Emmanuel Trélat - Curriculum Vitae#
- Professor at Sorbonne Univ. since 2011. Member of the CaGE team, Inria Paris
- Director of Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (2015--2019). Director of Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (2020 - present)
- Professor, Univ. Orléans (2006 - 2011), Lab. MAPMO (now: Institut Denis Poisson)
- Creating member of the pole OPALE (OPtimisation et Applications aux Lanceurs Européens), gathering CNES, INRIA, ONERA, and academics (2005 - 2009). External member of COMMANDS team, Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP / INRIA Futurs (2006 - 2010)
- Assistant Professor (Maître de conférences), Univ. Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay) (2001 - 2006), Orsay, Laboratoire de Mathématique, team AN-EDP
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches (2005, Paris-Sud)
- PhD thesis, Univ. Bourgogne (2000), Dijon. Supervisor: B. Bonnard
- Agrégation de Mathématiques (1998)
- ENS Cachan (1995 - 1999)