
Antje S. Meyer - Biography#

Antje S. Meyer (1957) was born in Hemer, Germany. After studying (mainly) psychology at the Ruhr University in Bochum, she carried out her dissertation research on phonological encoding at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (MPI). This work introduced the now classic implicit priming paradigm to psycholinguistics. After obtaining her PhD (1988) she spent postdoc periods at the universities of Rochester, Arizona and Nijmegen (1989-1992). In 1992 she established her own research group at the MPI in Nijmegen, where she introduced the eye tracking paradigm to language production research. It led to a range of discoveries concerning time course and influence of executive control in the stage-wise preparation of spoken utterances. In 2000 she accepted a readership at the University of Birmingham, followed by a full professorship in 2003, directing the Cognition and Language Research Group. In Birmingham Meyer extended her priming and eye tracking paradigms, among others applying them to the study of clinical and aging effects in language production. Meyer became a director at the MPI in Nijmegen in 2009, establishing a department of the psychology of language.
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