Louise Vet#

Louise Vet
Membership Number:6972
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:THE NETHERLANDS

Present and Previous Positions
  • 2019 - present Guest researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
  • 1999 Nov - 2019 Nov Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
  • 2003 March-Sept Visiting professor at Dept. Biology, Univ. Toronto, Canada
  • 1999 March-Sept Visiting professor at Dept. Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser Univ., Vancouver, Canada
  • 1999 - 2020 Special Chair: Professor in Evolutionary Ecology (WUR) (emeritus since May 2020)
  • 1997 - 1999 Professor in Evolutionary Ecology, Wageningen University
  • 1989 - 1997 Associate Professor (UHD), Lab. of Entomology, Wageningen University
  • 1984 - 1989 Assistant Professor (UD), Lab. of Entomology, Wageningen University
  • 1980 - 1984 PhD-student, Department of Ecology, University of Leiden
  • 1978 Sept - 1979 Sept Fulbright-Hays fellow at the Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of California, Riverside, USA

Fields of Scholarship
  • Ecosystem services
  • Biodiversity
  • Above-belowground interactions
  • Biological control
  • Community ecology
  • Behavioural ecology
  • Multitrophic interactions
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Sustainable agriculture

Honours and Awards
  • 2021 Honorary doctorate (Doctor honoris causa) from the University of Geneva
  • 2019 Knight in the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, one of the highest royal decorations
  • 2018 Honorary Membership of the British Ecological Society
  • 2018 Elected number 1 in the Sustainable 100, Netherlands “greenest thinkers and doers"
  • 2012 2012 Golden Pyramid State Prize for excellence in commissioning work in architecture
  • 2012 The 2012 Leibniz Kolleg Potsdam speaker
  • 2012 Invited keynote speaker on sustainable biobased economy, Science and Technology Symposium, Dutch (Royal) economic mission to Brazil. Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 2008 Invited sole keynote speaker for the 200-year anniversary of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (first woman speaker ever (200 years!) in the KNAW Science Division)
  • 2006 British Rank Prize for Nutrition (first Dutch ever)
  • 2004 Elected Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
  • 2002 Elected Member Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen)
  • 2000 Elected Member Teylers Tweede Genootschap, Haarlem
  • 1996 The 1996 Silverstein - Simeone Award of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
  • 1978 Fulbright-Hays competitive grant (Netherlands-America Commission for Educational Exchange)

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