
Carlos A. Scolari - Selected Publications#

BOOKS (Full list)

Scolari, C. A. (2023). On the Evolution of Media. Understanding media change. London: Routledge.

Scolari, C. A. (2022). La guerra de las plataformas. Del papiro al metaverso. Barcelona: Anagrama.

Scolari, C. A.; Fernández, J. L. & Rodríguez-Amat, J. R. (eds.) (2019). Mediatization(s) Theoretical conversations between Europe and Latin America. Bristol: Intellect.

Scolari, C. A. & Rapa, F. (2019). Media Evolution. Buenos Aires: La Marca.

Scolari, C.A. (ed.) (2015). Ecología de los medios. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Carlón, Mario & Scolari, C. A. (eds.) (2014) El fin de los medios masivos. El debate continúa (2nd ed.). Buenos Aires: La Crujía.

Scolari, C. A., Bertetti, P. & Freeman, M. (2014). Transmedia Archaeology: Storytelling in the Borderlines of Science Fiction, Comics and Pulp Magazines. New York: Palgrave.

Ibrus, I. & Scolari, C. A. (2012). Crossmedia Innovation. Texts, Markets, Institutions. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang.

Scolari, C.A. (2008). Hipermediaciones. Elementos para una teoría de la comunicación digital interactiva. Barcelona: Gedisa.

ARTICLES (Full list)

Scolari, C. A. (2022). Evolution of the media: map of a discipline under construction. A review. Profesional de la Información, 31(2). Published online: 2022-04-05.

Pires, F., Masanet M.-J., Tomasena, J.M. & Scolari, C.A. (2022). Learning with YouTube: Beyond formal and informal through new actors, strategies and affordances. Convergence. First Published March 28, 2022.

Pires, F., Masanet, M.J. & Scolari, C.A. (2019). What are teens doing with YouTube? Practices, uses and metaphors of the most popular audio-visual platform. Information, Communication & Society. Published online: 07 Oct 2019.

Scolari, C. A. & Rodríguez-Amat, R. (2018). A Latin American Approach to Mediatization: Specificities and Contributions to a Global Discussion About How the Media Shape Contemporary Societies. Communication Theory, 28(2), pp.131–154.

Scolari, C. A. (2018). Transmedia branding: Brands, narrative worlds, and the mcwhopper peace agreement. Semiotica. Published Online: 2018-07-20.

M,J., Guerrero-Pico, Masanet, M. & Scolari, C. A., (2018). Toward a typology of young produsers: Teenagers’ transmedia skills, media production, and narrative and aesthetic appreciation. New Media & Society. First Published September 7, 2018.

Scolari, C. A., Masanet, M, J., Guerrero-Pico, M. & Establés, M. J. (2018). Transmedia literacy in the new media ecology: Teens’ transmedia skills and informal learning strategies. El Profesional de la Información, 27(4), pp. 801-812.

Scolari, C. A. & Fraticelli, D. (2017). The case of the top Spanish YouTubers: Emerging media subjects and discourse practices in the new media ecology. Convergence, Online first, pp. 1-20.

Scolari, C. A. (2015). From (new)media to (hyper)mediations. Recovering Jesús Martín-Barbero’s mediation theory in the age of digital communication and cultural convergence, Information, Communication & Society 18 (9), pp. 1092-1107.

Scolari, C. A. (2014). Don Quixote of La Mancha: Transmedia Storytelling in the Grey Zone, International Journal of Communication 8, pp. 2382–2405.

Scolari, C. A. & Ibrus, I. (2014). Transmedia Critical: Empirical Investigations into Multiplatform and Collaborative Storytelling – Introduction / Special Section, International Journal of Communication 8, pp. 2191–2200.

Scolari, C. A. (2013). Media Evolution: Emergence, Dominance, Survival and Extinction in the Media Ecology, International Journal of Communication 7, pp. 1418–1441.

Scolari, C. A. (2013). Lostology: Transmedia storytelling and expansion/compression strategies, Semiotica 195, pp. 45-68.

Scolari, C. A. (2012). De las tablillas a las tablets: evolución de las eMagazines, El Profesional de la Información, January-February 22(1), pp. 10-17.

Scolari, C. A. (2012). Media Ecology: Exploring the Metaphor to Expand the Theory, Communication Theory 22 (2), pp. 204-225.

Scolari, C. A. (2012). Comunicación digital. Recuerdos del futuro, El Profesional de la Información 21 (4), pp. 337-340.

Scolari, C. A. (2009). Transmedia Storytelling. Implicit consumers, narrative worlds and branding in contemporary media production, International Journal of Communication 3, pp. 586 – 606.

Scolari, C. A. (2009). The sense of the interface: applying Semiotics to HCI research, Semiotica 177, pp. 1-27.

Scolari, C. A. (2009). Mapping conversations about new media: the theoretical field of digital communication, New Media & Society 11, pp. 943 – 964.

Scolari, C. A. (2009). Digital Eco_Logy: Umberto Eco and a semiotic approach to digital communication, Information, Communication and Society 12(1), pp. 129 – 148.

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