
Anthony Patrick Michael Rabbit - Curriculum Vitae#


1961-1968. Funded as scientific staff by UK MRC and NIH Washington DC. Effects of Age on Visual Search, signal categorisation, working memory, patterned motor responses; Error correction and detection; programming motor responses.

1968-1982. University lecturer and College Fellow, Oxford. Funded by 5 grants from ESRC , MRC and Douglas Veal Trust research on Reaction Times; Repetition effects; response preparation and timing; Large Cross Sectional study of Cognitive Ageing.

1984-2004. Research Chair Manchester. Funded 20 year longitudinal study of 6504 elderly with grants (4) from MRC & ESRC. Additional grants for work on diabetes, visual attention, intelligence and video games; prolonged practice from MRC, (4) Nuffield (1) USA DARPA (1.)

Research on Use of Technology by Elderly; (3) Euro. Commission, 1989 through 1995)

Standardization of CANTAB automated neuropsychological test battery on elderly (Sandoz; 194-1997)

Effects of Anaesthesia on Cognitive Function of Elderly Surgical Patients (1994-1997) European Commission.

Problems of Elderly Drivers, (UK Dept of Transport 1998-2001) 2010. Oxford; Timing of responses and RT blocking. grant from E.P.S.



Parenavo, Dynamics of Stellar Systems

Parenovo “Meteorites

Bernstein Motor Control. (1959-1964 Pergamon Press)


Attention and Performance V (Ac, Press 1975)

Methodology of Frontal and Executive Systems )Psych. Press 1996)

Cognitive Ageing (Psych Press 2005).

Inside Psychology (Ox. U. Press 2010)

Cognitive Ageing (4 vol.) (Routledge, 2010).

Editor “Soviet Psychology” 1980-1984.

Editorial Board Quart J Exp Psych (1972-6)

Editorial Board “Aging: Experimental and Clinical Research 2004-current.

  • Hon. Sec. EPS 1972-1978
  • Chair Scientific Affairs Board BPS 1984-1987.
  • President EPS 1996-1998.

  • Undergraduate Syllabus drafting for Oxford Univ. 1968-1982; for Open Univ. 1979-1981
  • 1968-2004 43 successful, PhD students; + 2 withdrawals and 1 MSc.
  • 1968-2004 Obtained funding for 9 extremely successful Postdoctoral associates.
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