
Jeannot Trampert - Selected Publications#

Probabilistic tomography maps chemical heterogeneities throughout the lower mantle
J Trampert, F Deschamps, J Resovsky, D Yuen
Science, 306, 853-856, 2004

Global phase velocity maps of Love and Rayleigh waves between 40 and 150 seconds
J Trampert, JH Woodhouse
Geophysical Journal International, 122, 675-690, 1995

Global azimuthal anisotropy in the transition zone
J Trampert, HJ van Heijst
Science, 296, 1297-1299, 2002

Robust normal mode constraints on inner-core anisotropy from model space search
C Beghein, J Trampert
Science, 299, 552-555, 2003

Model estimations biased by truncated expansions: possible artifacts in seismic tomography
J Trampert, R Snieder
Science, 271, 1257-1260, 1996

Global anisotropic phase velocity maps for fundamental mode surface waves between 40 and 150 s
J Trampert, JH Woodhouse
Geophysical Journal International, 154, 154-165, 2003

The effect of scattering in surface wave tomography
J Spetzler, J Trampert, R Snieder
Geophysical Journal International, 149, 755-767, 2002

Resolution analysis in full waveform inversion
A Fichtner, J Trampert
Geophysical Journal International, 187, 1604-1624, 2011

The Iceland - Jan Mayen plume system and its impact on mantle dynamics in the North Atlantic region: Evidence from full-waveform inversion
F Rickers, A Fichtner, J Trampert
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 367, 39-51, 2013.

Robust constraints on average radial lower mantle anisotropy and consequences for composition and texture,
RWL de Wit, J Trampert
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 429, 101-109, 2015
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