Karl Julius Ullrich - Major Publications#

1) Über die Abhängigkeit der Nierendurchblutung von Veränderungen des Herzminutenvolumens.
F. Parr u. K.J. Ullrich
Z. Min. Med. 151, 232-241 (1954)

2) Über Beziehungen zwischen Systolendauer und Dauer des Kammerelektrokardiogramms ("Hegglin-Syndrom").
G. Riecker u. K.J. Ullrich
Z. ges. exper. Med. 123, 279-293 (1954)

3) Das Druckvolumendiagramm des Warmblüterherzens. Isometrische Gleichgewichtskurven.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Riecker und K. Kramer
Pflügers Arch. 259, 481-498 (1954)

4) Untersuchungen zum Problem der Harnkonzentrierung und -verdünnung.
Über das osmotische Verhalten von Nierenzellen und die begleitende Elektrolytanhäufung im Nierengewebe bei verschiedenen Diuresezuständen.
K.J. Ullrich, F.O. Drenckhahn u. K.J. Jarausch
Pflügers Arch. 261, 62-77 (1955)

5) Untersuchungen zum Problem der Harnkonzentrierung und Harnverdünnung. Über die Verteilung von Elektrolyten (Na, K. Ca, Mg, Cl, anorganischem Phosphat), Harnstoff, Aminosäuren und exogenem Kreatinin in Rinde und Mark der Hundeniere bei verschiedenen Diuresezuständen.
K.J. Ullrich u. K.H. Jarausch
Pflügers Arch. 262, 537-550 (1956)

6) Über das Vorkommen von Phosphorverbindungen in verschiedenen Nierenabschnitten und Änderungen ihrer Konzentration in Abhängigkeit vom Diuresezustand.
K.J. Ullrich u. G. Pehling
Pflügers Arch. 262, 551-561 (1956)

7) Aktiver Natriumtransport und Sauerstoffverbrauch in der äußeren Markzone der Niere.
K.J. Ullrich u. G. Pehling
Pflügers Arch. 267, 207-217 (1958)

8) Wasserrückresorption und lonentransport durch die Sammelrohrzellen der Säugetierniere (Mikroanalytische Untersuchungen).
H.H. Hilger, K.D. Klümper u. K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 267, 218-237 (1958)

9) Das Verhalten des Harnstoffs in den Sammelrohren der Säugetierniere.
J.D. Klümper, K.J. Ullrich u. H.H. Hilger
Pflügers Arch. 267, 238-243 (1958)

10) Sekretion von Ammoniumionen in den Sammelrohren der Säugetierniere. K.J. Ullrich, H.H. Hilger u. J.D. Klümper
Pflügers Arch. 267, 244-250 (1958)

11) O2-Sättigung und Hb-Gehalt des Capillarblutes der Nierenrinde.
K. Kramer u. K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 267, 251-264 (1958)

12) Sekretion von Wasserstoffionen in den Sammelrohren der Säugetierniere.
K.J. Ullrich, F.W. Eigleru. G. Pehling
Pflügers Arch. 267, 491-496 (1958)

13) Glycerylphosphorylcholinumsatz und Glycerylphosphorylcholin-diesterase in der Säugetier-Niere.
K.J. Ullrich u. G. Pehling
Biochem. Z. 331, 98-102 (1959)

14) Funktion of the collecting ducts
Karl J.Ullrich Circulation 21, 869-874 (1960)

15) Wasser- und Elektrolytfluß im vasculären Gegenstromsystem des Nierenmarkes. Mit einem theoretischen Beitrag von R. Schlögl: "Salztransport durch ungeladene Porenmembranen".
K.J. Ullrich, G. Pehling u. M. Espinar-Latente
Pflügers Arch. 273, 562-572 (1961)

16) Hämoglobinkonzentration, Erythrocytenzahl und Hämatokrit im vasa recta Blut.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Pehling und H. Stöckle
Pflügers Arch. 273, 573-578 (1961) 17) Glucose- und Milchsäurekonzentration an der Spitze des vasculären Gegenstromsystems im Nierenmark. R. Ruiz-Guinazu, G. Pehling, G. Rumrich u. K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 274, 311-317 (1961)

18) Present knowledge of the counter-current System in the mammalian kidney. Review. K.J. Ullrich, K. Krämer and J.W. Boylan
Progr. Cardiovasc. Dis. 3, 395-431, 1961
See lit 85 , Citation classic.

