Eduardo Rocha - Biography#

CNRS researcher. Director of UMR3525 (since 2023, joint-director 2018-22). President of the French National Committee CID51 (bioinformatics and modeling, 2012-6). Invited permanent member of the scientific councils of CNRS's institutes of Biology and of Computer Science (2013-6). Member of the scientific council of the GdR of Bioinformatics (since 2016). Director of the GdR of Bioinformatics (2010-2015). Co-coordinator of the CNRS RTP (2016-19).

PI Microbial Evolutionary Genomics lab (since 2008) at Pasteur Institute. Member of the Scientific Council of Institut Pasteur (since 2023). Director of the department of Genomes & Genetics (2019-23). Founder and associate director for research of the bioinformatics center (C3BI, 2014-7). President of the sub-committee of bioinformatics and modeling of the COMESP (2016-7).

Supervisor of 13 PhD students, 17 postdocs. Regular teaching in France and abroad. Over 40 PhD juries in France, Spain, UK, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, USA. Former mentees now PIs in US (Harvard, Rice), France (Pasteur, INRAE, CNRS) and elsewhere.

Currently Senior Editor for Molecular Biology and Evolution. Section Editor for MicroLife. Member of an ERC panel. Past Member of recruitment panels at Sorbonne U., U. Paris Cité, U. Aix-Marseille.

Editor and reviewer for numerous journals and financing institutions, e.g. ERC, ANR, NSF, BBSRC, NERC, Welcome Trust, DFG, DFF, NWO, Alexander von Humboldt.

Regular teaching at the MSc and PhD levels in many institutions, including U Saclay, Sorbonne U, U Paris, Institut Pasteur, ENS Ulm, ENS Lyon (France), Lisbon Technical U, Gulbenkian Institute (Portugal).

Author of over 170 scientific articles, cited over 28,000 times, h–index 82 (Google Scholar: user=vzCeMqwAAAAJ)

Invited speaker at 42 international conferences, including several FEMS, FEBS, ESEB, SMBE, Evolution, ISMB.

Author of 12 software programs for comparative genomics.

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