
Namik Kemal Pak - Publications#

Some Selected Publications: (Total number of Publications is about 100; total number of citations is about 1000)
  1. ‘t Hooft Bound State Equation: A View from two Gauges, Phys. Rev. D14, 3472 (1976)
  2. Chiral Solitions and Current Algebra, Ann. Phys. 117, 164 (1979)
  3. General New-Time Formalism in the Path Integral, Phys. Rev. 30A, 1629 (1984)
  4. Gauged Goldstone-Boson Effective Action from Direct Integration of Bardeen Anomaly, Nucl. Phys. B250, 279 (1985)
  5. Path Integral for Spin: A New Approach, Nucl. Phys. B429, 321 (1994)
  6. Radiative Polarized τ-Lepton Decay, Ann. Phys. 241, 416 (1995)
  7. Aharonov-Bohm Scattering in Chern-Simons Theory of Scalar Particles, Ann. Phys. 246, 347 (1996)
  8. Path-integral quantization and the construction of the S-matrix operators in the Abelian and non-Abelian Chern-Simons theories, J. Phys. A30, 3947 (1997)
  9. Higgs-strahlung in Abelian -extended Supersymmetric Standard Model, Phys. Lett. B439, 309 (1998)
  10. One-loop effects in supergravity models with an additional U(1), Phys. Rev. D57, 6609 (1998)
  11. Explicit CP Violation in the General Two-Higgs-Doublet Model with Real CKM Matrix, Phys. Rev. D 65, 075014 (2002).
  12. Effects of Fermion masses and twisting on non-integrable phases on compact extra dimensions, Nucl. Phys. B699,309 (2004)
  13. Dirac Leptogenesis and Anomalous U(1), Eur. Phys. J. C37, 507-510 (2004).
  14. The Neutralino Mass Correlation with the Charginos, Mod. Phys. Lett. A21, 1609-1624 (2006).
  15. General Tensor Lagrangians from Gravitational Higgs Mechanism, Classical and Quantum Gravity,26, 105018 (12pp) (2009).
  16. Deterministic Transformations of Multipartite Entangled States with Tensor Rank 2, Phys. Rev. A81, 012317 (2010).

Books (Edited) in High Energy Physics:
  • "The Standard Model and Beyond", Proceedings of the 2nd International Summer School in High Energy Physics; Springer Proceedings Series 118, Springer-Berlin Heidelberg New York; December 2007

Books on Science & Technology Policy:
  1. "East-West Technology Transfer-New Perspectives and Human Resources", Edited by, G. Bugliarello, N. K. Pak, Z.I. Alferov, J.H. Moore, NATO ASI Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1996.
  2. "Strategies of the International Scientific Cooperation in South-East Europe", Edited by, N. K. Pak, K. Simeonova, and E. Turkcan, NATO Science Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 30, IOS Press, The Netherlands,2000.
  3. "The Integration of Science-Technology Systems of the Central Asian Republics into the Western World", Edited by, N. K. Pak, P. Rambaut, NATO Science Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 39, IOS Press, The Netherlands, 2003.

Articles-Reports on Science & Technology Policy:
  1. N.K. Pak, Technology Transfer-Some General Remarks and Notes on Turkey, in, "East-West Technology Transfer-New Perspectives and Human Resources", Edited by, G. Bugliarello, N. K. Pak, Z.I. Alferov, J.H. Moore, NATO ASI Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
  2. N. K. Pak, and E. Turkcan, Some Issues of Techno-economic Developments in Turkey, in, "Barriers to International Technology Transfer", Edited by, J. Kirkland, NATO ASI Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol.11, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
  3. N. K. Pak, The New Intellectual Property System of Turkey, in "Intellectual Property and Global Markets", Edited by, A. Akhunov, G. Bugliarello, E. Corti, NATO Science Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 24, IOS Press, 1999.
  4. N. K. Pak, Changing Trends in Science Policy in the 20th Century, in, "Strategies of the International Scientific Cooperation in South-East Europe", Edited by, N. K. Pak, K. Simeonova, and E. Turkcan, NATO Science Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 30, IOS Press, 2000.
  5. N. K. Pak, Globalization and the Technological Divide; Opening remarks in, "The Integration of Science-Technology Systems of the Central Asian Republics into the Western World", Edited by, N. K. Pak, P. Rambaut, NATO Science Series 4: S&T Policy, Vol. 39, IOS Press, 2003.
  6. N. K. Pak, The Impact of ICT Revolution in Turkey-Tunneling Through Barriers, Perceptions, Vol. 6, No: 1 (March-May 2001), p. 5.
  7. N. K. Pak, Changing Concepts of National Security in the Post-Cold War Era and Turkish Defense Industry, Perceptions, Vol. 7, No:2 (June-August 2002), p. 102.
  8. K. Guruz, and N. K. Pak, Globalization, Knowledge Economy, Higher Education and National Innovation Systems: The Turkish Case, Presented at "Education, Lifelong Learning and Knowledge Economy Conference", Stuttgart, Oct. 9-10, 2002.
  9. K. Guruz, and N. K. Pak, The Turkish National Innovation System in the Making, Presented at the "Knowledge Economy Forum II", Helsinki, March 26-28, 2003.
  10. N. K. Pak, "The EU Enlargement and Science and Technology as a Leverage for Harmonization". Invited talk at the "Acceding and the Candidate countries and the FP6" conference, Bucharest, 12-13 Feb. 04(published in the DG-Research Website).
  11. N. K. Pak, E. Martuscelli, "Revitalizing the Barcelona Process", Mediterranean Magazine, No:2, page:4-10, Dec.2002.
  12. N. K. Pak, T. Tankut, T. Tumer, T. Gurkan, "The Turkish Science and Technology System vis-à-vis Europe", Foreign Policy, Vol.29, Nos.1-2, p.80-107, 2004.
  13. N. K. Pak, Background Report to the General report of the "OECD Country Review of National S&T Policy-Turkey", OECD 1995, ISBN 92-64-14641-5