19) Micropuncture study of composition of proximal and distal tubular fluid in rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, B. Schmidt-Nielsen, R. O'Dell, G. Pehling, C.W. Gottschalk, W.E. Lassiter and M. Mylle
Amer. J. Physiol 204, 527-531 (1963)

20) Micropuncture study of composition of loop of Henle fluid in desert rodents.
C.W. Gottschalk, W.E. Lassiter, M. Mylle, K.J. Ullrich, B. Schmidt-Nielsen, R. O'Dell and G. Pehling
Amer. J. Physiol 204, 532-535 (1963)

21) Transtubular electrochemical potentials of sodium and chloride in proximal and distal renal tubules of rats during antidiuresis and water diuresis (Diabetes insipidus).
M. Kashgarian, H. Stöckle, C.W. Gottschalk, K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich
Pflügers Arch. 277, 89-106 (1963)

22) Micropuncture analysis of the behavior of potassium ions in rat renal cortical tubules.
D.J. Marsh, K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich
Pflügers Arch. 271, 107-119 (1963)

23) Kidney,water and electrolyte metabolism Review
K.J.Ullrich and D. Marsh
Annual Rev. Physiol. 25, 91-142,1963.

24) Mikropunktionsuntersuchungen über die Flüssigkeitsrückresorption aus den einzelnen Tubulusab schnitten bei Wasserdiurese (Diabetes insipidus).
K.H. Gertz, G.C. Kennedy u. K.J. Ullrich
Pflüger s Arch. 278, 513-519 (1964)

25) Wasserpermeabilität und transtubulärer Wasserfluß corticaler Nephronabschnitte bei verschiedenen Diuresezuständen.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich u. G. Fuchs
Pflügers Arch. 280, 99-119 (1964)

26) Ist Inulin zur Messung des Glomerulumfiltrates beim Warmblüter geeignet?
K. Baumann, H. Oelert, G. Rumrich u. K.J. Ullrich
Pflüger s Arch. 282, 238-241 (1965)

27) Wirkungsweise von Diuretica auf den transtubulären Transport von Natriumchlorid.
H. Holzgreve, A. Frick, G. Rumrich, M. Wiederholt u. K.J. Ullrich

34) Micropuncture experiments with saluretic sulfonamides.
KJ. Ullrich, K. Baumann, K. Loeschke, G. Rumrich and H. Stolte Arm. New YorkAcad. Sc. 139, 416-423 (1966)

35) Urea transport in the collecting duct of rats on normal and low protein diet.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and B. Schmidt-Nielsen Pflügers Arch. 295, 147-156 (1967)

36) The minimum requirements for the maintenance of sodium chloride reabsorption in the proximal convolution of the mamalian kidney. G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich
J. Physiol. 197, 69-70 P (1968)

37) Verhalten von CO^-Druck und Bicarbonat im Gegenstrom-system des Nierenmarks.
E. Uhlich, C.A. Baldamus und K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 303, 31-48 (1968)

38) Differenzierung zwischen aktiver und passiver Komponente des D-Glucosetransports am proximalen Konvolut der Rattenniere.
K. Loeschke, K. Baumann, H. Renschier und K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 305, 118-138 (1969)

39) Einfluß von Aldosteron auf den Natriumtransport in den Sammelrohren der Säugetierniere.
E. Uhlich, C.A. Baldamus u. K.J.
Ullrich Pflügers Arch 308, 111-126(1969)

40) Natriumtransport in den proximalen Tubuli und den Sammelrohren bei Variation der Natriumkonzentration im umgebenden Interstitium.
C.A. Baldamus, K. Hierholzer, G. Rumrich, H. Stolte, E. Uhlich, K.J. Ullrich u. M. Wiederholt
Pflügers Arch. 310, 354-368 (1969)

41) Einfluß von Calciumionen und antidiuretischem Hormon auf den trans-tubulären Natriumtransport in der Rattenniere.
K.J. Ullrich, C.A. Baldamus, E. Uhlich und G. Rumrich Pflügers Arch. 310, 369-376 (1969)

42) The transepitehelial urea transport in different segments of the mammalian nephron. K.J. Ullrich In: Progress in Nephrology, Proc. of the VIth Symposium of the "Gesellschaft für Nephrologie", held in Lausanne, 21-23 Sept. 1967, Ed. G. Peters and F. Roch-Ramel, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag 1969, p-49

42a) Micropuncture and microanalysis in kidney physiology.
K.J. Ullrich, E. Frömter and K. Baumann.
In: Laboratory Techniques in Membrane Biophysics. Eds. H. Passow and R. Stämpfli. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1969 p. 106-129.

