
Ljubisa Stankovic - Selected publications#

h-index 28
g-index 40
Total number of peer reviewed international journal publications 121.

LJ. Stankovic, T. Thayaparan, M. Dakovic, “Signal Decomposition by Using the S-Method with Application to the Analysis of HF Radar Signals in Sea-Clutter,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.54, No.11, Nov. 2006, pp.4332- 4342

LJ. Stankovic, “Performance analysis of the adaptive algorithm for bias-to-variance tradeoff”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.52, No.5, May 2004, pp.1228-1234.

M. Dakovic, T. Thayaparan, LJ. Stankovic, “Time-frequency based detection of fast maneuvering targets,” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2010.

LJ. Stankovic, “A method for time-frequency signal analysis”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol-42, No.1, Jan.1994.pp.225-229.

LJ. Stankovic, “Time-frequency distributions with complex argument”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.50, No.3 Mar.2002, pp.475-486.

LJ. Stankovic, V. Katkovnik, “Instantaneous frequency estimation using higher order distributions with adaptive order and window length”, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol.46, No.1, Jan.2000, pp.302-311.
T. Alieva, M.J. Bastiaans, LJ. Stankovic, “Signal reconstruction from two fractional Fourier power spectra”, IEEE Trans.on Signal Processing, Vol.51, No.1, Jan. 2003, pp.112-123.

LJ. Stankovic, V. Katkovnik, “The Wigner distribution of noisy signals with adaptive time-frequency varying window”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.47, No.2, Apr.1999, pp.1099-1108.

LJ. Stankovic, “Analysis of Noise in Time-Frequency Distributions”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.9, Sept.2002, pp.286-289.
I. Djurovic, LJ. Stankovic, J.F. Boehme, “Robust L-estimation based forms of signal transforms and time-frequency representations”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.51, No.6, June 2003.

LJ. Stankovic, J.F. Boehme, “Time-frequency analysis of multiple resonances in combustion engine signals”, Signal Processing, Vol.79, No.1, Nov.1999, pp.15-28.
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