member of Advisory Board, Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre, London
  • 2005 – 2008 Associate Editor, Journal of Memory and Language
  • 2003 – 2006 Field Editor, Cognition
  • 1995 – Member of editorial board of: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (1995–1996); Cognition (1998–2008; 2015–); Journal of Memory and Language (1999–2004; 2009–); Psicológica (2018–)

Memberships of scientific societies

Acoustical Society of America, Experimental Psychology Society, Association for Psychological Science, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie, British Psychological Society, Psychonomic Society

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