
Stanislaw Soltysinski - Selection of publications focussed on foreign language publications#

Computer Programs and Patent Law: A Comparative Study, ,,Rutgers Journal of Computers and the Law" 1973, vol. 3, p. 1-82.

Der Nichtangriffseinwand im amerikanischen Patentlizenzrecht - Lear v. Adkins und seine Folgen, V ,,Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil“ 1974, No. 1 1, S. 387-398.

Les contrats concernant les projets d’invention, ,,Droit Polonais Contemporain” 1975, No. 1(25), s. 15- 26.

Benutzungszwang fur Warenzeichen in sozialistischen und kapitalistischen Landern wz Fonctions et protection des marques de fabrique dans les pays capitalistes et socialistes, ,,Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego. Prace z Wynalazczoéci i Ochrony Wlasnosci lntelektualnej" 1976, z. 7, s. 117-129.

Patent and Know-How Licenses in Polish Law: The Domestic and International Perspective, "International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law" 1977, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 228-249.

Die Problematik des Verbraucherschutzes in der Volksrepublik Polen, ,,Zeitschrift fur Verbraucherpolitik" 1978, No. 2, S. 50-65 (wspolnie z E. Letowska, Cz. Zulawskai J. Trojankiem).

The Role of Patents in the Developed Economies of East and West [in:] Innovation and Protection of Industrial Property, Budapest 1979.

The Impact of New Transnational Technology Transfer Control Systems on the International Patent System [in:] T. Nejad, I-I. Perlmutter (eds.), Controlling International Technology Transfers, Pergammon Press 1981, Chapter 4.

U.S. Antidumping Laws and State Controlled Economies, "Iournal of World Trade Law” 1981, No. 3, pp. 251-265.

The Application of U.S. Antidumping and Other Foreign Trade Competition Law on the So-Called State Controlled Economies [in:] Interface Two: Conference Proceedings on the Legal Framework of East-West Trade, Washington D.C. 1982, p. 169-201.

Patents and Innovations in the Developed Economies of East and West, ,,International Protection of Industrial Property", S. Soltysinski (ed.), Poznan 1983, vol. III, p. 21-32.

Price Competition between Free-Market and State Controlled Economy Enterprises: the Legacy of the Outboard Marine Corp. v. Pezetel Litigations, "Swiss Review of International Competition Law" 1985, p. 5-29.

Choice of Law and Choice of Forum in Transnational Transfer of Technology Transactions, Recueil des cours, Vol. 196 (1986-I), Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster 1986, p. 243-383.

Are Trade Secrets Property? "International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law" 1986, Vol. 17, No. 3, p. 331-356.

Strengthening Negotiating Capabilities in the Acquisition of Hardware and Software in Latin America, UNIDO IPCT, Vienna 1987, p. 1-14.

The U.S. Import Relief Laws and Trade with Centrally Planned Economies, ,,Florida International Law Journal" 1987, Vol. III, No. 1, p. 59-83.

Do Developing Countries Need Unfair Competition Laws? "Trademark World", Febiuary 1988, p. 16- 22.

The New Polish Statute on Combatting Monopolistic Practices, "Internationa1 Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law" 1988, Vol. 19,No. 1, p. 70-84.

The Proper Law of Know-how Contracts, "Po1ish Yearbook of International Law" 1988, vol. 17, s. 175-192.

Reflections on Legal Protection of Computer Software under Copyright Laws: A Comparative Study [w:] Mélanges Joseph Voyame, Lausanne 1989, p. 285-308.

La licence de brevet en droit international privé Polonais [in:] Actualités des Droits de Propriéte Intellectuelle dans les Pays de 1’Est (1989), p. 145-173.

Protection of Computer Programs: Comparative and International Aspects, "International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law" 1990, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 1-30.

Legal Protection for Computer Programs, Public Access to Infomation and Freedom of Competitive Research and Development Activities, "Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journa1” 1990, Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 447-474.

Legal and Structural Aspects of Privatization in Poland, ,,Florida International Law Journal" 1990, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 235-246.

Joint Ventures and Privatisation Law in Poland: Legal Framework, Practice and Political Controversies, Kluwer Law and Taxation Pub., Deventer 1991, Book Series: “Forum1ntemationa1e" Vol. 15.

Recent Trends in Contractual Practice Relating to Acquisition of Software in the United States of America and the EEC, UNIDO IPCT 139, May 16, 1991, Vienna, p. 1-42.

Legal Aspects of Trade between the West and East Countries, “Chung-Ang Journal of Legal Studies", Seoul 1991, Vol. 16, p. 275-281.

US and EEC Regulations Concerning Non-Market Economy Imports: A Comment on Recent Developments [in:] P. Demaret, J. Bourgeois, J. Van Bael (eds.), Trade Laws ofthe EEC and the USA in a Comparative Perspective, College of Europe No. 47, Bruges 1991, p. 99-106.

Dispute Resolutions in Intemational Technology Transactions [in:] "The Korean Forum on International Trade and Business Law" 1992, Vol. 1, p. 367-413 (opubl. takze wjezyku koreanskim w tym samym periodyku), Korean Intemational Trade Law Association, Seoul 1992.

