
Matthew Reynolds - Selected Publications#


2016 Translation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 150 pp. (Tanslated into Korean, Japanese, Slovenian and Arabic)

2013 Likenesses: Translation, Illustration, Interpretation. Oxford: Legenda, 250 pp.

2011 The Poetry of Translation: From Chaucer & Petrarch to Homer & Logue. Oxford: Oxford UP, 375 pp.

2001 The Realms of Verse 1830-1870. Oxford: Oxford UP, 325 pp.

(Co-authored and co-edited volumes)

2020 Creative Multilingualism. A Manifesto. Open Source Book, 334 pp.

2020 Prismatic Translation. Oxford: Legenda, 400 pp

2016 Minding Borders Resilient Divisions in Literature, the Body and the Academy. Lodnon: Routledge, 185 pp.

2015 Comparative Criticism: Theory and Methods (special issue of Comparative Critical Studies). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 150 pp.

2005 Dante in English. London: Penguin, 625 pp.

2013 New Work in Comparative Literature from Europe.(special issue of CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture)

2005 Dante in English. Penguin. London: Penguin.

1997. Manzoni’s The Betrothed and The Column of Infamy. London: Everyman.

Other media:

2019 Prismatic Jane Eyre: An Experiment in the Study of Translations (website; prismaticjaneeyre.org) (Interactive source of global translations of Jane Eyre)

2019 Babel Adventures in Translation (Exhibition and co-authored book)


2020 "Prismatic Translation and the Hum or Buzz of Tongues." In Sabiron, C, Chauvin, C, eds. :Traduction et Textualité / Translation and Textuality. Nancy: Presses Universitaire de Nancy.

2019 "Literatura w historii (i historii przekładów) (przeł. Z. Ziemann)." In Przekładaniec, Volume 36. Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, pp. 7-24.

2019 "Translating 'I': Dante, Literariness and the Inherent Multimodality of Language." In Boria, M, Carreres, A, Noriage-Sanchez, M, Tomalin, M, eds.: Translation and Multimodality: Beyond Words. London: Routledge.


2013 The World Was All Before Them. London: Bloomsbury

2009 Designs for a Happy Home: A Novel in Ten Interiors. London: Bloomsbury

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