43) Einfluß von Aldosteron auf den Ausstrom markierten Natriums aus den Sammelrohren der Ratte.
E. Uhlich, R. Halbach u. K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 320, 261-264 (1970)

44) Influence of luminal diameter and flow velocity on the isotonic fluid absorption and36 Cl permeability of the proximal convolution of the rat kidney.
H.W. Radtke, G. Rumrich, S. Klöss and K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 324, 288-296 (1971)

45) Lipid soluble weak organic acid buffers äs "Substrate" for pancreatic secretion.
I. Schulz, F. Ströver and K.J. Ullrich Pflügers Arch. 323, 121-140 (1971)

46) The role of bicarbonate and other buffers on isotonic fluid absorption in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, H.W. Radtke and G. Rumrich
Pflügers Arch. 330, 149-161 (1971)

47) Dual action of acetazolamide and furosemide on proximal volume absorption in the rat kidney.
H.W. Radtke, G. Rumrich, E. Kinne-Saffran and K.J. Ullrich
Kidney Int. l, 100-105 (1972)

47a. Reflection coefficient and permeaability of urea in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney: An application of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for a multicomponent System with active transport.
C. A. Baldamus, H. W. Radtke, G. Rumrich, F. Sauer and K. J. Ullrich.
J. Membrane Bioll: 377-390 (1972)

48) Permeability characteristics of the mammalian nephron. Review
K.J. Ullrich
In Handbook of Physiology, Sect. 8, Chapter 12, Renal Physiology, Eds. J. Orloff and R.W. Berliner, The American Physiological Society, Washington D.C. 1973, pp 377-398

49) Phenomenologic description of Na ,Cf and HCO-/ absorption from proximal tubules of the rat kidney.
E. Frömter, G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch 343, 189-220 (1973)

50) Effect of SH-, NH- and COOH-site group reagents on the transport processes in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, H. Fasold, S. Klöss, G. Rumrich, M. Salzer, K. Sato, B. Simon and J.X de Vries
Pflügers Arch. 344, 51-68 (1973)

51) Serum-induced Inhibition of isotonic fluid absorption by the kidney proximal tubule. I. Mechanism of Inhibition.
K. Sato and K.J. Ullrich
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 343, 609-614 (1974)

52) Serum-induced inhibition of isotonic fluid absorption by the kidney proximal tubule. II. Evidence that complements is involved.
K. Sato and K.J. Ullrich
Biochim. Biophys. Acta354, 182-187 (1974)

53) Specificity and sodium dependence of the active sugar transport in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 351, 35-48 (1974)

54) Sodium dependence of the amino acid transport in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 351, 49-60 (1974)

55) Mechanisms of inhibition of the proximal tubular isotonic fluid absorption by polylysine and other cationic polyamino acids.
K. Sato and K.J. Ullrich
J. Membrane Biol. 21, 311-334 (1975)

56) Renal proximal tubular buffer-(glycodiazine) transport. Inhomogeneity of local transport rate, dependence on sodium, effect of inhibitors and chronic adaptation.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and K. Baumann
Pflügers Arch. 357, 149-163 (1975)

57) Renal phosphate transport: Inhomogeneity of local proximal transport rates and sodium dependence.
K. Baumann, C. de Rouffignac, N. Roinel, G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich with the collaboration of P. Malorey
Pflügers Arch. 356, 287-297 (1975)

58) Renal tubular mechanisms of organic solute transport
Review, K.J. Ullrich
Kidney Int. 9, 134-148 (1976)

59) Active Ca2+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney.
Dependence on sodium- and buffer transport. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 364, 223-228 (1976)

60) Coupling between proximal tubular transport processes. Studies with ouabain, SITS and HCO3-free Solutions.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Capasso, G. Rumrich, F. Papavassiliou and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 368, 245-252 (1977)

61) Phosphate transport in the proximal convlution of the rat kidney. I. Tubular heterogeneity, effect of parathyroid hormone in acute and chronic parathyroidectomized animals and effect of phosphate diet.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 372, 269-274 (1977)

62) Phosphate transport in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney. II. 2+ Effect of extracellular Ca2+ and Application of the Ca2+ Ionophore A 23187 in chronic PTX animals.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 375, 97-103 (1978)

63) Phosphate transport in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney. III. Effect of extracellular and intracellular pH.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 377, 33-42 (1978)

64) Sodium reabsorption in the papillary collecting duct of rats. Effect of adrenalectomy, low Na+ diet, acetazolamide, HCO-3-free Solutions and of amiloride
K.J. Ullrich and F. Papavassiliou
Pflügers Arch. 379, 49-52 (1979)

