Gianfranco Pacchioni - Biography#
Full CV
Gianfranco Pacchioni is vice-director of the Department of Materials Science and Director of the Solar Energy Research Center at the University of Milano Bicocca. He received the degree in Chemistry at the University of Milano (1978) and the Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the Freie Universität of Berlin (1984). He has been working at the IBM Almaden Research Center in California (1987) and at the Technical University of Munich (1993).
In his career he received several awards: Nasini Medal of the Italian Chemical Society (1994), National Price “Federchimica” (1996), Alexander von Humbold Award (2005); Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (2009). He has been Visiting Professor at: University of Barcelona (1998-1999), Fritz-Haber Institut of the Max Planck Society, Berlin (2005), University of Paris VI (2003, 2009, 2011), University of North Texas at Denton (2009).
He has been Chairman of the COST Action “Inorganic oxide surfaces and interfaces”, member of the scientific council of various foundations and consortia, and is Chairman of the Panel PE5 of the European Research Council for the Advanced Grants. He is coordinator of the PhD programme in Nanostructure and nanotechnology.
His main interest are the electronic structure and the theoretical description of oxides (bulk, surface, thin films), of supported metal clusters and their role in surface chemistry, catalysis, photocatalysis and energy production.
Gianfranco Pacchioni is author of more than 400 papers with about 14000 citations (h-index: 66) and has given more than 270 invited talks at international conferences and research institutions.