
Martin Stokes - Selected publications#

The Arabesk Debate: Music and Musicians in Modern Turkey, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992 (2nd edition, with new author’s foreword, forthcoming 2012).

(Turkish translation, with new author's preface: Arabesk Olayı: Türkiye'de Müzik ve Müzisiyenler, İletişim, Istanbul, 1998; second edition)

The Republic of Love: Cultural Intimacy in Turkish Popular Music, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010.

(Turkish translation by Hira Doğrul with new author’s preface: Aşk Cumhuriyeti: Türk Popüler Müziğinde Kültürel Mahrem, Koç University Press, 2012)

Edited Collections: Ethnicity, Identity and Music: The Musical Construction of Place, Berg, Oxford, 1994 (2nd edition 1997).

Nationalism, Minorities and Diasporas: Identities and Rights in the Middle East, (eds. K. Schulze, M. Stokes and C. Campbell), Tauris Academic Studies, London, 1996.

Celtic Modern: Music on the Global Fringe, Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press, (ed. M. Stokes and P.V. Bohlman), 2004

Special Issues: Popular Music, vol. 15 no. 3, 1996, Middle East Issue (with R. Davis)

Music and Anthropology 11, 2006, Special Issue on Turkey (http://research.umbc.edu/eol/MA/index/number11/ma_ind11.htm)

Articles: ‘Adam Smith and the Dark Nightingale: On Twentieth-Century Sentimentalism’, Twentieth Century Music 3 no. 2, 2007, pp. 201-219.

‘On Musical Cosmopolitanism’, Macalaster International 21, Summer 2008, 3-26.

‘Four Reflections on Musical Globalization’, Musique et globalization: une approche critique. Filigrane: Musique, Esthétique, Société, 2012, pp. 91-99.

‘Musicians Between the Hegemonies: A Response’, Journal of Levantine Studies, 2 no. 2, Winter 2012, pp. 93-104.

Chapters: ‘Abd al-Halim’s Microphone’ in L. Nooshin (ed.), Music and the Play of Power: Music, Politics and Ideology in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, Ashgate Press, London, 2010, pp. 55-73.

‘“And After Love…”: Eurovision, Portuguese Popular Culture and the Carnation Revolution’ (co-authored with Luisa Pinto Teixeira), in Dafni Tragaki (ed.) Empire of Song: Europe and Nation in the Eurovision Song Contest, Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2013, pp. 221-239.

“Globalization and the Politics of World Music” in M. Clayton, T. Herbert, and R. Middleton (eds) The Cultural Study of Music (second edition), London, Routledge, 2012, pp. 106-116.

“How Big is Ethnomusicology?”, Musical Practices in the Balkans: Ethnomusicological Perspectives, eds., Dejan Desic, Jelena Jovanovic, Danka Lajic-Mihajlovic, Belgrade, Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences/Institute of Musicology, 2012, pp. 29-40.

“New Islamist Popular Culture in Turkey”, Kamal Salhi (ed.) for Music, Culture and Identity in the Muslim World: Performance, Politics and Piety, London: Routledge, 2013.

‘Afterword’ to Cambridge History of World Music, ed. P.V. Bohlman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 826-842.

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