
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg - Biography#

Prof. Meyer-Lindenberg is Director of the Central Institute of Mental Health and Head of the Executive Board, as well as the Medical Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Institute, based in Mannheim, Germany, and Professor and Chairman of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany. He is board certified in psychiatry, psychotherapy, and neurology. Before coming to Mannheim in 2007, he spent ten years as a scientist at the National Institutes of Mental Health, Bethesda, USA.

Prof. Meyer-Lindenberg is the author of more than 480 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Medicine, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Nature Genetics, Neuron, PNAS, and others. He has been continuously named as one of the most highly cited scientists in the world. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the ECNP Journal Neuroscience Applied, associate editor of Science Advances and on the editorial board of a number of other journals such as Schizophrenia Bulletin, European Neuropsycho-pharmacology, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, and Neuroimage. He has been principal investigator in several large national and international studies on innovative biological treatments for schizophrenia.

His research interests focus on the development of novel treatments for severe psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia, through an application of multimodal neuroimaging, genetics and enviromics to characterize brain circuits underlying the risk for mental illness and cognitive dysfunction.

In recognition of his research, Prof. Meyer-Lindenberg has received awards throughout his career, including: Bristol-Myers-Squibb Young Investigator Award (1998), NIH Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research (1999, 2000, 2001), NARSAD Young Investigator Award (2000), Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service (2006), Roche/Nature Medicine Award for Translational Neuroscience (2006), the Joel Elkes International Award for Clinical Research from the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (2006), A.E. Bennett Award of the Society for Biological Psychiatry (2007), NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award (2009), Kurt Schneider Scientific Award (2010), the Hans-Jörg Weitbrecht-Preis für Klinische Neurowissenschaften (2011), the ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award (2012), the Prix ROGER DE SPOELBERCH (2014), and the 2016 CINP Lilly Neuroscience Clinical Research Award.

5 selected peer-reviewed publications

1. Esslinger C*, Walter H*, Kirsch P*, Erk S, Schnell K, Arnold C, Haddad L, Mier D, Opitz von Boberfeld C, Raab K, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Cichon A, Meyer-Lindenberg A: Neural mechanisms of a genome-wide supported psychosis variant. Science, 2009 May 1;324(5927):605. (*shared first authorship)

2. Tost H, Kolachana B, Hakimi S, Lemaitre H, Verchinski BA, Mattay VS, Weinberger DR, Meyer-Lindenberg A: A common allele in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) impacts prosocial temperament and human hypothalamic-limbic structure and function.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 3;107(31):13936-41. Epub 2010 Jul 20.

3. Lederbogen F*, Haddad L*, Kirsch P*, Streit F, Tost H, Schuch P, Wüst S, Pruessner JC, Rietschel M, Deuschle M, Meyer-Lindenberg A: City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans. Nature, 2011 Jun 22;474(7352):498-501. doi: 10.1038/nature10190. (*shared first authorship)

4. Stefansson H*, Meyer-Lindenberg A*+, Steinberg S, Magnusdottir BB, Morgen K, Arnarsdottir S, Bjornsdottir G, Bragi Walters G, Kristjansdottir G, Snorrason H, Davidsdottir SR, Gudmundsson LJ, Gudbjorn FJ, Stefansdottir B, Helgadottir I, Haraldsson M, Jonsdottir B, Thygesen JH, Didriksen M, Stensbol TB, Brammer M, Schwarz AJ, Kapur S, Halldorsson JG, Hreidarsson S, Saemundsen E, Sigurdsson E, Stefansson K+: CNVs conferring risk of autism and schizophrenia affect cognition in controls. Nature 2014 Jan 16;505(7483):361-6. doi: 10.1038/nature12818. Epub 2013 Dec 18. (*shared first authorship; +shared corresponding authorship)

5. Tost H*, Reichert M, Braun U, Renhard I, Peters R, Lautenbach S, Hoell A, Schwarz E, Ebner-Priemer U, Zipf A, Meyer-Lindenberg A*: Neural correlates of individual differences in affective benefit of real-life urban green space exposure. Nat Neurosci. 2019 Sep;22(9):1389-1393. doi: 10.1038/s41593-019-0451-y. Epub 2019 Jul 29. (*shared first authorship)

Total external funding volume (personal contribution only if participant, total grant if coordinator/lead PI): > 69.4 Mio € ( DFG, European Union, BMBF, MWK, Klaus Tschira-Foundation, Hans Werner Hector Foundation, Foundation Roger de Spoelberch, Federal Innovations Fond etc.).

Grants: Telethon Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, Academy of Finland Research Council, Swiss National Science Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, National Science Foundation USA, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), NIH, Austrian Science Foundation, European Research council, others

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