
Saket Saurabh - Biography#

Saket Saurabh is a professor (since 2013) of Computer Science at the University of Bergen and a faculty at Institute of Mathematical Sciences, since 2009. He is known for his work in algorithms and graph theory, especially in Parameterized Algorithms.

Publications. More than 140 articles in peer reviewed journals (including top academic journals in Computer Science and Mathematics like J. of ACM, SIAM J. Computing, J. Combinatorial Ser. B, ACM Transactions on Algorithms) and 220 articles in refereed conference proceedings (including the most prestigious Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence conferences FOCS, STOC, SODA, ITCS, SoCG, ICALP, IJCAI, AAAI). According to Google Scholar, Prof. Saurabh has 7508 citations to his work, 5003 of those are within the last 5 years. H-index 44.

Grants as PI: European Research Council (ERC) (Starting Grant and Consolidator Grant)

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