
Antonio Vallecillo - Biography#

Antonio Vallecillo is Full Professor at the University of Málaga. His research interests include Model-based Software Engineering and Software Quality. Between 1986 and 1995 he was in the Computer Industry, working for Fujitsu and ICL both in Spain and in the UK. In 1996 he joined the University of Málaga where he leads the ATENEA research group on Software Modeling and Analysis. He has published more than 120 papers in top journals and conferences, and participated in 42 research projects, being the PI of 15 of them and raising more than 2MEur.

He is involved in different standardization activities within AENOR, UNE, ISO, ITU-T and the OMG, and has being the Spanish representative at IFIP TC2 and ISO SC7. He was the editor of 3 ISO/IEC and ITU-T international standards, and served as reviewer for NASA/JPL Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems on the Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems and the Future Mars Network Architecture projects (2004 - 2008).

He was the Organizing Chair of ECOOP’02 and TOOLS’10, General Chair of MODELS’13 and ECOOP’17, and initiated the ICMT and STAF conference series. He has served as PC Chair of seven international conferences, and sits in the Editorial Board of the SoSym and JOT journals. He was the keynote speaker at ICPE’11, QUATIC’19 and UYMK'20.

He was the Vice-President of Postgraduate and Doctoral studies at the University of Málaga (2012 - 2016), being also responsible the Lifelong-Learning (LLL) and Continuing Education (CE) courses, and for the University’s MOOCs program. He was also the Director of the University IT systems and services (1999-00). Between 2017 and 2020 he coordinated the Computer Science and Information Technologies area of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and since 2013 he serves as Assessor for the Australian Research Council (ARC). He has been the President of the Spanish Society on Software Engineering (SISTEDES) and since 2020 is Vice-President of the Spanish Society on Informatics (SCIE).

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