Agreement on Association of Poland with European Communities (Legal and Economic Issues), "Po1ish Yearbook ofInternati0na1Law" 1991-1992, vol. 19, p. 179- 201.

Kodeks handlowy. Komentarz, t. I (wspélnie z A. Szajkowskim i J. Szwaja), Warszawa 1994, ss. 1198 [wprowadzenie, s. 1-203, objaénienia do ant. 75-111 (s. 491-615) i art. 122-142 (s. 672-715)].

Das polnische Recht des geistigen Eigentums: Eine Bewertung seines gegenwartigen Zustands und seiner geplanten Reform [in:] S. Breidenbach (1-lrsg.), Handbuch: Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa, Munchen 1994, S. 1-16.

Legal, Economic and Social Aspects of Privatization in Poland (1990-1993) [in:] K.P. Kreuzer (Hrsg.), Privatisierung von Unternehmen, Baden-Baden 1995, Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft fur Rechtsvergleichung, Bd. 167, S. 89-112.

Draft International Antitrust Code [in:] W. Fikentscher, U. Immenga (Hrsg.) (co-authors: J. Drexl, W, Fikentscher, E.M. Fox, A. Heineinann, U. Immenga, H.P. Kunz-Hallstein, E.-U.Petersmann, W.R. Schluep, A. Shoda, L.A. Sullivan), Baden-Baden 1995, S. 53-110.

Kodeks handlowy. Komentarz, t. I1 (wspolnie z A. Szajkowskim i J. Szwaja), Warszawa 1996, ss. 1378 [objasnienia do art. 307-365 (s. 1-436) i art. 431-443 (s. 916-1021)].

International Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights under the TRIPs, the EC Law and the Europe Agreements, "Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil" 1996, No. 4, S. 316- 326.

Antitrust Laws in a Country in Transition: the Polish Experience [in:] H. Ullricli (ed.), Comparative Competition Law: Approaching an International System of Antitrust Law, Baden-Baden 1998, p. 203- 216.

Reform of Polish Company Law [in:] B. Grossfeld, R. Sack, T. Mollers, J. Drexl, A. Heinemann (Hrsg.), Festschrift fur Wolfgang Fikentscher zum 70. Geburtstag, Tiibingen 1998, p. 419-433.

Transfer of Legal Systems as Seen by the "Import Countries": A View from Warsaw [in:] U. Drobnig, KJ. Hopt, H. Kotz, E.J. Mestmacker (I—Irsg.), Systemtransformation in Mittel- und Osteuropa und ihre Folgen fur Banken, Borsen und Kreditsicherheiten, Ttlbingen 1998, S. 69-82.

Control of Mergers and Acquisition under Polish Law [in:] R. Zach (ed.), Towards WTO Competition Rules. Key Issues and Comments on the WTO Report on Trade and Competition, Berne/The Hague/London/Boston 1999, p. 211-223.

Die Partrierschaftsgesellschait nach dem polnisclien Entwurf eines -Gesetzes aus rechtsvergleichender Perspective [in:] U.H. Schneider, P. Hommelhofi K. Schmidt, W. Timm, G. Grunewald, T. Diygala (Hrsg.), Festschrift fur Marcus Lutter zum 70. Gebuitstag, Koln 2000, S. 921- 934.

Sources of Foreign Inspiration in the Draft of the Polish Company Law (1999) [in:] T. Baums, K.J. Hopt, N. Horn (eds.), Corporations, Capital Markets and Business in the Law, Hamburg 2000, p. 533-544.

Die Vorschlage der Europaischen Kommission zur Harmonisierung des Europaischen Vertragsrechts aus der Sicht eines neuen Mitgliedstaats [in:] Russland im Kontext der internationalen Entwicklung: Internationales Privatrecht, Kulturgilterschutz, geistiges Eigentum, Rechtsvereinheitlichung. Festschrift fur Mark Moiseevic Boguslavskh, Berlin 2004, S. 711-717.

Coexistence between the tort of passing Off and Slavish Imitation in Polish Unfair Competition Law [in:] Intellectual Property in the New Millennium. Essays in Honour of William R. Cornish, Cambridge 2004, p. 189-201.

A Report on Selected Aspects of Legal Capital under Polish Code of Commercial Companies (wspolnie z prof Kidyba i prof Szumanskim) [wz] Das Kapital der Aktiengesellschaft in Europa [Zeitschrift fiir Unternehmens und Gesellschaftsrecht] (pod. red. prof M. Luttera), De Gruyter Recht-Berlin, 2006, ss. 694-716. [ISBN-13:978-3-89949-308-5; ISBN-10:3-$9949-308-7].

The Patent Reform Act and Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions — A Correction of Intellectual Property Policies?, in: Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont/Adelman/Brauneis/Drexl/Nack (Eds.), Patent and Technological Progress in a Globalized World, Liber Amicorum Joseph Straus, Heidelberg 2009, pp. 853-871.

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