
Peter Scheepers - Selected publications#

H-index in Google Scholar is 40 (over 6000 citations); in Web of Science, H-index is 18.

Huijts, T., Sluiter, R., Kraaykamp, G. & Scheepers, P. (2014). Ethnic diversity and informal intra- and inter-ethnic contacts with neighbors in the Netherlands, Acta Sociologica, 57,1, 41-57.

Werts, H., Scheepers, P., Lubbers, M. (2013). Euroscepticism and radical right-wing voting in Europe 2002-2008, social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual characteristics determining voting for the radical right, European Union Politics, 14, 2, 183-205.

Reitsma, J., Pelzer, B., Scheepers, P., Schilderman, H. (2012). Believing and belonging in Europe 1981-2007: comparisons of longitudinal trends and determinants, European Societies,14, 4, 611-632.

Savelkoul, M., Gesthuizen, M., Scheepers, P. (2011). Explaining relationships between ethnic diversity and informal social capital across European countries and regions: tests of constrict, conflict and contact theory, Social Science Research, 40, 1091-1107 (32 citations).

Schlueter, E., Scheepers, P. (2010). The relationship between outgroup size and anti-outgroup attitudes: a theoretical synthesis and empirical test of group threat and intergroup contact theory, Social Science Research, 39, 2, 285-295 (126 citations).

Gesthuizen, M., Meer, T. van de, Scheepers, P. (2009). Ethnic diversity and social capital: tests of the Putnam thesis in European societies, Scandinavian Political Studies, 32, 2, 121-142 (165 citations).

Coenders, M. , Lubbers, M., Scheepers, P., Verkuyten, M. (2008). Two decades of changing ethnic attitudes in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Issues, 64, 2, 269-285 (68 citations)

Scheepers, P. & Grotenhuis, M. te (2005). Who cares for the poor in Europe? micro and macro determinants for alleviating poverty in 15 European countries, European Sociological Review, 21, 5, 453-465 (53 citations).

Lubbers, M., Gijsberts, M. & Scheepers, P. (2002). Extreme right-wing voting in Western Europe, The European Journal of Political Research, 41, 345-378 (467 citations).

Scheepers, P., Gijsberts, M. & Coenders, M. (2002). Ethnic exclusionism in European countries, public opposition to grant civil rights to legal migrants as a response to perceived ethnic threat, European Sociological Review,18, 1, 17-34 (470 citations).
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