Popular Science Articles:
  1. N. K. Pak, "Mikroevrenin Standart Modeli ve Süpersimetri", Bilim ve Ütopya 167, Mayıs 2008, s.22-31.
  2. D. A. Demir, N. K. Pak, "Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısından Beklentiler", Bilim ve Ütopya 172, Ekim 2008, s.51-56.
  3. N. K. Pak, "Mikro Evren için Yeni Paradigma: Kuantum Teorisi", Bilim ve Utopya 183, Eylül 2009, s.7-15.
  4. N. K. Pak, "Görelilik Kuramı-Işığın Gizemli Evreni", Bilim ve Ütopya 188, Şubat 2010, s.18-27
  5. N. K. Pak, "Evrenin Oluşumu", Bilim ve Ütopya 195, Eylül 2010, s.12-15
  6. D. A. Demir, N. K. Pak, "Büyük Patlama ve Evrenin Genişlemesi", Bilim ve Ütopya 195, Eylül 2010, s.16-21.
  7. N. K. Pak, "Doğanın Gizemli Nesnesi Antimadde-Kuantum Teorisi Özel Görelilik Teorisi ile buluşuyor", Bilim ve Ütopya 202, Nisan 2011, s.4-6.
  8. N. K. Pak, "Antimadde", Bilim ve Ütopya 202, Nisan 2011, s.7-15.
  9. N. K. Pak, "Tarih Boyunca Bilim Otorite Çatışması Perspektifinden GALILEO Vakası", Bilim ve Ütopya 211 , Ocak 2012, s.61-68
  10. N. K. Pak,"Kütle-Kapak Sunum", Bilim ve Ütopya 213, Mart 2012, s.13-14.
  11. N. K. Pak, "Kütle Kavramının Serüveni-Klasik Newton ve Einstein Teorilerinden Standart Kuantum Alan Modeline", Bilim ve Ütopya 213, Mart 2012, s.15-23.
  12. N. K. Pak, "NedenBilim", Bilim ve Ütopya 217, Temmuz 2012, s.51-58
  13. N. K. Pak, "Higgs Bulundu", Bilim ve Ütopya 218, Ağustos 2012, s.60-67.
  14. N. K. Pak, "Entropi: Makro Evrenin Gizemli Kavramı", Bilim ve Ütopya 221, Kasım 2012, s.9-14.
  15. N. K. Pak, "Higgs Bozonu: 2012’nin En Büyük Keşfi", Bilim ve Ütopya 223 , Ocak 2013, s.7-9.
  16. N. K. Pak, "Kuantum Teorisinin Paralel Evrenler Yorumu: Deterministik Dünya Görüşüne geri Dönüş mü?", Bilim ve Ütopya 234 , Aralık 2013, s.10-19
  17. N. K. Pak, "Fiziksel Zaman", Bilim ve Ütopya 247 , Ocak 2015, s.5-13
  18. N. K. Pak, M.Boz, "Fizikçi Bakışıyla Evren, Dünya, Yaşam ve Zamana Dair", Bilim ve Ütopya 247 , Ocak 2015, s.19-26

Interviews on Science-Technology Policies:
  1. N. K. Pak, "TÜBİTAK ve Bilim: Bir Kopuşun Tarihi", Bilim ve Ütopya 178, Nisan 2009, s.41-55
  2. "İz Bırakanlar-Bilim Dünyamızın Yüz Akı bir Aydın: Namık Kemal Pak", Bilim ve Ütopya 197, Kasım 2010, s.59-73
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