
Joao S. Pereira - Selected publications#

Books (author/editor)
  • Pereira, J.S., J.M.C. Pereira, F.C. Rego, J. Silva & T. Silva 2006. Incêndios Florestais em Portugal: Caracterização, Impactes e Prevenção. ISAPress (ISBN 972-8669-17-8), Lisboa, Portugal, p. 515.

Chapters in books and papers in international scientific journals

  • Aires, L.M.I., C. Pio e J.S. Pereira 2007. The effect of drought on energy and water vapour exchange above a mediterranean c3/c4 grassland in portugal. Agric. For. Meteorol.:in press.
  • Pereira, J.S., J.A. Mateus, L.M. Aires, G. Pita, C. Pio, J.S. David, V. Andrade, J. Banza, T.S. David, T.A. Paco e A.M. Rodrigues 2007. Net ecosystem carbon exchange in three contrasting mediterranean ecosystems - the effect of drought. Biogeosciences. 4:791-802.
  • Jarvis, P.G., A. Rey, C. Petsikos, L. Wingate, M. Rayment, J.S. Pereira, J. Banza, J.S. David, F. Miglietta, M. Borgetti, G. Manca e R. Valentini 2007. Drying and wetting of mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: The “birch effect”†. Tree physiology. 27:929–940.
  • Otieno, D., M.W.T. Schmidt, C. Kurz-Besson, R. Lobo-do-Vale, J.S. Pereira e J. Tenhunen 2007. Regulation of transpirational water loss in quercus suber trees in a mediterranean-type ecosystem. Tree Physiology. 27:1179-1187.
  • David, T.S., M.O. Henriques, C. Kurz-Besson, J. Nunes, F. Valente, M. Vaz, J.S. Pereira, R. Siegwolf, M.M. Chaves, L.C. Gazarini e J.S. David 2007 Water use strategies in two cooccurring mediterranean evergreen oaks: Surviving the summer drought. Tree Physiology. 27:793-803.
  • Alves, A.A., N. Devy-Vareta, A. Oliveira & J.S. Pereira 2006. A floresta e o fogo através dos tempos. In Incêndios Florestais em Portugal: Caracterização, Impactes e Prevenção Eds. J.S. Pereira, J.M.C. Pereira, F.C. Rego, J. Silva and T. Silva. ISAPress, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 15-40
  • Pereira, J.S., A.V. Correia, A.C. Correia, T. Ferreira, N. Godinho, N. Onofre e H. Freitas 2006. Florestas e biodiversidade. In Alterações climáticas em Portugal. Cenários, impactes e medidas de adaptação Eds. F.D. Santos e P. Miranda. Gradiva, Lisboa, pp. 301-343.
  • David, T.S., J.H. Gash, F. Valente, J.S. Pereira, M.I. Ferreira e J.S. David 2006. Rainfall interception by an isolated evergreen oak tree in a mediterranean savannah. Hydrological processes. 20:2713-2726.
  • Kurz-Besson, C., D. Otieno, R.L. Vale, R. Siegwolf, M. Schmidt, A. Herd, C. Nogueira, T.S. David, J.S. David, J. Tenhunen, J.S. Pereira e M. Chaves 2006. Hydraulic lift in cork oak trees in a savannah-type mediterranean ecosystem and its contribution to the local water balance. Plant & Soil. 282:361–378.
  • Otieno, D., C. Kurz-Besson, J. Liu, M. Schmidt, R.d. Vale, T. David, R. Siegwolf, J. Pereira e J. Tenhunen 2006. Seasonal variations in soil and plant water status in a Quercus suber l. Stand: Roots as determinants of tree productivity and survival in the mediterranean-type ecosystem. Plant and Soil. 283:119-135.
  • Shvaleva, A.L., F. Costa e Silva, E. Breia, L. Jouve, J.F. Hausman, M.H. Almeida, J.P. Maroco, M.L. Rodrigues, J.S. Pereira e M.M. Chaves 2006. Metabolic responses to water deficit in two eucalyptus globulus clones with contrasting drought sensitivity. Tree physiology. 26:239- 248.
  • Werner, C., S. Unger, J.S. Pereira, R. Maia, T.S. David, C. Kurz-Besson, J.S. David e C. Maguas 2006. Importance of short-term dynamics in carbon isotope ratios of ecosystem respiration (d13 c) in a mediterranean oak woodland and linkage to environmental factors. New Phytologist. 172:330-346.
  • Hemming, D., D. Yakir, P. Ambus, M. Aurela, C. Besson, K. Black, N. Buchmann, R. Burlett, A. Cescatti, R. Clement, P. Gross, A. Granier, T. Grünwald, K. Havrankova, D. Janous, I.A. Janssens, A. Knohl, B. Köstner, A. Kowalski, T. Laurila, C. Mata, B. Marcolla, G. Matteucci, J. Moncrieff, E.J. Moors, B. Osborne, J.S. Pereira, M. Pihlatie, K. Pilegaard, F. Ponti, Z. Rosova, F. Rossi, A. Scartazza and T. Vesala. 2005. Pan-European d13C values of air and organic matter from forest ecosystems. Global Change Biology. 11:1065-1093.
  • Caldeira, M.C., A. Hector, M. Loreau and J.S. Pereira 2005. Species richness, temporal variability and resistance of biomass production in a Mediterranean grassland. OIKOS. 110:115-123.
  • Costa-e-Silva, F., A. Shvaleva, J. P. Maroco, M. H. Almeida, M. M. Chaves and J. S. Pereira. 2004. Responses to water stress in two Eucalyptus globulus clones differing in drought tolerance. Tree Physiology 24, 1165–1172
  • David, T.S., Ferreira, M. I., Cohen, S., Pereira, J. S. and David J. S. 2004. Constraints on transpiration from an evergreen oak tree in southern Portugal. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 122: 193–205
  • Cerasoli, S., Scartazza, A., Brugnoli, E., Chaves, M.M. and Pereira, J.S. 2004. The effects of a partial defoliation on carbon and nitrogen uptake and partitioning in two-year-old cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings. Tree physiology 24: 83-90
  • Cerasoli S., Maillard P., Scartazza A., Brugnoli E., Chaves, M.M. and Pereira, J.S. 2004. Carbon and nitrogen winter storage and remobilisation during seasonal flush growth in twoyear- old cork-oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings. Ann. Sci. For. 61: 721–729
  • Chaves, M. M., J. S. Pereira and J. Osório. 2004. Water use efficiency and photosynthesis. In M. Bacon (Ed.) Water Use Efficiency in Plant Biology. Blackwell Publishing, UK. pp. 42-74.

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