Csaba Pál - Curriculum Vitae#
- 2002 PhD. Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest
- 1998 MSc Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest
2008- Group leader. Synthetic and Systems Biology Unit (www.brc.hu/sysbiol). Biological Research Centre. Szeged. Hungary
- 2007-2008 Visiting Scientist. Centre for Computational and Systems Biology. University of Trento
- 2005-2007 EMBO Postdoctoral fellowship. Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
- 2004-2005 Structural and Computational Biology Unit. EMBL, Heidelberg
- 2003-2004 Royal Society postdoctoral fellowship. University of Bath, UK
- 2015 Bolyai Award. The Bolyai Prize was established 15 years ago from private funds. The purpose was to acknowledge every two years the work of a Hungarian citizen or a person of Hungarian origin, who achieved internationally recognised results in the fields of scientific research, development, education of new generation of scientists, as well as the utilisation of these achievements in the Hungarian social and scientific community.
- 2015 ERC Consolidator Grant
- 2009 Ignaz Lieben Award. Aninternational award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences for young scientists working in the fields of molecular biology, chemistry, or physics. One laureate annualy.
- 2009 EMBO Installation Grant
- 2008 ERC Starting Grant
- 2004 Talentum Award of the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences
Editorial Board Membership
- Molecular Biology and Evolution, Biology Direct
Recent conference organization
- Cambridge 2016. Wellcome Trust Evolutionary Systems Biology: From model organisms to human disease
Total impact factor: 787
Total number of citations: 6000 Google Scholar
Complete publication list