
Gabriela Pană Dindelegan - Selected Publications#

2021: author of the chapters 'Nouns and Adjectives', 'Relative Pronouns', 'Word formation' and co-editor of "The Oxford History of Romanian Morphology". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 544 pp.

2020: "Dinamică și variație. Studii de gramatică" (Dynamics and Variation. Grammar Studies), Vol 2. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 198 pp.

2018: "Dinamică și variație. Studii de gramatică" (Dynamics and Variation. Grammar Studies), Vol 1. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 476 pp.

2016: editor and major contributing author of "The Syntax of Old Romanian". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 691 pp.

2013: editor and major contributing author of "The Grammar of Romanian". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 656 pp.

2008: major contributing author of the Academy grammar "Gramatica limbii Române” (vol. 1, vol. 2). Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române.

1974: author of "Sintaxa transformațională a grupului verbal în limba română” [The transformational syntax of the verb phrase in Romanian]], Editura Academiei.

[NB: The 2018 and 2020 volumes collect and republish many of the individual studies on topics in the structure and history of the Romanian language that she has contributed over the years to specialist volumes and journals.]

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