Colin O'Dowd - Curriculum Vitae#
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid. com/rid/K-8904-2012


Scopus Author ID: [7006708207]
Source Scopus Res.ID ISI Google
Publications 358 264 703
Peer Review 266 260 272
Citations 13,613 13,113 13,163 19,532
h-index 60 57 57 71
10 Highly-cited papers,
Highly-Cited Researcher 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
6 Nature papers as senior author, 1 Science paper.
Average citations per article: 50.43
FUNDING: Colin O'Dowd has procured ~85 grants, worth €24M in competitive funding over 22 years.
Leadership (e.g. Management Committee or Coordinator) in many national and international large scale collaborative projects (e.g. MAP (Marine Aerosol Production, EC, €2.6M, 16 partners + 3 associate partners); PARFORCE (New particle formation and fate in the coastal environment; EC, €0.98M, 11 partners, 1997-2000). EUCAARI (European Integrated Project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality interactions - 47 partners); Chair -Aerosol & Cloud Joint Research Programme, FP6 NoE ACCENT (2003-2009, €11M – 39 partners); QUEST (Quantification of Nucleation in Europe) (2001-2004).
MENTORING & SUPERVISION: 19 PhD/MSc students graduated, 5 current, 5 international interns, 47 postdocs/researchers, and 18 visiting scientists. Member of Nature’s Mentoring Award Panel for Ireland (2015).
EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES: Journal of Geophysical Research – [Atmospheres]] Joint Editor-in-Chief from 2000-2008. He has been guest Editor of numerous journals. Current: Editorial Board member with Nature' Scientific Reports and Nature's Atmospheric Science and Climate Change journals.
Three-times Co-Chair of the International Committee on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, ex-officio Member of the International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation, Member of the RIA’s Climate Change Science Committee, member of the EPA Advisory Board appoint by the Minister for Environment.
DISSEMENATION & MEDIA ACTIVITIES: more than 90 media events (articles and TV/Radio interviews). See

Selected radio and video footage to look at:
(1) Newstalk, 19-December 2012 Prof O’Dowd on ash cloud research funded by ESA
(2) C-CAPS Short Film Common Issues Air Pollution & Climate Change