
Anne Marie Rafferty - Selected Publications#

These papers demonstrate Anne Marie Rafferty’s breadth as a scholar and researcher both in method, study design and topic. Papers 1-6 are in the top 1% citation rankings for her field; 7-8 are 2-3% world citation ranking according to Scival. Her contributions to these papers is shown below.

(First paper in Europe to demonstrate linkage between nurse staffing and patient outcomes: PI for UK arm of study, gaining funding (National Institutes for Health) conceptualisation of the study, design and analysis and drafting paper)

1. Rafferty AM, Clarke SP, Coles J, Ball J, James P, McKee M, Aiken LH. (2007) Outcomes of Variation in Hospital Nurse Staffing in English Hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies 44: 175-182. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2006.08.003

Papers 2-5 and 7-8 Anne Marie Rafferty was PI for the UK in the multi-country studies and was involved in drafting the proposals; designing the study, data analysis and synthesis and leading the dissemination work package for the overall project for all papers.

2. Aiken LH, Sermeus W, Van den Heede K, Sloane, DM, Busse R, McKee M, Bruyneel L, Rafferty AM, Griffiths P, Moreno-Casbas MT, Tishelman C, Scott A, Brzostek T, Kinnunen J, Schwendimann R, Heinen M, Zikos D, Sjetne IS; Smith HL, Kutney-Lee A. (2012) Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States. BMJ, 344 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e1717

3. Aiken, L.H., Sloane, D.M., Bruyneel, L., Van den Heede, K., Griffiths, P., Busse., R., Diomidous, M,, Kinnunen, J., Kozka, M., Lesaffre, E., McHugh, M., Moreno-Casbas, M.T., Rafferty, A.M., Schwendimann, R., Tishelman, C., van Achterberg, T., Sermeus, W. (2014). Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. The Lancet, 383, 1824-1830. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62631-8

4. Ball JE, Murrells T, Rafferty AM, Morrow E, Griffiths P. (2014) Care left undone during nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of care. BMJ Quality and Safety, 23(2),116-25. Doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001767. Available at: http://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/early/2013/07/08/bmjqs-2012-001767.full.pdf+html

5. Ausserhofer D., Zander, B., Busse, R., Schubert, M., De Geest, S., Rafferty, A., Ball, J., Scott, A., Kinnunen, J., Heinen, M., Stromseng, S., Moreno-Casbas, T., Kozka, N., Lindqvist, R., Diomidous, M., Bruyneel, L., Sermeus, W., and Aiken, L.H., Schwendimann, R. (2013). Prevalence, patterns, and predictors of nursing care left undone in European hospitals: Results from the multicountry cross sectional RN4CAST study. BMJ Quality and Safety. Doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2013-002318. Available at: http://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/early/2013/10/25/bmjqs-2013-002318.full.pdf+html

(National capacity building programme funded by The Health Foundation. Anne Marie Rafferty was PI gained funding, led programme; conceptualised study, design, data analysis and drafted paper)

6. West E, Barron D, Rafferty A.M., Rowan K, Sanderson C. (2014) Nurse staffing, medical staffing and mortality in Intensive Care: An observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 51(5), 781-794. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020748914000340

7. Griffiths, P, Ball, JE, Murrells, T, Jones, S, Rafferty, AM, Registered nurse, healthcare support worker, medical staffing levels and mortality in English hospital Trusts: a cross sectional study, BMJ Open 2016: Feb 9: 6:2 BMJ Open 2016:6 http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/6/2/e008751

8. Griffiths P, Dall’Ora C, Simon M, Ball J, Lindqvist R, Rafferty AM, Schoonhoven L, Tishelman C, Aiken L.H. (2014). Nurses’ shift length and overtime working in 12 European countries: The association with perceived quality of care and patient safety. Medical Care, 52, 975-988.

9. (PI for study funded by NHS England: digital roll out in the NHS and currently being adopted by European Hospital Outcomes and Pathways Network for research in EU)

Rafferty AM Phillipou, J, Fitzpatrick, J Pike G Ball J et al, ‘The Development and testing of Culture of Care Barometer: a Mixed methods study’ BMJ Open2017;7:e016677. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016677

(Innovative historical analysis of current workforce policy: long term and enduring aspects of the nursing shortage and policy outcomes)

10. Rafferty AM 'Nurses as change agents; the politics of drift and dilution' Health Policy, Economics and Law

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