
Edwin Seroussi - Selected Publications#

Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue Music in Nineteenth-century Reform Sources from Hamburg: Ancient Tradition in the Dawn of Modernity, Jerusalem. 1996

In Search of Jewish Musical Antiquity in the 18th-Century Venetian Ghetto: Reconsidering the Hebrew Melodies in Benedetto Marcello’s Estro Poetico-Armonico, in: The Jewish Quarterly Review 93, 2002, H. 1-2, 149–200

Popular Music and Israeli National Culture, Oakland/Cal. 2004 (with Motti Regev)

Yam tikhoniyut: Transformations of the Mediterranean in Israeli Music, in: Mediterranean Mosaic: Popular Music and Global Sounds, hrsg. von Goffredo Plastino, New York / London 2003, 179–198

Music in Medieval Ibero-Jewish Society, in: Hispania Judaica Bulletin 5, 2007, 5–67

Incipitario sefardí: El cancionero judeo-español en fuentes hebreas (siglos XV-XIX), Madrid 2009 (with the collaboration of Rivka Havassy)

Sacred Song in an Era of Turmoil: Sephardic Liturgical Music in Southeast Europe at the Turn of the 20th Century, in: Musica Judaica 21, 2016, 1–64

Muslim-Jewish Sonic Encounters, in: Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations, ed. Josef Meri, London 2016, 429–448

Ruinas sonoras de la modernidad: La canción popular sefardí en la época post-traditional, Madrid 2019

Jüdische Musik, in: MGG Online (2020)

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