
Stanislaw Soltysinski#

A short laudatio by Joseph Straus#

Stanislaw Soltysinski is author or co-author of dozens of monographs and commentaries as well as of a great number of scientific publications — all together more than 250, out of them more than 80 in English, German, some in French, Spanish, Swedish and Korean language.

The main focus of his research and publication activities are the areas of company law, competition law and all areas of intellectual property, international trade law and arbitration. Among his publications are also essential works in the area of legal theory and general problems of Civil Law.

Stanislaw Soltysinski was one of the pioneers in his home country, who started to address topics in the area of intellectual property and competition law. Internationally, the candidate was one of the first who addressed the issue of protection of computer programs. Under the title "Computer Programs and Patent Law: A Comparative Study", which was published in Rutgers Journal of Computers and the Law (1973), pp. 1-82, he as the very first at an international level presented in an analytic and comprehensive way the overall situation in that then new area of law. In his study "Choice of Law and Choice of Forum in Transnational Transfer of Technology Transactions", published in Receuil des Cours, Vol. 196, Dordrecht/Boston, 1986, pp. 243-383, which presented the collection of his lectures at the Academy of International Law in the Hague, he again pioneered with a work, which found worldwide attention and has been reviewed in a great number of leading law journals, such as The American Journal of International Law, American Journal of Comparative Law, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Business Law or International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law. It would go much too far to make even a modest attempt to present more works of Stanislaw Soltysinski from the 70s and 80s, which have been devoted to such issues as international exhaustion of intellectual property rights, issues of patent licensing with special regard to the US law, etc.

Of particular importance are Stanislaw Soltysinski's activities especially in the area of company law after the return of his home country to democracy in 1989. Thanks to his preparations on such an event during his lecturing activities in the US, he was together with Professors A, Szajkowski and Professor J. Szwaja the author of the five volume commentary on "The Polnish Code of Commerce". In addition to his co-authorship of this most comprehensive commentary in Polnish language, he published in the area of company law some 30 articles, analyses and comments on court decisions. Based on this experience, he also was involved in research of the European company law. He was influential also at the European level, since the Attorney General Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Collmer referred to his work "The Rise and Decline of the Golden Share Concept in Privatized Companies" in: 30 Years of European Legal Studies at the College of Europe, Liber Professorum 1973/74, Brugge 2004, pp. 319-338, in the famous case European Commission against Germany.

It should be added that contributions and research work of Slanislaw Solysinski in the area of competition law has also attracted much attention. Mention should be made of his contributions "Der Nichtangriffseinwand im amerikanischen Patentlizenzrecht — Lear v. Adkins und seine Folgen", GRUR Int. 1974, 387-398; "US Antidumping Laws and State Controlled Economies", Journal of World Trade Law 1981, No. 3, pp. 251-265, as well as to "Price Competition Between Free Market and State Controlled Economy Enterprises", Swiss Review of International Competition Law 1985, pp. 5-29.

As demonstrated by his membership in a great number of most influential advisory bodies of the Polish Government and Parliament, and widely evidenced by his research work and publications, as well as national and international teaching and lecturing activities, Professor Soltysinski, by all standards has to be viewed as one of most prominent, distinguished and prolific academic lawyers with rich practical experience, not only in his home country Poland, but also in Europe and beyond.

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