
Michel Sintzoff - Partial list of publications#

Roland Glück, Bernhard Möller, Michel Sintzoff: A Semiring Approach to Equivalences, Bisimulations and Control. RelMiCS 2009: 134-149 2008 20

Michel Sintzoff: Synthesis of Optimal Control Policies for Some Infinite-State Transition Systems. MPC 2008: 336-359 2004 19

Michel Sintzoff: Iterative Synthesis of Control Guards Ensuring Invariance and Inevitability in Discrete-Decision Games. Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl 2004: 272-301 2003 18

Michel Sintzoff: On the design of correct and optimal dynamical systems and games. Inf. Process. Lett. 88(1-2): 59-65 (2003) 1997 17

Martin Simons, Michel Sintzoff: Algebraic Composition and Refinement of Proofs. AMAST 1997: 494-508 1996 16

Sintzoff Michel, "Abstract verification of structured dynamical systems In Proc. Hybrid Systems III, Springer Verlag, 1996,pp.126-137, LNCS 1066", 1996

Michel Sintzoff: Editorial (Selected Papers from the Third International Conference on the Mathematics of Program Construction). Sci. Comput. Program. 26(1-3): 1-2 (1996) 1995 15

Michel Sintzoff: Abstract Verification of Structured Dynamical Systems. Hybrid Systems 1995: 126-137 1993 14

Sintzoff Michel, "Foreword Mural - A Formal Development Support System C.B. Jones, al.,London, 1991, Springer-Verlag pp. v-vi", 1993

Michel Sintzoff, Frédéric Geurts: Analysis of Dynamical Systems Using Predicate Transformers - Attraction and Composition. Analysis of Dynamical and Cognitive Systems 1993: 227-260 13

Michel Sintzoff: Endomorphic Typing. Formal Program Development 1993: 305-323 1991 12

Michel Sintzoff: Invariance and Contraction by Infinite Iterations of Relations. Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages 1991: 349-373 1989 11

Michel Sintzoff: The Scientific Engineering of Software. ICSE 1989: 258 1984 10

Michel Sintzoff: Bounded-Horizon Success-Complete Restriction of Inference Programs. ICLP 1984: 139-150 1981 9

N. Frances, Michael Rodeh, Michel Sintzoff: Distributed Termination with Interval Assertions. ICFPC 1981: 280-291 8

Michel Sintzoff: Editorial. Sci. Comput. Program. 1(1-2): 1-2 (1981) 1980 7

Michel Sintzoff: Suggestions for Composing and Specifying Program Design Decisions. Symposium on Programming 1980: 311-326 1979 6

Michel Sintzoff: Principles for Distributing Programs. Semantics of Concurrent Computation 1979: 337-347 5

Axel van Lamsweerde, Michel Sintzoff: Formal Derivation of Strongly Correct Concurrent Programs. Acta Inf. 12: 1-31 (1979) 1978 4

Michel Sintzoff: Ensuring Correctness by Arbitrary Postfixed-Points. MFCS 1978: 484-492 1976 3

Michel Sintzoff: Eliminating Blind Alleys from Backtrack Programs. ICALP 1976: 531-557 1975 2

Michel Sintzoff, Axel Van Lamsweerde: Constructing correct and efficient concurrent programsl, Proceedings of the international conference on Reliable software, 1975 doi: 10.1145/800027.808454

Michel Sintzoff: Calculating properties of programs by valuations on specific models, Proceedings of ACM conference on Proving assertions about programs, 1972 doi:10.1145/800235.807086

Adriaan van Wijngaarden, B. J. Mailloux, J. E. L. Peck, Cornelis H. A. Koster, Michel Sintzoff, C. H. Lindsey, Lambert G. L. T. Meertens, R. G. Fisker: Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 Acta Inf. 5: 1-236 (1975) 1971 1

Paul Branquart, Johan Lewi, Michel Sintzoff, Pierre Wodon: The Composition of Semantics in Algol 68. Commun. ACM 14(11): 697-708 (1971)

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