
Baskin Oran - Biography#

Baskin Oran is Professor emeritus of International Relations at Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Science.

As assistant professor, he was dismissed twice by ruling military juntas, in 1971 and 1982, and twice he returned to his job after courts reinstated him to his position, the second return after an interval of eight years.

Oran is the author of 16 books and about 70 scholarly articles in Turkish, English and French that deal with Turkey’s international relations, with nationalism and minority rights in Turkey and with human rights more generally, with religion-State relations, and with political satyre.

He is the author of the ‘Minority and Cultural Rights Report (2004) which set a milestone in Turkey’s debate on minority rights, even though it was disowned by the Turkish government which had commissioned it.

His edited two-volume Turkish Foreign Policy, 1919-2006, Facts and Analyses with Documents (published by University Press of Utah in one single volune in 2010) is the standard work for the study of the international relations of Turkey.

Oran is a regular columnist at the Armenian-Turkish newspaper "Agos" since 2000 and "Radikal Iki" since 2006. Oran was one of the four co-authors of "Apology from the Armenians" in December 2008, and one of the initiators of criminal complaints against three different Chiefs of General Staff for interfering in politics.

Please also consult: http://www.baskinoran.com

For Oran's works in other languages than Turkish please consult:

Books: http://baskinoran.com/eng/kitaplar_eng.php
Academic articles: http://baskinoran.com/eng/makaleler_eng.php
Newspaper articles: http://baskinoran.com/eng/yazilar_eng.php
Powerpoint presentations in conferences: http://baskinoran.com/eng/konferanslar_eng.php
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