65) Sugar, amino acid and Na cotransport in the proximal tubule. Review
K.J. Ullrich
Ann. Rev. Physiol. 41, 181-195 (1979)

66) Renal transport of organic solutes. Review
K.J. Ullrich
In: Membrane Transport in Biology, Chapter 8, IV A, Eds. G. Giebisch, D.C. Tosteson, H.H. Ussing. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1979, pp 413-448

67) Transport processes in the exocrine pancreas. Review
I. Schulz and K.J. Ullrich
In: Membrane Transport in Biology, Chapter 16, IV B, Eds. G. Giebisch, D.C. Tosteson, H.H. Ussing. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1979, pp 811-852

68) Prinzipien des epithelialen Transportes in Niere und Darm. Review
K.J. Ullrich, E. Frömter und H. Murer
Kim. Wochenschr. 57, 977-991 (1979)

69) Gedanken eines Physiologen zur Morphologie der Niere.
K.J. Ullrich
Medizin in unserer Zeit 3, 67 (1979)

70) Kapitel 10 "Niere". Lehrbuch
K.J. Ullrich
In: Kurzgefaßtes Lehrbuch der Physiologie. Hrsg. W.D. Keidel, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1979, 5 Aufl., 10.1-10.28

71) Kapitel 11 "Wasserhaushalt" Lehrbuch
K.J. Ullrich
In: Kurzgefaßtes Lehrbuch der Physiologie. Hrsg. W.D. Keidel, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1979, 5. Aufl., 11.1-11.12

72) Effect of inhibitors and the mechanisms of anion transport in the proximal renal tubule of rats
. E. Frömter and K.J. Ullrich
In: Anion and Proton Transport. Ed. W.A. Brodsky. Am. N.Y. Acad. Sei. 341, 97-110 (1980)

73) Sodium reabsorption in the superficial proximal tubule and papillary collecting duct of sham-operated and acutely hypophysectomized rats.
J. Ponec, K.J. Ullrich and F. Papavassiliou In: Hormonal Regulation of Sodium Excretion. Eds. B. Lichardus, R.W. Schriet, J. Ponec.
Elsevier/Norm-Holl. Biomed. Press, Amsterdam 1980, pp 143-147

74) Mode of Inhibition of the proximal renal transport processes.
K.J. Ullrich
In: Renal Pathophysiology - Recent Advances. Eds. A. Leaf, G. Giebisch, L. Bolis, S. Gorini, Raven Press, New York 1980, pp 121-128

75) Bicarbonate transport in the the papillary collecting duct
K.J.Ullrich and F. Papavassiliou in: Hydrogen transport in epithelia eds. I. Schulz, G. Sachs, J.G. Forte, K.J. Ullrich.
Elsevier/North-Holland. Biomed. Press Amsterdam 1980, pp 329-334

76) Active sulfate reabsorption in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney: Specificity, Na+ and HC03"dependence
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 383, 159-163 (1980)

77) Bidirectional active transport of thiosulfate in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 387, 127-132 (1980)

78) Effect of pH on renal phosphate transport.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Burckhardt H. Stern and H. Murer
In: Kidney and Body Fluids, Vol. 11. Ed. L. Takäcs, Pergamon Press 1981, pp 435-447

79) Bicarbonate reabsorption in the papillary collecting duct of rats.
K.J. Ullrich amd F. Papavassiliou
Pflügers Arch. 389, 271-275 (1981)

80) Sodium-coupled taurocholate transport in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney in vivo and in vitro.
F.A. Wilson, G. Burckhardt, H. Murer, G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich
J. Clin. Invest 67, 1141-1150(1981)

81) Renal transport of lactate.
H. Murer, M. Barac-Nieto, K.J. Ullrich and R. Kinne
In: Renal Transport of Organic Substances, Eds. R. Greger, F. Lang, S. Silbernagl, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1981, pp 210-223

82) Driving forces for the transport of organic solutes.
K.J. Ullrich
In: Renal Transport of Organic Substances, Eds. R. Greger, F. Lang, S. Silbernagl, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1981, pp 17-29

83) Recent progress in renal physiology: Tubular transport.
K.J. Ullrich
In: Proc. 8th Int. Congr. Nephrology, Advances in Basic and Clinical Nephrology, Athens, Eds. W. Zurukzoglu, M. Papadimitriou, M. Pyrpasopoulos et al., Karger, Basel 1981, pp 19-25

