
Franco Montanari - Selected Publications#

Studi di filologia omerica antica. I and II, Biblioteca di Studi Antichi 19 and 50, Pisa 1979 and 1995.

I frammenti dei grammatici Agathokles, Hellanikos, Ptolemaios Epithetes. In appendice i grammatici Theopilos, Anaxagoras, Xenon, «Sammlung Griechischer und Lateinischer Grammatiker (SGLG)», Band 7, Berlin - New York, W. de Gruyter, 1988.

Zenodotus, Aristarchus and the Ekdosis of Homer, in: Editing Texts / Texte edieren, ed. by G.W. Most, “Aporemata” B. 2, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998.

Demetrius of Phalerum on Literature, in: Demetrius of Phalerum. Text, Translation and Discussion, Ed. by W.W. Fortenbaugh & E. Schütrumpf, “Rutgers Univ. Stud. in Class. Humanities” vol. IX, New Brunswick & London 2000.

Callimaco e la filologia, in: Callimaque, Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique, tome XLVIII. Entretiens préparés et présidés par Franco Montanari et Luigi Lehnus, Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres-Genève, 2002.

Alexandrian Homeric Philology. The form of the ekdosis and the variae lectiones, in: Epea Pteroenta. Beiträge zur Homerforschung, Festschrift für Wolfgang Kullmann zum 75. Geburtstag, hrsg. von M. Reichel und A. Rengakos, Stuttgart, Steiner, 2002.

Omero tremila anni dopo. Atti del Congresso di Genova, 6-8 luglio 2000, a cura di Franco Montanari (con la collaborazione di Paola Ascheri), Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2002 (rist. 2009).

The new Greek - Italian Dictionary GI -Vocabolario della lingua greca (Torino 1995; II ed. 2004; III ed. 2013, revised reprint 2016); Greek ed. 2013; English ed. 2015; German ed. 2022.

Storia della letteratura greca, Roma-Bari 1998, 2000; revised edition Roma 2015; a new ed. is coming soon; Greek transl. Thessaloniki 2008; II ed. 2017, Greek transl. of the new Italian ed. Thessaloniki 2017; English ed. History of Ancient Greek Literature, Berlin-Boston De Gruyter 2022).

He published more than 250 scientific works (articles and books) in various Italian and international journals and series.

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