Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker#

Obituary, Max Planck Institute for comparative and international Private Law Hamburg
Obituary, Universität Bielefeld (in German)
Obituary, Akademie der Wissentschaften in Hamburg (in German)

Curriculum vitae#

Academic Career:

Doctorate: Frankfurt/Main (1953). Habilitation: Frankfurt/Main (1958). Since 1959 tenured Prof.

Teaching Appointments: Georgetown Univ. Law School, Washington, D.C (1956/57); Univ. of Saarbrücken (1959 - 1963); Univ. of Münster (1963 - 1969); Univ. of Bielefeld (1969 - 1978); Univ. of Hamburg (since 1980). Guest Professorships: Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1965, 1976, 2000).

1984 - 1990 Vice President of the Max Planck Soc.; since 1992 Honorary Senator of the MPS.

1960 - 2006 Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology; 1960 - 1970 Special Adviser of the EEC Commission on Competition Law and the Approximation of Laws; 1967 - 1969 Foundation Rector of the Univ. of Bielefeld; 1973 - 1978 Chairman of the German Monopolies Commission; since 1997 Member and 2000-2002 Chairman of the Commission on Concentration in the Media (KEK).

1980 Ludwig-Erhard-Award for Economic Policy; 1980 Honorary Doctor of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Univ. of Cologne; 1981 1st Class Cross of Merit of the Federal Order of Merit; 1983 Honorary Senator of the Univ. of Bielefeld; 1984 Ernst Hellmut Vits-Award of the Soc. for the Promotion of the Westphalian Wilhelms-Univ. of Münster; 1994 Order Pour le mérite for Sciences and Arts; 1997 Hanns Martin Schleyer-Award; 1997 Great Cross of Merit with Star of the Federal Order of Merit; 2009 Awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, University of Bielefeld; 2009 Friedrich August von Hayek Medal of the Hayek-Gesellschaft.

Commemorative volumes: RabelsZ 60 (1986) Volumes 5+6 commemorating 60th Birthday and Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by Immenga/Möschel/Reuter, Nomos, Baden-Baden 1996.

Festschriften: Immenga/Möschel/Reuter (ed.), Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden 1996; Einhorn, Talia (ed.). Spontanous Order, Organization and the Law, Liber Amicorum T.M.C. Asser Press 2003; Engel/Möschel (ed.), Recht und spontane Ordnung, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden 2006.

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