84) Present knowledge of the counter-current System in the mammalian kidney. Progr. Cardiovasc. Dis. 3, 395-431, 1961. This Week's Citation Classic
K.J. Ullrich, K. Kramer, J.W. Boylan
In: Current Contents, Clinical Practice 10, 1982, p 186

R.N. Weiner, R. Greger, E. Schlatter, F. Papavassiliou and K.J. Ullrich, Pflügers Arch. 394, 271-273 (1982)

93) Reabsorption of dicarboxylic acids from the proximal convolution of rat kidney. E. Sheridan, G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich Pflügers Arch. 399, 18-28 (1983)

94) Transport durch Zellmembranen Lehrbrief
K.J.Ullrich Lehrbrief zum Fernstudium Naturwissenschaften IV, Die Eukaryonten- Zelle. Hrsg.: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien an der Universität Tübingen, 1983, pp 1-65

95) Secretion and contraluminal uptake of dicarboxylic acids in the proximal convolution of rat kidney. K.J. Ullrich, H. Fasold, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss Pflügers Arch. 400, 241-249 (1984)

96) A stopped flow capillary perfusion method to evaluate contraluminal transport parameters of methylsuccinate from interstitium into renal proximal tubular cells. G. Fritzsch, W. Haase, G. Rumrich, H. Fasold and K.J. Ullrich, Pflügers Arch. 400,250-256(1984)

97) Contraluminal sulfate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. I. Kinetics, effects of K , Na , Ca ,H and anions. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss Pflügers Arch. 402, 264-271 (1984)

98) Reabsorption and secretion of dicarboxylates in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. K.J. Ullrich In: Secretion Mechanisms and Control.

99) 100) 101) 102) 103) 104 Tierschutz: 105) Eds. R.M. Case, J.A. Lingard, J.A. Young, Manchester University Press 1984,pp 115-119
Contraluminal transport of hexoses in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney in situ.
K.J. Ullrich and F. Papavassiliou
Pflügers Arch. 404, 150-156 (1985)

Contraluminal sulfate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. II. Specificity: sulfate-ester, sulfonates and amino sulfonates. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss Pflügers Arch. 404, 293-299 (1985) Contraluminal sulfate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney.

III. Specificity: disulfonates, di- and tri-carboxylates and sulfocarboxylates.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss Pflügers Arch. 404, 300-306 (1985)
Contraluminal sulfate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney.

IV. Specificity: salicylate analogs. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss Pflügers Arch. 404, 307-310 (1985)
Contraluminal sulfate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. V. Specificity: phenolphthaleins, sulfonphthaleins and other sulfo dyes, sulfamoyl-compounds and diphenylamine-2-carboxylates. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, S. Klöss and H.-J. Lang Pflügers Arch. 404, 311-318 (1985)
Gesundheit und Tierschutz.
Karl Julius Ullrich und Otto Detlev Creutzfeldt
Wissenschaftler melden sich zu Wort
Econ Verlag, Düsseldorf, Wien, 1985.
Kapitel 10 "Niere" Lehrbuch
K.J. Ullrich
In: Kurzgefaßtes Lehrbuch der Physiologie. Hrs. W.D. Keidel. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1985, 6. Aufl.

106) Kapitell "Wasserhaushalt" Lehrbuch
K.J. Ullrich
In: Kurzgefaßtes Lehrbuch der Physiologie. Hrsg. W.C. Keidel. Thime Verlag, Stuttgart 1985, 6. Auflage., 1-12

107) Approaches to the study of tubule transport functions. Review
K.J. Ullrich and R. Greger
In: The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Vol. l, Chapter 20, Eds. D.W. Seidin and G. Giebisch, Raven Press, New York 1985, pp 427-469 108) Contraluminal phosphate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich, F. Papavassiliou, G. Rumrich, and G. Fritzsch
Pflügers Arch. 405 (Suppl. 1), S106-S109 (1985) 109)

110) Dicarboxylic acid transport in the proximal renal tubule.
K.J. Ullrich, E. Sheridan, G. Rumrich.
In: Kidney Metabolism and Function. Eds.: R. Dzürik, B. Lichardus and W. Guder. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, 1985, pp 10-16
Inositol l,4,5-trisphosphate releases Ca2+ from a nonmitochondrial store site in permeabilized rat cortical kidney cells.
F. Thevenod, H. Streb, K.J. Ullrich and I. Schulz.
Kidney Int. 29, 695-702 (1986)

111) Contraluminal transport of small aliphatic carboxylates in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney in situ.
K.J. Ullrich and F. Papavassiliou.
Pflügers Arch. 407, 488-492 (1986)

