
Christopher Reynolds - Selected Publications#

Schumann contra Wagner: Beethoven, the F-A-E Sonata, and ‘Artwork of the Future’, in: Nineteenth-Century Music Review 17, 2021, 1-27

The Sanctification of Beethoven in 1827-28, in: The New Beethoven: Evolution, Analysis, Interpretation, ed. Jeremy Yudkin, Rochester/NY 2020

Alessandro Striggio’s Analysis of Cipriano de Rore’s Ancor che col partire, in: Journal of the Alamire Foundation 9, 2017, 197-218

Überlegungen zur Bedeutung von „Reworkings” in der Komposition von Rock-liedern,” in: Musik aus zweiter Hand / Second Hand Music, ed. Albrecht Riethmüller and Frédéric Döhl, in Spektrum der Musik 10, Laaber, 2017

Wagner, Schumann and the Lessons of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Berkeley 2015

Motive, Structure and Meaning in Willaert’s Motet Videns Dominus, in: Journal of Musicology 32, 2015, 328-45.

Documenting the Zenith of Women Song Composers: A Database of Songs Published in the United States and the British Commonwealth, ca. 1890-1930, in: Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 69, 2013, 671–687

Brahms Rhapsodizing: The Alto Rhapsody and Its Expressive Double, in: The Journal of Musicology 29, 2012, 190–237

Porgy and Bess: An »American Wozzeck«, in: Journal of the Society for American Music 1, 2007, 1–28

Interpreting and Dating Josquin’s Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae,” in: Early Musical Borrowing, ed. Honey Meconi, New York and London 2004

Motives for Allusion: Context and Content in 19th-Century Music, Cambridge/Mass. 2003

From Berlioz’s Fugitive to Godard’s Terrorist: Artistic Responses to Beethoven’s Late Quartets,” in: Beethoven Forum 8, 2000, 147-63.

Papal Patronage and the Music of St. Peter’s, 1380-1513, Berkeley 1995

Florestan Reading Fidelio, in: Beethoven Forum 4, 1995, 135-64

Aspects of Clerical Patronage and Musical Migration in the Renaissance, in: I Tatti Studies: Essays in the Renaissance 5, Florence, 1993, 245-64

The Counterpoint of Allusion in Fifteenth-Century Masses, in: Journal of the American Musicological Society 45, 1992, 228-60

The Representational Impulse in Late Beethoven, I: An die ferne Geliebte, in: Acta Musicologica, 60, 1988, 43-61

The Representational Impulse in Late Beethoven, II: String Quartet in F Major, Op. 135. in: Acta Musicologica, 60, 1988, 180-194

Musical Evidence of Compositional Planning in the Renaissance: Josquin’s Plus nulz Regretz, in: Journal of the American Musicological Society, 40, 1987, 53-81

A Choral Symphony by Brahms?, in: 19th-Century Music, 9, 1985, 3-25

Ends and Means in the Second Finale to Beethoven’s op. 30, no. 1, in: Beethoven Essays: Festschrift for Elliot Forbes, ed. Lewis Lockwood, Cambridge/Mass. 1984

Musical Careers, Ecclesiastical Benefices, and the Example of Johannes Brunet, in: Journal of the American Musicological Society, 37, 49-97

Beethoven’s Sketches for the Variations in Eb, op. 35, in: Beethoven Studies III, ed. Alan Tyson, Cambridge 1982

The Origins of San Pietro B 80 and the Development of a Roman Sacred Repertory, in: Early Music History, 1, 1981, 257-304

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