
Chris Thornhill - Selected Publications#


1. The Sociology of Law and the Global Transformation of Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

2. A Sociology of Transnational Constitutions: Social Foundations of the Post-National Legal Structure (Cambridge University Press, 2016; paperback 2019) (Chinese 2018)

3. A Sociology of Constitutions: Constitutions and State Legitimacy in Historical-Sociological Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2011; paperback 2012) (Chinese 2018)

4. (co-editor, with Paul Blokker) Sociological Constitutionalism (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

5. (co-editor, with Mikael Rask Madsen) Law and the Formation of Modern Europe: Perspectives from the Historical Sociology of Law (Cambridge University Press, 2014).

6. German Political Philosophy. The Metaphysics of Law (Abingdon: Routledge, 2007) (Chinese 2010; Japanese 2011)

7. (co-editor, with Michael King) Luhmann on Law and Politics (Oxford: Hart, 2006).

8. (co-author, with Michael King) Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Politics and Law (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003) (Bulgarian 2007).


'Constitutionalism and Populism: National Political Integration and Global Legal Integration.' International Theory 12(1) (2019): 1-32.

'The Sociology of Law and Global Sociology.' Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47(6) (2019): 375-401.

(with Maria Smirnova), 'Litigation and Political Transformation: The Case of Russia.' Theory & Society 47(5) (2018): 559-593

‘The Citizen of Many Worlds: Societal Constitutionalism and the Antinomies of Democracy.’ Journal of Law and Society 45(4) (2018): 73-93.

(with Carina Calabria et al), ‘Legal Pluralism? Indigenous Rights as Legal Constructs.’ University of Toronto Law Journal 68(3) (2018): 440-493.

‘The Sociology of Constitutions.’ Annual Review of Law and Social Science 13 (2017): 493-513.

‘The Mutation of International Law: Thinking Sociologically about Political Constitutionalism.’ Modern Law Review 79(2) (2016): 207–247

(with Maria Smirnova), ‘A Sociological Approach to the Russian Constitution.’ Comparative Sociology 15(6) (2016): 747-793.

‘The Global Legal System and the Procedural Construction of Constituent Power.’ Global Constitutionalism 5(3) (2016): 405-442

‘Rights and Constituent Power in the Global Constitution.’ International Journal of Law in Context 10(3) (2014): 357-396.

‘Guilt and the Origins of Modern Law.’ Economy and Society 43(1) (2014): 103-135.

‘A Sociology of Constituent Power: The Political Code of Transnational Societal Constitutions.’ Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 20(2) (2013): 551-603.

‘Natural Law, State Formation and the Foundations of Social Theory.’ Journal of Classical Sociology 13(2) (2013): 197-221.

‘The Formation of a European Constitution: An Approach from Historical-Political Sociology.’ International Journal of Law in Context 8(3) (2012): 354-393.

‘The Dialectic of Constituent Power in Contemporary Constitutionalism.’ Global Constitutionalism 1(3) (2012): 369-404.

‘Political Legitimacy: A Theoretical Approach between Facts and Norms.’ Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 18(2) (2011): 136-69.

‘Re-conceiving Rights Revolutions: The Persistence of a Sociological Deficit in Theories of Rights.’ Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie / German Journal of Law and Society 31(2) (2010): 9-39.

‘Niklas Luhmann and the Sociology of the Constitution.’ Journal of Classical Sociology 12(1) (2010): 315-338 (Spanish 2012)

‘Towards a Historical Sociology of Constitutional Legitimacy.’ Theory & Society 37(2) (2008): 161-197

‘Niklas Luhmann, Carl Schmitt and the Modern Form of the Political.’ European Journal of Social Theory 10(4) (2007): 499-522

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