112) Affinity labels äs Substrates for the anion transport Systems at the Contraluminal cell side of the renal proximal tubule.
In: Molecular Nephrology, Biochemical Aspects of Kidney Function, Eds. Z. Kovacevic, W.O. Guder, de Gruyter, Berlin 1987, 85-90 K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, H. Fasold and L. Zaki.
J. Clin. Chem. Clin, Biochem. 24, pp 684-685 (1986)

113) Ursachen großer und kleiner Irrtümer über die Funktion der Niere.
K.J. Ullrich
In: Irrtümer in der Wissenschaft. Hrsg. D. Czeschlik. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1987, pp 116-129

114) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. I. Kinetics, influence of cations, anions and capillary preperfusion.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, G. Fritzsch and S. Klöss.
Pflügers Arch. 409, 229-235 (1987)

115) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. II. Specificity: Aliphatic dicarboxylic acids.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, G. Fritzsch, and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 408, 38-45 (1987)

116) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. III. Specificity: Monocarboxylic acids.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 409, 547-554 (1987)

117) Contraluminal bicarbonate transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney.
K.J. Ullrich and F. Papavassiliou
Pflügers Arch. 410, 501-504 (1987)

118) Contraluminal transport Systems in the proximal renal tubule involved in secretion of organic anions.
K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich
Am. J. Physiol. 254, F453-F462 (1988)

119) Biotransformation and renal transport of xenobiotics and prevention of nephrotoxicity.
K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich
Bull. Mount Desert Island Biol. Labor. 27, 36-40 (Suppl. 1987-1988)

120) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. IV. Specificity: mono- and polysubstituted benzene analogs.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, and S. Klöss
Pflügers Arch. 413, 134-146 (1988)

121) Organic anion transport across the contraluminal membrane - dependence on sodium.
G. Burckhardt and K.J. Ullrich
Kidney Int. 36, 370-377 (1989)

122) Concluding Remarks
K.J. Ullrich
In: Hepatic Transport of Organic Substances. Eds. E. Petzinger, R. K.-H. Kinne, H. Sies, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1989, pp 405-410

123) Contraluminal organic anion and cation transport in the proximal renal tubule: V. Interaction with sulfamoyl- and phenoxy diuretics, and with ß-lactam antibiotics.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, and S. Klöss
Kidney Int. 36, 78-88 (1989)

124) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. VI. Specificity: Amino acids, their N-methyl-, N-acetyl- and N-benzoylderivates;





128) glutathione- and cysteine conjugates, di- and oligopeptides. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, Th. Wieland, and W. Dekant Pflügers Arch. 415, 342-350 (1989) Contraluminal renal anion and cation transport Systems: Interaction with fatty acids, eicosanoids, Krebs cycle intermediates, amino acids and analogues, cyclic nucleotides and steroid hormones. K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich In:"The Frontiers of Nephrology" (Excerpta Medica International Congress Series), honoring F. Sakai, Tokyo, Japan, 24-25 August 1989. Eds: R.W. Berliner, N. Honda and K.J. Ullrich, Eisevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, 1990, pp 55-65 Anion transport through the contraluminal cell membrane of renal proximal tubule. The influence of hydrophobicity and molecular Charge distribution on the inhibitory activity of organic anions. G. Fritzsch, G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich Biochim. Biophys. Acta 978: 249-256 (1989) Transformation ant transport: How does metabolic transformation change the affmity of Substrates for the renal contraluminal anion and cation transporters? K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, M.W. Gemborys and W. Dekant Toxicology letters:53: 19-27 1990) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. VII. Specificity: Cyclic nucleotides, eicosanoids. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, F. Papavassiliou, S. KlÖss and G. Fritzsch Pflügers Arch. 418, 360-370 (1991) Contraluminal para-aminohippurate (PAH) transport in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. VIII. Transport cf corticosteroids. K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, F. Papavassiliou and K. Hierholzer. Pflügers Arch. 418, 371-382 (1991)

129) Contraluminal transport of organic cations in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney. I. Kinetics of N -methylnicotinamide and tetraethylammonium; influence of K , HCO-,', pH; inhibition by aliphatic primary, secondary and tertiary amines and mono- and bisquarternary compounds. K.J. Ullrich, F. Papavassiliou, C. David, G. Rumrich and G. Fritzsch Pflügers Arch. 419, 84-92 (1991)

130) Epithelial Transport: An Introduction
K.J. Ullrich
In: Methods in Enzymology, Vol 191, Biomembranes Part V, Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Epithelial Cells, Eds. S. Fleischer and B. Fleischer, Academic Press, Inc. 1990, pp 1-4

