
Benjamin Spector#

Membership Number:5546
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:FRANCE

Present and Previous Positions

  • 2015 - present Senior Researcher (Directeur de recherche), CNRS (Institut Jean Nicod)
  • 2015 - present Professor (Professeur attaché), Ecole Normale Supérieure
  • 2008 - 2015 Researcher (Chargé de recherche), CNRS (Institut Jean Nicod)
  • 2006 - 2008 Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows
  • 2003 - 2006 Lecturer ('Agrégé répétiteur'), Ecole Normale Supérieure

Fields of Scholarship
  • Linguistics
  • Cognitive science
  • Formal semantics and pragmatics
  • Experimental semantics and pragmatics
  • Philosophy of language
  • Logic

Honours and Awards
  • 2010, CNRS Bronze Medal
  • 2006, Junior Fellowship, Harvard Society of Fellows [From the Harvard Society of Fellows website (https://socfell.fas.harvard.edu/about): "The purpose of the Society is to give men and women at an early stage of their scholarly careers an opportunity to pursue their studies in any department of the University, free from formal requirements. They must be persons of exceptional ability, originality, and resourcefulness, and should be of the highest calibre of intellectual achievement, comparable to successful candidates for junior faculty positions at leading universities. These Junior Fellows are selected by the Senior Fellows, who with the President and Provost of the University, and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, ex officio, administer the Society. Those elected receive three year fellowships", .]

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