
Anthony Patrick Michael Rabbit - Publications#

10 selected publications over the last 5 years:

1. Rabbitt, P., Scott, M. Thacker, N. et al (2006) Losses in Gross Brain Volume and Cerebral Blood Flow Account for Age-Related Differences in Speed but Not in Fluid Intelligence Neuropsychology, 20, 549-557.

2. Rabbitt, P. Scott, M. Thacker, N. et al (2006). Balance marks cognitive changes in old age because it reflects global brain atrophy and cerebro-arterial blood-flow Neuropsychologia, 44, 1978-1983

3. Rabbitt, P. Scott,M., Lunn, M. et al (2007). White Matter Lesions account for all age related declines in speed but not in intelligence. Neuropsychology 21, 363-370.

4. Rabbitt, P., Mogapi, O., Scott, M. et al (2007). Effects of Global Atrophy, White Matter Lesions, and Cerebral Blood Flow on Age-Related Changes in Speed, Memory, Intelligence, Vocabulary, and Frontal Function Neuropsychology, 21, 684 95.

5. Rabbitt, P. Ibrahim, S., Lunn, M. (2008). Age-Associated Losses of Brain Volume Predict Longitudinal Cognitive Declines Over 8 to 20 Years. Neuropsychology,22.3-9.

6. Rabbitt, P. Lunn, M. Ibrahim, Cobain M and McInnes, M. (2008).Unhappiness, Health and Cognitive Ability in old age. Psychological Medicine, 38, 229-236.

7. Rabbitt, P., Lunn, M. & Wong, D. (2008). Death, Dropout and longitudinal measurements of cognitive change in old age. Journals of Gerontology, Section B. 63, 271-278.

8. Rabbitt, P., Lunn. M. Wong, D, Cobain, M. (2008) Age and Ability Affect Practice Gains in Longitudinal Studies of Cognitive Change The Journals of Gerontology, Section B. 63, 235-240.

9. Rabbitt, P, Lunn M. Pendleton, N., & Yardegafar, G. (2011). Terminal Pathologies affect Rates of Decline to different extents and Age accelerates the Effects of Terminal Pathology on Cognitve Decline. Terminal pathologies on rates of cognitive changes in old age. Journal of Gerontology, B. 66 (3): 325-331.

10..Rabbitt, P. (2011). Between-Individual Variability and Interpretation of Associations Between Neurophysiological and Behavioral Measures in Aging Populations. Psychological Bulletin, 137, 785-789.
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