
Sheena Radford - Biography#

Rising from a BSc in Biochemistry at Birmingham to becoming a Professor before the age of 40, now running a laboratory with 15 PhD students, 10 postdoctoral researchers and a total career grant income of over £65million to date, alongside being Director of the Astbury Society (with 70 PIs and 400 members), giving many lectures across the world and serving on numerous grant panels and scientific advisory boards. Areas of study: fundamental structural molecular biology, specifically in the measurement of how proteins fold and how misfolding causes some of the deadliest of human diseases; how outer membrane proteins (OMPs) are folded and assembled to create the outer membrane in Gram negative bacteria and how to target this process to combat antibiotic resistance. We use a wide repertoire of biophysical and biochemical approaches to these questions including native mass spectrometry, HX-MS and ion mobility MS, NMR, cryo-EM and single molecule force and fluorescence methods.

  • >310 peer-reviewed papers/book chapters; >19,450 citations; average citations per paper = 65; h index = 76. Five papers cited >500 times; 54 papers cited >100 times
  • >400 invited lectures at national and international conferences
  • >228 invited lectures at international conferences and >175 Invited lectures at national meetings and departmental seminars in the UK. In the last five years: > 40 lectures (14 lectures in the USA, 23 in Europe, 1 in Australia/Asia/Japan, 3 in Israel)

86 PhD students and 56 post-doctoral research assistants have been or are being supervised and many are still in regular contact

Over the last 5 years, I have organized 5 International meetings:
  • 2016 - The Astbury Conversation ‘Understanding Complex Macromolecular Systems from Sparse Data’
  • 2018 - The Astbury Conversation ‘Allostery in Biology’
  • 2019 – The Astbury@20 Celebration and Annual Lecture
  • 2019 - Protein Society Annual Symposium, Seattle, USA, June - July 2019
  • 2020 - The Astbury Conversation ‘Seeing into Cells’

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