131) Kidney: Microperfusion - Double-Perfused Tubule in Situ Review
K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich
In: Methods in Enzymology, Vol 191, Biomembranes Part V, Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Epithelial Cells. Eds. S. Fleischer and B. Fleischer, Academic Press, Inc. 1990, pp 98-107

132) Renal transport and nephrotoxicity
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, M.W. Gemborys and W. Dekant
In: Nephrotoxicity. Mechanisms, Early Diagnosis, and Therapeutic Management, Eds. Peter H. Bach, Neill J. Gregg, Martin F. Wilks, Ligia Delacruz. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 1991, pp 1-8

133) Transport of organic molecules
K.J. Ullrich
In: Nephrology, Ed. M. Hatano, Springer Verlag, Tokyo 1991, pp 1372-1375

134) Contraluminal transport of organic cations in the proximal tubule of the rat kidney.
II. Specificity: Anilines, phenylalkylamines (catecholamines), heterocyclic compounds (pyridines, quinolines, acridines)
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, K. Neiteler and G. Fritzsch
Pflügers Arch. 420, 29-38 (1992)

135) Renal contraluminal transport Systems for organic anions (paraaminohippurate, PAH) and organic cations (N -methyl-nicotinamide, NMeN) do not see the degree of Substrate ionization.
K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich Pflügers Arch. 421, 286-288 (1992)

136) Substrate specificity of the luminal Na -dependent sulphate transport System in the proximal renal tubule äs compared to the contraluminal sulphate exchange System.
C. David and K.J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 421,455-465 (1992)

137) Substrate specificity of the organic anion and organic cation transport system in the proximal renal tubule.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich and G. Fritzsch
Progress in Cell Research 2, 315- 321 (1992)

138) Tissue concentration and urinary excretion pattern of sulfofluorescein by the rat kidney.
U. Ammer, Yu. Natochin, and K.J. Ullrich
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol 3, 1474-1487 (1993)

139) Interaction of xenobiotics with organic anion and cation transport Systems in renal proximal tubule cells.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, C. David, and G. Fritzsch
In: Renal Disposition and Nephrotoxicity of Xenobiotics, Academic Press, Inc., 1993

140) Tierversuche in der Forschung
K.J. Ullrich
MPG-Spiegel l, 33-35 (1993)

141) Cisplatin nephrotoxicity: Site of functional disturbance and correlation to loss of body weight.
U. Ammer, Yu. Natochin, C. David, G. Rumrich and K.J. Ullrich
Renal Physiol Biochem. 16, 131-145 (993)

142) Renal transport mechanisms for xenobiotics: chemicals and drugs.
K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich
Clin. Investig. 71, 843-848 (1993)

143) Bisubstrates: Substances that interact with renal contraluminal organic anion and organic cation transport Systems.
I. Amines, piperidines, piperazines, azepines, pyridines, quinolines, imidazoles, thiazoles, guanidines and hydrazines.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, C. David and G. Fritzsch
Pflügers Arch. 425, 280-299 (1993)

144) Bisubstrates: Substances that interact with renal contraluminal organic anion and organic cation transport Systems.
II. Zwitterionic Substrates: dipeptides, cephalosporins, quinolone-carboxylate gyrase inhibitors and phosphamide thiazine carboxylates; nonionizable Substrates: steroid hormones and cyclophosphamides.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, C. David and G. Fritzsch
Pflügers Arch. 425, 300-312 (1993)

145) Specificity of transporters for 'organic anions' and 'organic cations1 in the kidney.
K.J. Ullrich
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1197, 45-62 (1994)

146) Polysubstrates: Substances that interact with renal contraluminal PAH, sulfate, and NMeN transport: Sulfamoyl-, sulfonylurea-, thiazide- and benzeneamino-carboxylate (nicotinate) compounds.
K.J. Ullrich, G. Fritzsch, G. Rumrich and C. David
J. Pharmacol. Experiment. Therapeut. 269, 684-692 (1994)

146a) Simple device for continuous measurement of fluorescent anions and cations in the rat kidney in situ. V. Rohlicek and K.J. Ullrich Renal Physiol. Biochem. 17: 57-61 (1994)

147) Morphine analogues: Relationship between chemical structure and interaction with proximal tubular transporters. Contraluminal organic cation and anion transporter, luminal H+/organic cation exchanger, and luminal choline transporter. K.J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich. Cell. Physiol Biochem. 5, 290-298 (1995)

147a) Concluding Remarks Karl J. Ullrich and Bruno Stieger in Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Liver Transport. Eds. Frank Wehner and Ernst Petzinger. Projekt Verlag Dortmund 1995. p. 161-167.

