Godefridus Johannes Peters - Selected Publications#
Thomson-Reuter Web of Science evaluation: Citations: 33,917. The H-factor is 80
Scopus: Total citations: 35,490; h-index 82 (730 papers listed)
Google Scholar: Citations: 52,660 (since 2018: 16,364); H-factor 101 (since 2018, 48) and i10index 574 (since 2018: 270).
#26 in the list of top-cited scientists in the field of Pharmacology
Mendeley evaluation: Citations 29011 h-index 78, views 161K.
Research gate: Citations; 40,378, reads 158,638 H-index, 89; Research Interest Score 17.927 (higher than 99% of Research gate members).
Recent and major publications
Meskers C, Franczak M, Smolenski RT, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ (2022). Are we still on the right Path(way)?: the altered expression of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway in solid tumors and the potential of its inhibition in combination therapy. Exp. Opinion Drug Metab. Toxicol. 18:61-83.
This paper summarizes the role of tumor cell energy metabolism in drug resistance and how to develop new drugs. Forms a basis for the new research in Gdansk
Garajová I, Balsano R, Wang H, Leonardi F, Giovannetti E, Deng DM, Peters GJ (2021). The role of microbiome in drug resistance in gastrointestinal cancers. Exp. Rev. Anticancer Ther 21; 165-176.
Cited 9 times; This paper describes a novel aspect of the microbiome in drug resistance and is the start of a new research line
Honeywell RJ, Kathmann I, Giovannetti E, Tibaldi C, Smit EF, Rovithi MN, Verheul HMW,. Peters GJ (2020). Epithelial transfer of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors erlotinib, gefitinib, afatinib, crizotinib, sorafenib, sunitinib and dasatinib: implications for clinical resistance. Cancers 12(11):E3322. doi: 10.3390/cancers12113322.
This paper describes novel aspects on transport tyrosine kinase inhibitors and resistance
Peters GJ, Van Gemert PHA, Kathmann I, Reddy G, Cillessen SAGM, Jansen G (2020). Schedule-dependent synergy between the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Belinostat and the Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitor Pralatrexate in T-and B-cell Lymphoma Cells in vitro. Frontiers Cell Dev.Biol. 8; 577215;
A paper describing the role of epigenetics in synergistic combinations
Buckens OJ, El Hassouni B, Giovannetti E, Peters GJ (2020). The Role of Eph Receptors in cancer and how to target them: novel approaches in cancer treatment. Exp. Opion. Invest. Drugs 29; 567-581.
Cited 43 times; novel targets; formed the basis for a new research line
Jaramillo AC, Al Saig F, Cloos, J, Jansen G, Peters GJ (2018). How to overcome ATP-binding cassette efflux transporter-mediated drug resistance? Cancer Drug Resis 1; 6-29.
Cited 82 times. First paper in the inaugural issue of my new journal, Cancer Drug resistance
De Klerk DJ, Honeywell RJ, Jansen G, Peters GJ (2018). Transporter and Lysosomal Mediated (Multi)drug Resistance to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Potential Strategies to Overcome Resistance. Cancers 10(12), 503
Cited 46 times; Landmark paper on the role of lysosomes in drug resistance
Maus A, Peters GJ (2017). Glutamate and α-ketoglutarate: key players in glioma metabolism. Amino Acids 49; 21-32.
Cited 118 times. Role of metabolism in resistance.
Giovannetti E, van der Borden CL, Frampton AE, Ali A, Firuzi O, Peters GJ (2017). Never let it go: Stopping key mechanisms underlying metastasis to fight pancreatic cancer. Semin Cancer Biol. 44; 43-59.
Cited 104 times. Novel aspects on drug resistance in pancreatic cancer, a major research line
Ciccolini J, Serdjebi C, Peters GJ, Giovannetti E (2016). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of gemcitabine as a mainstay in adult and pediatric oncology: an EORTC-PAMM perspective. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 78; 1-12
Cited 154 times. A landmark paper on the role of pharmacogenetics in drug resistance
A Avan, TJ Postma, C Ceresa, A Avan, G Cavaletti, E Giovannetti, GJ Peters (2015) ...Platinum-induced neurotoxicity and preventive strategies: past, present, and future
The oncologist 20 (4), 411-432
Cited 243; became a hallmark paper in neurotoxicity
F Broekman, E Giovannetti, GJ Peters (2011) Tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Multi-targeted or single-targeted?
World journal of clinical oncology 2 (2), 80
Cited 243; one of the first paper comparing these drugs
IV Bijnsdorp, E Giovannetti, GJ Peters (2011) Analysis of drug interactions.
Cancer Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols, 421-434
Cited 250 times; became a major reference for analysis of synergism
Peters GJ, Van der Wilt CL, Van Groeningen CJ, Meijer S, Smid K, Pinedo HM (1994). Thymidylate synthase inhibition after administration of 5-fluorouracil with or without leucovorin; implications for treatment with 5-fluorouracil. J. Clin. Oncol. 12; 2035-2042.
Cited 233 times. One of the first papers describing the importance of thymidylate synthase in clinical resistance to 5-fluorouracil
Pinedo HM & Peters GJ (1988). 5-Fluorouracil: biochemistry and pharmacology. J. Clin. Oncol. 6: 1653-1664.
Cites 1055 times. This paper established my reputation in pharmacology of antimetabolites