
Svanibor Hubert Pettan - Selected Publications#


1) Kosovo Through the Eyes of Local Romani (Gypsy) Musicians: Study Guide and DVD. University of Ljubljana: 2015.

Edited books (as editor):

2) Glasba in etnične manjšine : (trans)kulturna dinamika v Sloveniji po letu 1991. [Music and ethnic minorities : (trans)cultural dynamics in Slovenia after the year 1991] University of Ljubljana: 2021.

3) Theory, Method, Sustainability, and Conflict: An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Vol. 1. Co-ed. with Jeff Todd Titon. Oxford University Press: 2019.

4) De-Colonisation, Heritage, and Advocacy: An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Vol. 2. Co-ed. with Jeff Todd Titon. Oxford University Press: 2019.

5) Public Ethnomusicology, Education, Archives, and Commerce: An Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, Vol. 3. Co-ed. with Jeff Todd Titon. Oxford University Press: 2019.

6) Applied Ethnomusicology: Historical and Contemporary Approaches. Co-ed. with Klisala Harrison and Elizabeth Mackinlay. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars: 2011.


7) "Negotiating the Personal and Professional: Ethnomusicologists and the Uncomfortable Truths". Co-auth. with Rebecca S. Miller, Anne K. Rasmussen, Margaret Sarkissian. Yearbook for Traditional Music 48 (2016), 86–203.

8) "Music of Minorities in National Contexts: Ten Research Models", Musicological Annual 55 (2019/2), 41–64.

9) "Ethnomusicology of the Individual: Vishnuchittan Balaji between Tradition and Innovativeness". Co-auth. with Lasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona. Musicological Annual 54 (2018/1), 107–122.

10) "Music in war, music for peace : experiences in applied ethnomusicology". Music and Conflict. Edited by John Morgan O'Connell and Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco. Urbana, University of Illinois Press: 2010.

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