
Zoran T. Popovski - Biography#

I am graduate biologist (9,78/10), MS in biochemistry - enzymology (9,66/10) and PhD in Agrobiotechnology (Molecular and Biochemical methods in agriculture and food sciences). I started my research career as a student in the middle of eighties (last century) when I established the NGO Young Researchers of Macedonia and organized summer research camps and actions with more than 300 students and few experienced researchers and professors per year. Later on, I formed and I was appointed as a director of the Research Station Katlanovo which worked with gifted children and students in life sciences. I am still active in the field named as science in school as a founder of the Creative Center Karposh - the unique NGO in the country dealing with gifted children for research.

I started to work voluntarily with the scholarship from the Ministry of Science as a junior researcher in the Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology as a part of the National Academy of Sciences and Arts, where I spent 9 years dealing with molecular techniques in human and veterinary medicine. In the meantime in 1992, I was elected as teaching lecturer for biochemistry and molecular biology at the Faculty of Agriculture (currently Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food). Between 1992 and 1999 I was working at the Academy as researcher and at the Faculty as lecturer. After that I moved completely at the Faculty where I established one of the best laboratories in the region for application of molecular tools in agriculture and food sciences. Since then, I can say that I am on a mission for spreading these modern techniques in different fields of crop and animal science and GMO control. That's why my papers are related to wide range of biological materials as sources of DNA and proteins. At the faculty I passed all levels in career starting from assistant via associate to full professor and head of the department for biochemistry and genetic engineering. As a professor since 2006 I am giving lectures at the faculties of pharmacy, technology, veterinary medicine and natural sciences in the frame of my Ss Cyril and Methodius University which is the biggest and the best ranked university in North Macedonia.

Up to 2020, I have published more than 60 original scientific papers predominantly in international journals, more than 50 professional papers and 55 abstracts from the presentations on the international events mostly as invited or keynote speaker and member of the scientific committee. I am a member of the editorial board of three international journals and reviewer in many other journals. In 2018 I was hosting the Nobel Prize winner Prof. Ferid Murat from USA who has an origin from North Macedonia and I was leading the commission for his promotion as emeritus professor.
From 2002 to 2006 I was State secretary for education and science in the Ministry elected by the government, when North Macedonia. But, I kept my position at the university and as part time employee I continued to give lectures.
After the mandate in the ministry, I was engaged as international expert in EU project in Bosnia and Herzegovina for two years dealing with re-composition of the governance in educational system in the country. Before that I was leading three international, one regional and many national research projects. Also, I was part of the projects during my staying in USA and Russia.

In last two decades, I realized research and teaching missions in many universities in Europe, Asia and America as follow in chronological order:

  • International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - Trieste, Italy 1992 (1 month) research fellow
  • International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - New Delhi, India 1999 (1 month ) research fellow *Tuscia University, Faculty of Agriculture - Viterbo, Italy 2000 (2 months) International Atomic Energy Agency Expert
  • Osaka Prefecture University - Graduate School of Agriculture, Osaka Japan 2001 (4 months) JICA fellow
  • University of Sarajevo, Faculty of agriculture and food processing, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007 (current), Visiting professor
  • Lund University, Faculty of Technology, Lund, Sweden 2010 (1 month) Visiting professor
  • Ohio State University, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, Columbus, Ohio, USA 2011/2012 (1 academic year) Fulbright Visiting Scholar
  • Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 2012 (one week) Visiting lecturer
  • Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA 2012 (one week) Visiting lecturer
  • Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia 2015 (current) Visiting professor

From 2003 to 2007 I was member of NATO scientific committee in EIPAC format, Advisory Board member of European Training Foundation and since 2017 EB member in COST. In the country I am president of the national GMO scientific committee.

In 1996 I was awarded by the Association of innovators for my contribution in the modernization of evaluation process at the university using my software, while in 2007 I was nominated for Commenius award from my country and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2019 I received award as a scientist of the year in the city where the university campus is.

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