148) Transport interactions of different organic cations during excretion by the intact rat kidney F. Pietruck and K.J. Ullrich
Kidney International 47, 1647-1657 (1995)

149) Luminal transport System for H+/organic cations in the rat proximal tubule: Kinetics, dependence on pH, specificity äs compared with the Contraluminal organic cation transport System.
C. David, G. Rumrich and K. J. Ullrich
Pflügers Arch. 430, 477-492 (1995)

150) Interaction of diuretics with transport Systems in the proximal renal tubule.
Karl J. Ullrich.
In: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol. 117, Eds. R.F.Greger, H. Knauf, E. Mutschier. Springer, 1995,201-219.

151) Presentation of the 1995 A.N.Richards Award to Francois Morel
Karl J. Ullrich Kidney International 48, 2029-2030 (1995)

152) Presentation of the 1995 A.N.Richards Award to Maurice Burg
Karl J. Ullrich
Kidney International 48, 2032-2033 (1995)

153) Stereospecificity in contraluminal and luminal transporters of organic cations in the rat renal tubule.
A. A. Somogyi, G. Rumrich, G. Fritzsch and K. J. Ullrich
J. Pharmacol.Exp. Ther. 278: 31-36 (1996).

154) Luminal transport System for choline+ in relation to the other organic cation transport Systems in the rat proximal tubule.
Kinetics, specificity: alkyl / arylamines, alkylamines with OH, O, SH, NH2, ROCO, RSCO, and H2PO4- groups, methylaminostyryl, rhodamine, acridine, phenanthrene and cyanine compounds.
K. J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich.
Pflügers Arch. 432: 471-485 (1996).

155) Transport of xenobiotics in the mammalian kidney.
Karl J. Ullrich
In: Publikationen der Jung Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung Challenges in Medicine. Eds. W Siegenthaler und R.Haas. Thieme Verlag 1996. p.165-171.

156) Luminal transport step of para-aminohippurate (PAH): transport frorn PAH loaded proximal tubular cells into the lumen of the rat kidney in vivo.
Karl J. Ullrich and G. Rumrich.
Pflügers Arch. 433: 735- 743 (1997).

157) Arniloride-inhibitable Na+conductance in rat proximal tubule.
J.K. Willmann, M. Bleich, M. Rizzo, M. Schmidt-Hieber, K.J. .Ullrich and R. Greger.
Pflügers Arch. 434: 173-178 (1997).

158) Renal transporters for organic anions and organic cations. Review Structural requirements for Substrates.
Karl J. Ullrich
J. Membrane Biol.158: 95-107 (1997)

159) Interaction of alkyl/aryl-phosphonates, phosphonocarboxylates and di-phosphonates with different anion transport Systems in the proximal renal tubule.
K. J. Ullrich, G. Rumrich, T. R. Burke, S. P. Shirazi-Beechey and H. J. Lang.
J. Pharmacol.Exp. Ther. 283: 1223- 1229(1997)

160) Features of Substrates for interaction with renal transporters of organic anions and cations.
K. J. Ullrich.
Nova Acta Leopoldina 78:23-34 (1998)

161) History of renal physiology in Germany during the 19th Century.
K. Hierholzer and K. J. Ullrich
Am. J. Nephrol. 19: 243- 256 (1999)

162) Affmity of drugs to the different renal trransporters for organic anions and organic cations: In situ Ki values.
K. J. Ullrich.
In "Membrane Transporters as Drug Targets", G. L. Amidon and W. Sadee eds. Chapter 5. p 159-179, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York 1999.

163) Milestones in Nephrology: Investigations on the problem of urine concentration and dilution. Distribution of electrolites (Na,K,Ca, Mg, inorganic phosphate) urea, amino acids and exogenous creatinine in the cortex and medulla of the dog kidney under different states of diuresis.
Karl J. Ullrich and Karl-Heinz Jarausch.
Reprinted from Pflügers Arch. 262, 537-550 (1956). With comments by

164) Präsentation of the 1999 Volhard Medal to Eberhard Frömter.
K. J. Ullrich.
Kidney Blood Press. Res. 22: 179-183 (1999)

165) Aldosterone stimulates surface expression of NHE3 in renal proximal brush borders.
W. Krug F. Papavassiliou, U. Hopfer, K.J. Ullrich and M. Gekle
Pflügers Arch, Eur. J. Physiol. 446, 492-496 (2003)

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