
Francesco Profumo#

Laudatio by James Barber#

Professor Profumo is distinguished by his many contributions to electrical engineering and to higher education in both in Italy and within Europe. He was born in Savona, Italy, in 1953 and graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Torino Polytechnic in 1977. From 1978 to 1984, he worked as Senior Engineer for the R&D Ansaldo Group in Genova (Italy). In 1984 he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Politecnico di Torino, where he was Associate Professor until 1995. He is now Professor of Electrical Machines and Drives at the Politecnico and Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna.

He was Visiting Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) in the years 1986-88, at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Nagasaki University (Japan) (years 1996-97, for one semester), at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic) (year 1999, one month) and at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Technical University of Cordoba (Argentina) (year 2004 and 2005, one month). He was invited as a Guest Speaker in many Conferences and Symposia in US, China, Japan, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia.

His field of research interest is the clean tech and in his career worked on power electronics conversion, high power devices, applications of new power devices, integrated electronic/electromechanical design, high response speed servo drives, new electrical machines structures, power conditioning systems for fuel cells applications. He published more than 250 papers in international conferences and technical journals.

Dr.Profumo is an active member of the IEEE-IAS Drives Committee and he served as Chairman of the same Committee (2004-2005). He was also AdCom member of the IEEE PELS. He is member of the Technical Program Committee of several International Conferences in the Power Electronics and Motor Drives field and he was the Technical Co-Chairman of the PCC’02 in Osaka (Japan) in 2002.

Dr.Profumo won the IEEE-IAS second prize paper in 1991(USA) and in 1997 (USA), the IEEE- IAS first prize paper in 1992 (USA) and the JIEE-IPEC first prize paper in 2005 (Japan).

He was awarded by the Signum Aureurn Facultatis Mechanicae Universitatis Miskolciensis, July 1, 2000, University of Miskolc (Hungary), by the Honorary Professorship, University of Cordoba (Argentina), August 11, 2004, by the Honorary Doctor Degree, Technical University of Riga (Latvia), October 12, 2006, by the Honorary Doctor Degree, Politechnica of Bucarest (Romania), June 15, 2007 and by the Honorary Doctor Degree, University of Miskolc (Hungary), June 26, 2007 and by the Honorary Professorship, Jiao Tong University, Xi An (China), September 11, 2007.

From 2003 to 2005, Prof. Profurno was the Dean of the Engineering Faculty at the Politecnico di Torino and since October 2005 he has become Rector of the same. In his position as Rector is launched the Project Cittadella Politecnica, a new model of modern technical University with a strong integration of education, research, technology transfer, services and finance, realized in a new Campus (total investment over 500.000.000 €), with 18 private research centres and over 100 start up located in the Cittadella Politecnica.

Dr. Profumo is the Chairman of the CIVR (Italian Committee for the Research Evaluation) for the Industrial and information Technology Engineering Sector and is member of the Selection Committee of the ENI Awards.

He received the Gold Lyons in Torino, September 23, 2008 and he will be the Chairman of the G8 University Summit 2009 in Italy (May 2009).

Dr. Profumo is member of the Administration Board of several companies: Il Sole 24 (news paper company), UniCredit Private Bank and Fidia (machine tools company). He is the President of the Columbus Associations with more 50 Universities member from Latin America and Europe.

Professor Profumo has been the Coordinator and partner of several Projects in the frame V, VI and VII Frame Work Programmes.

He is Member of the Academy of Science in Italy (since 2007) and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Italy. He is therefore well qualified to be a member of Academia Europaea and we nominate him with enthusiasm.

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